Linking the Remote Sensing of Geodiversity and Traits Relevant to Biodiversity—Part II: Geomorphology, Terrain and Surfaces
Journal Article
Lausch, A., Schaepman, M. E., Skidmore, A. K., Truckenbrodt, S. C., Hacker, J. M., Baade, J., Bannehr, L., Borg, E., Bumberger, J., Dietrich, P., Gläßer, C., Haase, D., Heurich, M., Jagdhuber, T., Jany, S., Krönert, R., Möller, M., Mollenhauer, H., Montzka, C., Pause, M., …Thiel, C. (2020). Linking the Remote Sensing of Geodiversity and Traits Relevant to Biodiversity—Part II: Geomorphology, Terrain and Surfaces. Remote Sensing, 12(22), Article 3690.
The status, changes, and disturbances in geomorphological regimes can be regarded as controlling and regulating factors for biodiversity. Therefore, monitoring geomorphology at local, regional, and global scales is not only necessary to conserve geod... Read More about Linking the Remote Sensing of Geodiversity and Traits Relevant to Biodiversity—Part II: Geomorphology, Terrain and Surfaces.