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Dr JAIMIE DAURE's Outputs (2)

The evolution of subsurface deformation and tribological degradation of a multiphase Fe-based hardfacing induced by sliding contact (2023)
Journal Article
Carrington, M., Daure, J., Utada, S., Ratia-Hanby, V., Shipway, P., Stewart, D., & McCartney, D. (2024). The evolution of subsurface deformation and tribological degradation of a multiphase Fe-based hardfacing induced by sliding contact. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 892, Article 146023.

Multiphase Fe-based hardfacing alloys, for example Tristelle 5183 Fe-21%Cr-10%Ni-7.5%Nb-5%Si-2%C in wt.%, are extensively used for tribological applications, including valves, bearings and drive mechanisms, where two surfaces are unavoidably subjecte... Read More about The evolution of subsurface deformation and tribological degradation of a multiphase Fe-based hardfacing induced by sliding contact.

Galling of stainless steels as a function of test conditions in an ASTM G196-type test setup – The role of temperature, rotational velocity, interrupted rotation and rotational distance (2023)
Journal Article
Daure, J. L., Kóti, D., Carrington, M. J., McCartney, D. G., Stewart, D. A., & Shipway, P. H. (2023). Galling of stainless steels as a function of test conditions in an ASTM G196-type test setup – The role of temperature, rotational velocity, interrupted rotation and rotational distance. Wear, 524-525, Article 204804.

Austenitic stainless steels have attractive properties for use in corrosive environments, but their use in components where motion under load is experienced (such as valves) is limited by their poor galling behaviour. Whilst stainless steels with imp... Read More about Galling of stainless steels as a function of test conditions in an ASTM G196-type test setup – The role of temperature, rotational velocity, interrupted rotation and rotational distance.