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Dr DAVID MALTBY's Outputs (3)

An ALMA survey of the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey UKIDSS/UDS field: High-resolution dust continuum morphologies and the link between sub-millimetre galaxies and spheroid formation (2019)
Journal Article
Gullberg, B., Smail, I., Swinbank, A. M., Dudzevičiūtė, U., Stach, S. M., Thomson, A. P., Almaini, O., Chen, C. C., Conselice, C., Cooke, E. A., Farrah, D., Ivison, R. J., Maltby, D., Michałowski, M. J., Simpson, J. M., Scott, D., Wardlow, J. L., & Weiss, A. (2019). An ALMA survey of the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey UKIDSS/UDS field: High-resolution dust continuum morphologies and the link between sub-millimetre galaxies and spheroid formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490(4), 4956-4974.

© 2019 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society We present an analysis of the morphology and profiles of the dust continuum emission in 153 bright sub-millimetre galaxies (SMGs) detected with ALMA... Read More about An ALMA survey of the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey UKIDSS/UDS field: High-resolution dust continuum morphologies and the link between sub-millimetre galaxies and spheroid formation.

Radio Spectra and Sizes of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array-identified Submillimeter Galaxies: Evidence of Age-related Spectral Curvature and Cosmic-Ray Diffusion? (2019)
Journal Article
Thomson, A. P., Smail, I., Swinbank, A. M., Simpson, J. M., Arumugam, V., Stach, S., Murphy, E. J., Rujopakarn, W., Almaini, O., An, F., Blain, A. W., Chen, C. C., Cooke, E. A., Dudzevičiūtė, U., Edge, A. C., Farrah, D., Gullberg, B., Hartley, W., Ibar, E., Maltby, D., …Wardlow, J. L. (2019). Radio Spectra and Sizes of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array-identified Submillimeter Galaxies: Evidence of Age-related Spectral Curvature and Cosmic-Ray Diffusion?. Astrophysical Journal, 883(2), Article 204.

© 2019 The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. We analyze the multifrequency radio spectral properties of 41 6 GHz-detected Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)-identified, submillimeter galaxies (SMGs), observed at 610... Read More about Radio Spectra and Sizes of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array-identified Submillimeter Galaxies: Evidence of Age-related Spectral Curvature and Cosmic-Ray Diffusion?.

High-velocity outflows in massive post-starburst galaxies at z > 1 (2019)
Journal Article
Maltby, D. T., Almaini, O., McLure, R. J., Wild, V., Dunlop, J., Rowlands, K., Hartley, W. G., Hatch, N. A., Socolovsky, M., Wilkinson, A., Amorin, R., Bradshaw, E. J., Carnall, A. C., Castellano, M., Cimatti, A., Cresci, G., Cullen, F., De Barros, S., Fontanot, F., Garilli, B., …Talia, M. (2019). High-velocity outflows in massive post-starburst galaxies at z > 1. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(1), 1139-1151.

We investigate the prevalence of galactic-scale outflows in post-starburst (PSB) galaxies at high redshift (1 < z < 1.4), using the deep optical spectra available in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey (UDS). We use a sample of ∼40 spectroscopically confirm... Read More about High-velocity outflows in massive post-starburst galaxies at z > 1.