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Dr DANIEL MUTIBWA's Outputs (3)

Communities, archives and new collaborative practices (2020)
Popple, S., Prescott, A., & Mutibwa, D. (Eds.). (2020). Communities, archives and new collaborative practices. Policy Press

This innovative book examines the changing relationship between communities, citizens and the notion of the archive. Archives have traditionally been understood as repositories of knowledge and experience, remote from the ordinary people who fund and... Read More about Communities, archives and new collaborative practices.

Community archives and the creation of living knowledge (2020)
Book Chapter
Popple, S., Mutibwa, D. H., & Prescott, A. (2020). Community archives and the creation of living knowledge. In S. Popple, A. Prescott, & D. H. Mutibwa (Eds.), Communities, archives and new collaborative practices (1—18). Policy Press

How do we move from an archival universe dominated by one cultural paradigm to an archival multiverse; from a world constructed in terms of ‘the one’ and ‘the other’ to a world of multiple ways of knowing and practicing, of multiple narratives co-exi... Read More about Community archives and the creation of living knowledge.

Rising beyond museological practice and use: a model for community and museum partnerships working towards modern curatorship in this day and age (2020)
Book Chapter
Mutibwa, D. H. (2020). Rising beyond museological practice and use: a model for community and museum partnerships working towards modern curatorship in this day and age. In S. Popple, A. Prescott, & D. H. Mutibwa (Eds.), Communities, archives and new collaborative practices (109—121). Policy Press

This chapter discusses effective ways to develop relationships between communities and museums around shared cultural agendas, practice and knowledge exchange. Through the lens of an eight-month pilot that emerged from the Pararchive project (http://... Read More about Rising beyond museological practice and use: a model for community and museum partnerships working towards modern curatorship in this day and age.