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Professor ALAN MONTGOMERY's Outputs (13)

Randomised trial of the fascia iliaca block versus the ‘3-in-1’ block for femoral neck fractures in the emergency department (2014)
Journal Article
Reavley, P., Montgomery, A. A., Smith, J. E., Binks, S., Elder, G., Benger, J., & Edwards, J. (in press). Randomised trial of the fascia iliaca block versus the ‘3-in-1’ block for femoral neck fractures in the emergency department. Emergency Medicine Journal, 32(9),

Introduction: Femoral neck fractures are a common and painful injury. Femoral nerve blocks, and a variant of this technique termed the ‘3-in-1’ block, are often used in this patient group, but their effect is variable. The fascia iliaca compartment b... Read More about Randomised trial of the fascia iliaca block versus the ‘3-in-1’ block for femoral neck fractures in the emergency department.

Peer victimization during adolescence: concurrent and prospective impact on symptoms of depression and anxiety (2014)
Journal Article
Stapinski, L. A., Araya, R., Heron, J., Montgomery, A. A., & Stallard, P. (2014). Peer victimization during adolescence: concurrent and prospective impact on symptoms of depression and anxiety. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 28(1), 105-120.

© 2014 Taylor & Francis. Background: Peer victimization is ubiquitous across schools and cultures, and has the potential for long-lasting effects on the well-being of victims. To date, research has focused on the consequences of peer victimization... Read More about Peer victimization during adolescence: concurrent and prospective impact on symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Randomised feasibility trial of a teaching assistant led extracurricular physical activity intervention for 9 to 11 year olds: Action 3:30 (2014)
Journal Article
Jago, R., Sebire, S., Davies, B., Wood, L., Edwards, M. J., Banfield, K., Fox, K., Thompson, J., Powell, J. E., & Montgomery, A. A. (2014). Randomised feasibility trial of a teaching assistant led extracurricular physical activity intervention for 9 to 11 year olds: Action 3:30. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11, Article 114.


Extracurricular programmes could provide a mechanism to increase the physical activity (PA) of primary-school-aged children. The aim of this feasibility study was to examine whether the Action 3:30 intervention, which is delivered by... Read More about Randomised feasibility trial of a teaching assistant led extracurricular physical activity intervention for 9 to 11 year olds: Action 3:30.

Changing eating behaviours to treat childhood obesity in the community using Mandolean: the Community Mandolean randomised controlled trial (ComMando) – a pilot study (2014)
Journal Article
Hamilton-Shield, J., Goodred, J., Powell, L., Thorn, J., Banks, J., Hollinghurst, S., Montgomery, A. A., Sharp, D., & Turner, K. (2014). Changing eating behaviours to treat childhood obesity in the community using Mandolean: the Community Mandolean randomised controlled trial (ComMando) – a pilot study. Health Technology Assessment, 18(47),


Around one in five children in England is obese when they leave primary school. Thus far, it has not been demonstrated that primary care interventions to manage childhood obesity can achieve significant weight reduction. Training obese... Read More about Changing eating behaviours to treat childhood obesity in the community using Mandolean: the Community Mandolean randomised controlled trial (ComMando) – a pilot study.

Relationship between Expectation Management and Client Retention in Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (2014)
Journal Article
Ekberg, S., Barnes, R. K., Kessler, D. S., Mirza, S., Montgomery, A. A., Malpass, A., & Shaw, A. R. (2015). Relationship between Expectation Management and Client Retention in Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 43(6), 732-743.

Background: Engaging clients from the outset of psychotherapy is important for therapeutic success. However, there is little research evaluating therapists’ initial attempts to engage clients in the therapeutic process. This article reports retrospec... Read More about Relationship between Expectation Management and Client Retention in Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Associations between Physical Activity Parenting Practices and Adolescent Girls’ Self-Perceptions and Physical Activity Intentions (2014)
Journal Article
Sebire, S., Haase, A. M., Montgomery, A. A., McNeil, J., & Jago, R. (2014). Associations between Physical Activity Parenting Practices and Adolescent Girls’ Self-Perceptions and Physical Activity Intentions. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11(4), 734-740.

Background: The present study investigated cross-sectional associations between maternal and paternal logistic and modelling physical activity support and the self-efficacy, self-esteem and physical activity intentions of 11-12 year old girls.
Met... Read More about Associations between Physical Activity Parenting Practices and Adolescent Girls’ Self-Perceptions and Physical Activity Intentions.

Cost-effectiveness of classroom-based cognitive behaviour therapy in reducing symptoms of depression in adolescents: a trial-based analysis (2014)
Journal Article
Anderson, R., Ukoumunne, O. C., Sayal, K., Phillips, R., Taylor, J. A., Spears, M., Araya, R., Lewis, G., Montgomery, A. A., & Stallard, P. (2014). Cost-effectiveness of classroom-based cognitive behaviour therapy in reducing symptoms of depression in adolescents: a trial-based analysis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55(12), 1390-1397.


A substantial minority of adolescents suffer from depression and it is associated with increased risk of suicide, social and educational impairment, and mental health problems in adulthood. A recently conducted randomized controlled tri... Read More about Cost-effectiveness of classroom-based cognitive behaviour therapy in reducing symptoms of depression in adolescents: a trial-based analysis.

Are People With Chronic Diseases Interested in Using Telehealth? A Cross-Sectional Postal Survey (2014)
Journal Article
Edwards, L., Thomas, C., Gregory, A., Yardley, L., O'Cathain, A., Montgomery, A. A., & Salisbury, C. (2014). Are People With Chronic Diseases Interested in Using Telehealth? A Cross-Sectional Postal Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(5), Article e123.

There is growing interest in telehealth—the use of technology to support the remote delivery of health care and promote self-management—as a potential alternative to face-to-face care for patients with chronic diseases. However, little i... Read More about Are People With Chronic Diseases Interested in Using Telehealth? A Cross-Sectional Postal Survey.

Sedentary time and markers of inflammation in people with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes (2014)
Journal Article
Falconer, C., Cooper, A., Walhin, J., Thompson, D., Page, A., Peters, T., Montgomery, A., Sharp, D., Dayan, C., & Andrews, R. (2014). Sedentary time and markers of inflammation in people with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 2014(24(9)),

Background and aims:
We investigated whether objectively measured sedentary time was associated with markers of inflammation in adults with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes.

Methods and results:
We studied 285 adults (184 men, 101 women, mean... Read More about Sedentary time and markers of inflammation in people with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes.

School travel mode, parenting practices and physical activity among UK Year 5 and 6 children (2014)
Journal Article
Jago, R., Wood, L., Sebire, S., Edwards, M. J., Davies, B., Banfield, K., Fox, K., Thompson, J., Cooper, A. R., & Montgomery, A. A. (2014). School travel mode, parenting practices and physical activity among UK Year 5 and 6 children. BMC Public Health, 14, Article 370.


School travel mode and parenting practices have been associated with children’s physical activity (PA). The current study sought to examine whether PA parenting practices differ by school travel mode and whether school travel mode and... Read More about School travel mode, parenting practices and physical activity among UK Year 5 and 6 children.

Instrumental delivery and ultrasound: a multicentre randomised controlled trial of ultrasound assessment of the fetal head position versus standard care as an approach to prevent morbidity at instrumental delivery (2014)
Journal Article
Ramphul, M., Ooi, P. V., Burke, G., Kennelly, M. M., Said, S. A., Montgomery, A. A., & Murphy, D. J. (2014). Instrumental delivery and ultrasound: a multicentre randomised controlled trial of ultrasound assessment of the fetal head position versus standard care as an approach to prevent morbidity at instrumental delivery. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 121(8),

Objectives: To determine whether the use of ultrasound can reduce the incidence of incorrect diagnosis of the fetal head position at instrumental delivery and subsequent morbidity.

Design: Two-arm, parallel, randomised trial, conducted from June 2... Read More about Instrumental delivery and ultrasound: a multicentre randomised controlled trial of ultrasound assessment of the fetal head position versus standard care as an approach to prevent morbidity at instrumental delivery.

Health services changes: is a run-in period necessary before evaluation in randomised clinical trials? (2014)
Journal Article
Rathod, T., Belcher, J., Montgomery, A. A., Salisbury, C., & Foster, N. (2014). Health services changes: is a run-in period necessary before evaluation in randomised clinical trials?. Trials, 15(41),


Most randomised clinical trials (RCTs) testing a new health service do not allow a run-in period of consolidation before evaluating the new approach. Consequently, health professionals involved may feel insufficiently familiar or confid... Read More about Health services changes: is a run-in period necessary before evaluation in randomised clinical trials?.

Antibiotic prescribing in primary care and antimicrobial resistance in patients admitted to hospital with urinary tract infection: a controlled observational pilot study (2014)
Journal Article
Costelloe, C., Williams, O. M., Montgomery, A. A., Dayan, C., & Hay, A. D. (2014). Antibiotic prescribing in primary care and antimicrobial resistance in patients admitted to hospital with urinary tract infection: a controlled observational pilot study. Antibiotics, 3(1),

There is growing evidence that primary care prescribed antibiotics lead to antibiotic resistance in bacteria causing minor infections or being carried by asymptomatic adults, but little research to date has investigated links between primary care pre... Read More about Antibiotic prescribing in primary care and antimicrobial resistance in patients admitted to hospital with urinary tract infection: a controlled observational pilot study.