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Professor MELANIE LENG's Outputs (12)

Holocene carbon dynamics at the forest – steppe ecotone of southern Siberia (2016)
Journal Article
Mackay, A. W., Seddon, A., Leng, M. J., Heumann, G., Morley, D., Piotrowska, N., Rioual, P., & Swann, G. E. (2017). Holocene carbon dynamics at the forest – steppe ecotone of southern Siberia. Global Change Biology, 23(5),

The forest–steppe ecotone in southern Siberia is highly sensitive to climate change; global warming is expected to push the ecotone northwards, at the same time resulting in degradation of the underlying permafrost. To gain a deeper understanding of... Read More about Holocene carbon dynamics at the forest – steppe ecotone of southern Siberia.

Astronomical constraints on the duration of the Early Jurassic Pliensbachian Stage and global climatic fluctuations (2016)
Journal Article
Ruhl, M., Hesselbo, S. P., Hinnov, L., Jenkyns, H. C., Xu, W., Riding, J. B., Storm, M. S., Minisini, D., Ullmann, C. V., & Leng, M. J. (2016). Astronomical constraints on the duration of the Early Jurassic Pliensbachian Stage and global climatic fluctuations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 455,

The Early Jurassic was marked by multiple periods of major global climatic and palaeoceanographic change, biotic turnover and perturbed global geochemical cycles, commonly linked to large igneous province volcanism. This epoch was also characterised... Read More about Astronomical constraints on the duration of the Early Jurassic Pliensbachian Stage and global climatic fluctuations.

Osmium isotope evidence for two pulses of increased continental weathering linked to Early Jurassic volcanism and climate change (2016)
Journal Article
Percival, L. M., Cohen, A., Davies, M., Hesselbo, S. P., Jenkyns, H., Leng, M. J., Mather, T., Storm, M. S., & Xu, W. (2016). Osmium isotope evidence for two pulses of increased continental weathering linked to Early Jurassic volcanism and climate change. Geology, 44(9), 759-762.

Large igneous provinces (LIPs) are proposed to have caused a number of episodes of abrupt environmental change by increasing atmospheric CO2 levels, which were subsequently alleviated by drawdown of CO2 via enhanced continental weathering and burial... Read More about Osmium isotope evidence for two pulses of increased continental weathering linked to Early Jurassic volcanism and climate change.

Mid Pleistocene foraminiferal mass extinction coupled with phytoplankton evolution (2016)
Journal Article
Kender, S., McClymont, E. L., Elmore, A. C., Emanuele, D., Leng, M. J., & Elderfield, H. (2016). Mid Pleistocene foraminiferal mass extinction coupled with phytoplankton evolution. Nature Communications, 7(1), Article 11970.

Understanding the interaction between climate and biotic evolution is crucial for deciphering the sensitivity of life. An enigmatic mass extinction occurred in the deep oceans during the Mid Pleistocene, with a loss of over 100 species (20%) of sea f... Read More about Mid Pleistocene foraminiferal mass extinction coupled with phytoplankton evolution.

Pliocene-Pleistocene evolution of sea surface and intermediate water temperatures from the Southwest Pacific (2016)
Journal Article
McClymont, E. L., Elmore, A. C., Kender, S., Leng, M. J., Greaves, M., & Elderfield, H. (in press). Pliocene-Pleistocene evolution of sea surface and intermediate water temperatures from the Southwest Pacific. Paleoceanography, 31(6),

Over the last 5 million years, the global climate system has evolved toward a colder mean state, marked by large amplitude oscillations in continental ice volume. Equatorward expansion of polar waters and strengthening temperature gradients have been... Read More about Pliocene-Pleistocene evolution of sea surface and intermediate water temperatures from the Southwest Pacific.

Scientific drilling projects in ancient lakes: integrating geological and biological histories (2016)
Journal Article
Wilke, T., Wagner, B., Van Bocxlaer, B., Albrecht, C., Ariztegui, D., Delicado, D., Francke, A., Harzhauser, M., Hauffe, T., Holtvoeth, J., Just, J., Leng, M. J., Levkov, Z., Penkman, K., Sadori, L., Skinner, A., Stelbrink, B., Vogel, H., Wesselingh, F., & Wonik, T. (in press). Scientific drilling projects in ancient lakes: integrating geological and biological histories. Global and Planetary Change, 143,

Sedimentary sequences in ancient or long-lived lakes can reach several thousands of meters in thickness and often provide an unrivalled perspective of the lake's regional climatic, environmental, and biological history. Over the last few years, deep... Read More about Scientific drilling projects in ancient lakes: integrating geological and biological histories.

Low-latitude Holocene hydroclimate derived from lake sediment flux and geochemistry (2016)
Journal Article
Parker, A. G., Preston, G. W., Parton, A., Walkington, H., Jardine, P. E., Leng, M. J., & Hodson, M. J. (2016). Low-latitude Holocene hydroclimate derived from lake sediment flux and geochemistry. Journal of Quaternary Science, 31(4), 286-299.

This study investigates hydrological responses to climatic shifts using sediment flux data derived from two dated palaeolake records in south-east Arabia. Flux values are generally low during the early Holocene humid period (EHHP) (∼9.0–6.4k cal a BP... Read More about Low-latitude Holocene hydroclimate derived from lake sediment flux and geochemistry.

A tale of two lakes: a multi-proxy comparison of Lateglacial and Holocene environmental change in Cappadocia, Turkey (2016)
Journal Article
Roberts, N., Allcock, S. L., Arnaud, F., Dean, J. R., Eastwood, W. J., Jones, M. D., Leng, M. J., Metcalfe, S. E., Malet, E., Woodbridge, J., & Yiğitbaşıoğlu, H. (2016). A tale of two lakes: a multi-proxy comparison of Lateglacial and Holocene environmental change in Cappadocia, Turkey. Journal of Quaternary Science, 31(4),

Individual palaeoenvironmental records represent a combination of regional-scale (e.g. climatic) and site-specific local factors. Here we compare multiple climate proxies from two nearby maar lake records, assuming that common signals are due to regi... Read More about A tale of two lakes: a multi-proxy comparison of Lateglacial and Holocene environmental change in Cappadocia, Turkey.

Interpretation and application of carbon isotope ratios in freshwater diatom silica (2016)
Journal Article
Webb, M., Barker, P. A., Wynn, P. M., Heiri, O., van Hardenbroek, M., Pick, F., Russell, J. M., Stott, A. W., & Leng, M. J. (2016). Interpretation and application of carbon isotope ratios in freshwater diatom silica. Journal of Quaternary Science, 31(4),

Carbon incorporated into diatom frustule walls is protected from degradation enabling analysis for carbon isotope composition (δ13Cdiatom). This presents potential for tracing carbon cycles via a single photosynthetic host with well-constrained ecoph... Read More about Interpretation and application of carbon isotope ratios in freshwater diatom silica.

North Atlantic forcing of moisture delivery to Europe throughout the Holocene (2016)
Journal Article
Smith, A. C., Wynn, P. M., Barker, P. A., Leng, M. J., Noble, S. R., & Tych, W. (2016). North Atlantic forcing of moisture delivery to Europe throughout the Holocene. Scientific Reports, 6,

Century-to-millennial scale fluctuations in precipitation and temperature are an established feature of European Holocene climates. Changes in moisture delivery are driven by complex interactions between ocean moisture sources and atmospheric circula... Read More about North Atlantic forcing of moisture delivery to Europe throughout the Holocene.

Carbon isotope discrimination in leaves of the common paperbark tree, Melaleuca quinquenervia, as a tool for quantifying past tropical and subtropical rainfall (2016)
Journal Article
Tibby, J., Barr, C., McInerney, F. A., Henderson, A. C., Leng, M. J., Greenway, M., Marshall, J. C., McGregor, G. B., Tyler, J. J., & McNeil, V. (in press). Carbon isotope discrimination in leaves of the common paperbark tree, Melaleuca quinquenervia, as a tool for quantifying past tropical and subtropical rainfall. Global Change Biology,

Quantitative reconstructions of terrestrial climate are highly sought after but rare, particularly in Australia. Carbon isotope discrimination in plant leaves (Δleaf) is an established indicator of past hydroclimate because the fractionation of carbo... Read More about Carbon isotope discrimination in leaves of the common paperbark tree, Melaleuca quinquenervia, as a tool for quantifying past tropical and subtropical rainfall.

Northern Mediterranean climate since the Middle Pleistocene: a 637 ka stable isotope record from Lake Ohrid (Albania/Macedonia) (2016)
Journal Article
Lacey, J. H., Leng, M. J., Francke, A., Sloane, H. J., Milodowski, A., Vogel, H., Baumgarten, H., Zanchetta, G., & Wagner, B. (2016). Northern Mediterranean climate since the Middle Pleistocene: a 637 ka stable isotope record from Lake Ohrid (Albania/Macedonia). Biogeosciences, 13,

Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania) is an ancient lake with unique biodiversity and a site of global significance for investigating the influence of climate, geological, and tectonic events on the generation of endemic populations. Here, we present oxygen... Read More about Northern Mediterranean climate since the Middle Pleistocene: a 637 ka stable isotope record from Lake Ohrid (Albania/Macedonia).