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Professor THOMAS SOTIRIOU's Outputs (7)

Causal structure of black holes in shift-symmetric Horndeski theories (2018)
Journal Article
Benkel, R., Franchini, N., Saravani, M., & Sotiriou, T. P. (2018). Causal structure of black holes in shift-symmetric Horndeski theories. Physical Review D, 98(6), 1-11.

In theories with derivative (self-)interactions, the propagation of perturbations on nontrivial field configurations is determined by effective metrics. Generalized scalar-tensor theories belong in this class and this implies that the matter fields a... Read More about Causal structure of black holes in shift-symmetric Horndeski theories.

Dynamical obstruction to perpetual motion from Lorentz-violating black holes (2018)
Journal Article
Benkel, R., Bhattacharyya, J., Louko, J., Mattingly, D., & Sotiriou, T. P. (2018). Dynamical obstruction to perpetual motion from Lorentz-violating black holes. Physical Review D, 98(2), Article 024034.

Black holes in Lorentz-violating theories have been claimed to violate the second law of thermodynamics by perpetual motion energy extraction. We revisit this question for a Penrose splitting process in a spherically symmetric setting with two specie... Read More about Dynamical obstruction to perpetual motion from Lorentz-violating black holes.

Spontaneous scalarization of black holes and compact stars from a Gauss-Bonnet coupling (2018)
Journal Article
Silva, H. O., Sakstein, J., Gualtieri, L., Sotiriou, T. P., & Berti, E. (2018). Spontaneous scalarization of black holes and compact stars from a Gauss-Bonnet coupling. Physical Review Letters, 120(13), Article 131104.

We identify a class of scalar-tensor theories with coupling between the scalar and the Gauss-Bonnet invariant that exhibit spontaneous scalarization for both black holes and compact stars. In particular, these theories formally admit all of the stati... Read More about Spontaneous scalarization of black holes and compact stars from a Gauss-Bonnet coupling.

Revisiting the cuscuton as a Lorentz-violating gravity theory (2018)
Journal Article
Bhattacharyya, J., Coates, A., Colombo, M., Gümrükçüoğlu, A. E., & Sotiriou, T. P. (2018). Revisiting the cuscuton as a Lorentz-violating gravity theory. Physical Review D, 97(6),

The cuscuton is a scalar field with infinite speed of propagation. It was introduced in the context of cosmology but it has also been claimed to resemble Horava gravity in a certain limit. Here we revisit the cuscuton theory as a Lorentz-violating gr... Read More about Revisiting the cuscuton as a Lorentz-violating gravity theory.

Constructing neutron stars with a gravitational Higgs mechanism (2018)
Journal Article
Franchini, N., Coates, A., & Sotiriou, T. P. (2018). Constructing neutron stars with a gravitational Higgs mechanism. Physical Review D, 97(6),

In scalar-tensor theories, spontaneous scalarization is a phase transition that can occur in ultradense environments such as neutron stars. The scalar field develops a non-trivial configuration once the stars exceeds a compactness threshold. We recen... Read More about Constructing neutron stars with a gravitational Higgs mechanism.

Detecting Lorentz violations with gravitational waves from black hole binaries (2018)
Journal Article
Sotiriou, T. P. (2018). Detecting Lorentz violations with gravitational waves from black hole binaries. Physical Review Letters, 120(4),

Gravitational wave observations have been used to test Lorentz symmetry by looking for dispersive effects that are caused by higher order corrections to the dispersion relation. In this Letter I argue on general grounds that, when such corrections ar... Read More about Detecting Lorentz violations with gravitational waves from black hole binaries.

Hořava gravity after GW170817 (2018)
Journal Article
Emir Gümrükçüoğlu, A., Saravani, M., & Sotiriou, T. P. (in press). Hořava gravity after GW170817. Physical Review D, 97(2),

The recent detection of gravitational wave GW170817 has placed a severe bound on the deviation of the speed of gravitational waves from the speed of light. We explore the consequences of this detection for Hořava gravity.