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Professor ALAN MONTGOMERY's Outputs (15)

The provision of NHS health checks in a community setting: an ethnographic account (2015)
Journal Article
Riley, R., Coghill, N., Montgomery, A., Feder, G., & Horwood, J. (in press). The provision of NHS health checks in a community setting: an ethnographic account. BMC Health Services Research, 15,

Background: The UK National Health Service Health Checks programme aims to reduce avoidable cardiovascular deaths, disability and health inequalities in England. However, due to the reported lower uptake of screening in specific black and minority et... Read More about The provision of NHS health checks in a community setting: an ethnographic account.

Cognitive Rehabilitation for Attention and Memory in people with Multiple Sclerosis: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (CRAMMS) (2015)
Journal Article
Lincoln, N. B., das Nair, R., Bradshaw, L., Constantinescu, C. S., Drummond, A. E. R., Erven, A., Evans, A. L., Fitzsimmons, D., Montgomery, A. A., & Morgan, M. (2015). Cognitive Rehabilitation for Attention and Memory in people with Multiple Sclerosis: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (CRAMMS). Trials, 16(1), Article 556.


People with multiple sclerosis have problems with memory and attention. Cognitive rehabilitation is a structured set of therapeutic activities designed to retrain an individual’s memory and other cognitive functions. Cognitive rehabili... Read More about Cognitive Rehabilitation for Attention and Memory in people with Multiple Sclerosis: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (CRAMMS).

Effectiveness of a nurse-led intensive home-visitation programme for first-time teenage mothers (Building Blocks): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial (2015)
Journal Article
Robling, M., Bekkers, M.-J., Bell, K., Butler, C. C., Cannings-John, R., Channon, S., Corbacho Martin, B., Gregory, J. W., Hood, K., Kemp, A., Kenkre, J., Montgomery, A. A., Moody, G., Owen-Jones, E., Pickett, K., Richardson, G., Roberts, Z. E., Ronaldson, S., Sanders, J., Stamuli, E., & Torgerson, D. (2016). Effectiveness of a nurse-led intensive home-visitation programme for first-time teenage mothers (Building Blocks): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 2016(387),


Many countries now offer support to teenage mothers to help them to achieve long-term socioeconomic stability and to give a successful start to their children. The Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is a licensed intensive home-visiting int... Read More about Effectiveness of a nurse-led intensive home-visitation programme for first-time teenage mothers (Building Blocks): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial.

A multi-centre, parallel group superiority trial of silk therapeutic clothing compared to standard care for the management of eczema in children (CLOTHES Trial): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2015)
Journal Article
Harrison, E. F., Haines, R. H., Cowdell, F., Sach, T. H., Dean, T., Pollock, I., Burrows, N. P., Buckley, H., Batchelor, J. M., Williams, H. C., Lawton, S., Brown, S. J., Bradshaw, L. E., Ahmed, A., Montgomery, A. A., Mitchell, E., & Thomas, K. S. (2015). A multi-centre, parallel group superiority trial of silk therapeutic clothing compared to standard care for the management of eczema in children (CLOTHES Trial): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 16(1),


Eczema is a chronic, itchy skin condition that can have a large impact on the quality of life of patients and their families. People with eczema are often keen to try out non-pharmacological therapies like silk therapeutic garments that... Read More about A multi-centre, parallel group superiority trial of silk therapeutic clothing compared to standard care for the management of eczema in children (CLOTHES Trial): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

Lamotrigine versus inert placebo in the treatment of borderline personality disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial and economic evaluation (2015)
Journal Article
Crawford, M. J., Sanatinia, R., Barrett, B., Byford, S., Cunningham, G., Gakhal, K., Lawrence-Smith, G., Leeson, V., Lemonsky, F., Lykomitrou, G., Montgomery, A., Morriss, R. K., Paton, C., Tan, W., Tyrer, P., & Reilly, J. G. (2015). Lamotrigine versus inert placebo in the treatment of borderline personality disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial and economic evaluation. Trials, 16, Article 308.

Background: People with borderline personality disorder (BPD) experience rapid and distressing changes in mood, poor social functioning and have high rates of suicidal behaviour. Several small scale studies suggest that mood stabilizers may produce s... Read More about Lamotrigine versus inert placebo in the treatment of borderline personality disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial and economic evaluation.

To tweet or not to tweet about schizophrenia systematic reviews (TweetSz): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2015)
Journal Article
Jayaram, M., Bodart, A. Y., Sampson, S., Zhao, S., Montgomery, A. A., & Adams, C. E. (in press). To tweet or not to tweet about schizophrenia systematic reviews (TweetSz): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 5, Article e00769.

Introduction: The Cochrane Schizophrenia Group (CSzG) has produced and maintained systematic reviews of effects of interventions for schizophrenia and related illness. Each review has a Plain Language Summary (PLS), for those without specialised know... Read More about To tweet or not to tweet about schizophrenia systematic reviews (TweetSz): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

Who does not participate in telehealth trials and why? A cross-sectional survey (2015)
Journal Article
Foster, A., Horspool, K., Edwards, L., Thomas, C., Salisbury, C., Montgomery, A. A., & O'Cathain, A. (2015). Who does not participate in telehealth trials and why? A cross-sectional survey. Trials, 16(258),

Telehealth interventions use information and communication technology to provide clinical support. Some randomised controlled trials of telehealth report high patient decline rates. A large study was undertaken to determine which patients... Read More about Who does not participate in telehealth trials and why? A cross-sectional survey.

A pilot randomized controlled trial of a stepped care intervention package for depression in primary care in Nigeria (2015)
Journal Article
Oladeji, A., Kola, L., Abiona, T., & Montgomery, A. A. (in press). A pilot randomized controlled trial of a stepped care intervention package for depression in primary care in Nigeria. BMC Psychiatry, 15(96),

Depression is common in primary care and is often unrecognized and untreated. Studies are needed to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing evidence-based depression care provided by primary health care workers (PHCWs) in sub-Saharan... Read More about A pilot randomized controlled trial of a stepped care intervention package for depression in primary care in Nigeria.

A mechanistic multi-centre, parallel group, randomised placebo controlled trial of Mesalazine for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea (IBS-D) (2015)
Journal Article
Lam, C., Tan, W., Leighton, M., Hastings, M., Lingaya, M., Falcone, Y., Zhou, X., Xu, L., Whorwell, P., Walls, A., Zaitoun, A. M., Montgomery, A., & Spiller, R. C. (2015). A mechanistic multi-centre, parallel group, randomised placebo controlled trial of Mesalazine for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea (IBS-D). Gut, 65(1),

Introduction: Immune activation has been reported in the mucosa of irritable bowel syndrome patients with diarrhoea (IBS-D) and some small studies have suggested that Mesalazine may reduce symptoms. We performed a double blind, randomised placebo con... Read More about A mechanistic multi-centre, parallel group, randomised placebo controlled trial of Mesalazine for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea (IBS-D).

Blinded randomised controlled trial of low-dose Adjuvant Steroids in Adults admitted to hospital with Pandemic influenza (ASAP): a trial 'in hibernation', ready for rapid activation (2015)
Journal Article
Lim, W. S., Brittain, C., Duley, L., Edwards, S., Gordon, S., Montgomery, A., Nguyen-Van-Tam, J., Read, R., Whitham, D., Whynes, D., Woodhead, M., & Wootton, D. (2015). Blinded randomised controlled trial of low-dose Adjuvant Steroids in Adults admitted to hospital with Pandemic influenza (ASAP): a trial 'in hibernation', ready for rapid activation. Health Technology Assessment, 19(16),

Background: There are no completed randomised trials of the use of corticosteroids in patients with severe influenza infection. Corticosteroid use in influenza is widespread, non-systematic and marked by controversy. A recent meta-analysis of observa... Read More about Blinded randomised controlled trial of low-dose Adjuvant Steroids in Adults admitted to hospital with Pandemic influenza (ASAP): a trial 'in hibernation', ready for rapid activation.

Increasing children’s physical activity through a teaching-assistant led extracurricular intervention: process evaluation of the action 3:30 randomised feasibility trial (2015)
Journal Article
Jago, R., Sebire, S., Davies, B., Wood, L., Banfield, K., Edwards, M. J., Powell, J. E., Montgomery, A. A., Thompson, J., & Fox, K. (2015). Increasing children’s physical activity through a teaching-assistant led extracurricular intervention: process evaluation of the action 3:30 randomised feasibility trial. BMC Public Health, 15(156),

Many children do not engage in recommended levels of physical activity (PA), highlighting the need to find ways to increase children’s PA. Process evaluations play an important role in improving the science of randomised controlled trials... Read More about Increasing children’s physical activity through a teaching-assistant led extracurricular intervention: process evaluation of the action 3:30 randomised feasibility trial.

The Community In-Reach and Care Transition (CIRACT) clinical and cost-effectiveness study: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2015)
Journal Article
Watson, A., Charlesworth, L., Jacob, R., Kendrick, D., Logan, P., Marshall, F., Montgomery, A., Sach, T., Tan, W., Walker, M., Waring, J., Whitham, D., & Sahota, O. (2015). The Community In-Reach and Care Transition (CIRACT) clinical and cost-effectiveness study: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 16(41),


Older people represent a significant proportion of patients admitted to hospital. Their care compared to younger patients is more challenging, length of stay is longer, risk of hospital-acquired problems higher and the risk of being re-... Read More about The Community In-Reach and Care Transition (CIRACT) clinical and cost-effectiveness study: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

TElehealth in CHronic disease: mixed-methods study to develop the TECH conceptual model for intervention design and evaluation (2015)
Journal Article
Salisbury, C., Thomas, C., O'Cathain, A., Rogers, A. E., Pope, C., Yardley, L., Hollinghurst, S., Fahey, T., Lewis, G., Large, S., Edwards, L., Rowsell, A., Segar, J., Brownsell, S., & Montgomery, A. A. (in press). TElehealth in CHronic disease: mixed-methods study to develop the TECH conceptual model for intervention design and evaluation. BMJ Open, 5(2), Article e006448.

To develop a conceptual model for effective use of telehealth in the management of chronic health conditions, and to use this to develop and evaluate an intervention for people with two exemplar conditions: raised cardiovascular disease r... Read More about TElehealth in CHronic disease: mixed-methods study to develop the TECH conceptual model for intervention design and evaluation.

Pilot study to evaluate a tailored text message intervention for pregnant smokers (MiQuit): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2015)
Journal Article
Cooper, S., Foster, K., Naughton, F., Leonardi-Bee, J., Sutton, S., Ussher, M., Leighton, M., Montgomery, A., Parrott, S., & Coleman, T. (2015). Pilot study to evaluate a tailored text message intervention for pregnant smokers (MiQuit): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 16, Article 29.


Smoking in pregnancy is a public health problem. Self-help smoking cessation support can help pregnant women to stop smoking, but the effects of delivering this kind of support via SMS text message are not known. A previous randomised... Read More about Pilot study to evaluate a tailored text message intervention for pregnant smokers (MiQuit): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

Rehabilitation of memory following brain injury (ReMemBrIn): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2015)
Journal Article
das Nair, R., Lincoln, N., Ftizsimmons, D., Brain, N., Montgomery, A., Bradshaw, L., Drummond, A. E., Sackley, C. M., Newby, G., Thornton, J., Stapleton, S., & Pink, A. (2015). Rehabilitation of memory following brain injury (ReMemBrIn): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 16(6),

Impairments of memory are commonly reported by people with traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Such deficits are persistent, debilitating, and can severely impact quality of life. Currently, many do not routinely receive follow-up appointment... Read More about Rehabilitation of memory following brain injury (ReMemBrIn): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.