Under the weight of numbers: far from being speculative, corporate hedging should be encouraged and exempt from the proposed transaction tax
Journal Article
Judge, A., & Finavker, V. (2016). Under the weight of numbers: far from being speculative, corporate hedging should be encouraged and exempt from the proposed transaction tax. Treasurer,
Dr AMRIT JUDGE's Outputs (2)
A smoother ride: companies based in countries with bankruptcy procedures that favour creditors over shareholders have a greater incentive to hedge (2016)
Journal Article
Judge, A. (2016). A smoother ride: companies based in countries with bankruptcy procedures that favour creditors over shareholders have a greater incentive to hedge. Treasurer, 48-49In their seminal work, Nobel prize-winning economists Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller (M&M) argued that in a perfect capital market, where there are no taxes and no contracting costs, such as those associated with bankruptcy, a firm’s choice of f... Read More about A smoother ride: companies based in countries with bankruptcy procedures that favour creditors over shareholders have a greater incentive to hedge.