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Professor ALAN MONTGOMERY's Outputs (22)

Needle fasciotomy versus limited fasciectomy for the treatment of Dupuytren’s contractures of the fingers (Hand-2): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2024)
Journal Article
Harrison, S., Ogollah, R., Hollingworth, W., Mills, N., Karantana, A., Blazeby, J., Montgomery, A., Shafayat, A., Jarrett, H., & Davis, T. (2024). Needle fasciotomy versus limited fasciectomy for the treatment of Dupuytren’s contractures of the fingers (Hand-2): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 25(1), Article 398.

Background: Dupuytren’s contractures (DC) are fibrous cords under the skin of the hand that cause one or more fingers to curl gradually and irreversibly towards the palm. These contractures are usually painless but can cause a loss of hand function.... Read More about Needle fasciotomy versus limited fasciectomy for the treatment of Dupuytren’s contractures of the fingers (Hand-2): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

Dietary nitrate supplementation for preventing and reducing the severity of winter infections, including COVID-19, in care homes (BEET-Winter)-a randomised placebo-controlled feasibility trial (2022)
Journal Article
Bath, P. M., Skinner, C. J. C., Bath, C. S., Woodhouse, L. J., Areti, A., Korovesi, K., Long, H., Havard, D., Coleman, C. M., England, T. J., Leyland, V., Lim, W. S., Montgomery, A. A., Royal, S., Avery, A., Webb, A. J., & Gordon, A. L. (2022). Dietary nitrate supplementation for preventing and reducing the severity of winter infections, including COVID-19, in care homes (BEET-Winter)-a randomised placebo-controlled feasibility trial. European Geriatric Medicine, 13, 1343-1355.

Infections cause considerable care home morbidity and mortality. Nitric oxide (NO) has broad-spectrum anti-viral, bacterial and yeast activity in vitro. We assessed the feasibility of supplementing dietary nitrate (NO substrate) intake in ca... Read More about Dietary nitrate supplementation for preventing and reducing the severity of winter infections, including COVID-19, in care homes (BEET-Winter)-a randomised placebo-controlled feasibility trial.

Cilostazol and isosorbide mononitrate for the prevention of progression of cerebral small vessel disease: baseline data and statistical analysis plan for the Lacunar Intervention Trial-2 (LACI-2) (ISRCTN14911850) (2022)
Journal Article
Bath, P. M., Mhlanga, I., Woodhouse, L. J., Doubal, F., Oatey, K., Montgomery, A. A., Wardlaw, J. M., & LACI-2 Trial Investigators. (2023). Cilostazol and isosorbide mononitrate for the prevention of progression of cerebral small vessel disease: baseline data and statistical analysis plan for the Lacunar Intervention Trial-2 (LACI-2) (ISRCTN14911850). Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 8, Article e001816.

Background: Cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) causes lacunar strokes (25% of all ischaemic strokes), physical frailty and cognitive impairment and vascular and mixed dementia. There is no specific treatment to prevent progression of SVD. Methods: T... Read More about Cilostazol and isosorbide mononitrate for the prevention of progression of cerebral small vessel disease: baseline data and statistical analysis plan for the Lacunar Intervention Trial-2 (LACI-2) (ISRCTN14911850).

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to invest in care home research infrastructure (2022)
Journal Article
Gordon, A. L., Rick, C., Juszczak, E., Montgomery, A., Howard, R., Guthrie, B., Lim, W. S., Shenkin, S., Leighton, P., Bath, P. M., Ball, J., Gage, H., Glover, M., Godfrey, M., Hewitt, J., Jaki, T., Lasserson, D., Logan, P., Passmore, P., Quinlan, P., …Tate, V. (2022). The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to invest in care home research infrastructure. Age and Ageing, 51(3), Article afac052.

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in catastrophic levels of morbidity and mortality for care home residents. Despite this, research platforms for COVID-19 in care homes arrived late in the pandemic compared with other care settings. The Prophylactic The... Read More about The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to invest in care home research infrastructure.

Statistical reanalysis of vascular event outcomes in primary and secondary vascular prevention trials (2021)
Journal Article
Woodhouse, L. J., Montgomery, A. A., Mant, J., Davis, B. R., Algra, A., Mas, J.-L., Staessen, J. A., Thijs, L., Tonkin, A., Kirby, A., Pocock, S. J., Chalmers, J., Hankey, G. J., Spence, J. D., Sandercock, P., Diener, H.-C., Uchiyama, S., Sprigg, N., & Bath, P. M. (2021). Statistical reanalysis of vascular event outcomes in primary and secondary vascular prevention trials. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 21, Article 218.

Background: Vascular prevention trials typically use dichotomous event outcomes although this may be inefficient statistically and gives no indication of event severity. We assessed whether ordinal outcomes would be more efficient and how to best ana... Read More about Statistical reanalysis of vascular event outcomes in primary and secondary vascular prevention trials.

Data sharing: experience of accessing individual patient data from completed randomised controlled trials in vascular and cognitive medicine (2020)
Journal Article
Scutt, P., Woodhouse, L. J., Montgomery, A. A., & Bath, P. M. .. (2020). Data sharing: experience of accessing individual patient data from completed randomised controlled trials in vascular and cognitive medicine. BMJ Open, 10(9), Article e038765.

Meta-analysis based on individual patient data (IPD) from randomised trials is superior to using published summary data since it facilitates subgroup and multiple variable analyses. Guidelines and funders expect that researchers share IPD... Read More about Data sharing: experience of accessing individual patient data from completed randomised controlled trials in vascular and cognitive medicine.

Cost-benefit of outcome adjudication in nine randomised stroke trials (2020)
Journal Article
Godolphin, P. J., Bath, P. M., Algra, A., Berge, E., Chalmers, J., Eliasziw, M., Hankey, G. J., Hosomi, N., Ranta, A., Weimar, C., Woodhouse, L. J., & Montgomery, A. A. (2020). Cost-benefit of outcome adjudication in nine randomised stroke trials. Clinical Trials, 17(5), 576-580.

Background: Central adjudication of outcomes is common for randomised trials and should control for differential misclassification. However, few studies have estimated the cost of the adjudication process.
Methods: We estimated the cost of adjudicat... Read More about Cost-benefit of outcome adjudication in nine randomised stroke trials.

Protocol: The Lacunar Intervention Trial 2 (LACI-2). A trial of two repurposed licenced drugs to prevent progression of cerebral small vessel disease (2020)
Journal Article
Wardlaw, J., Bath, P. M., Doubal, F., Heye, A., Sprigg, N., Woodhouse, L. J., Blair, G., Appleton, J., Cvoro, V., England, T., Hassan, A., John Werring, D., Montgomery, A., & The LACI-2 Trial Investigators. (2020). Protocol: The Lacunar Intervention Trial 2 (LACI-2). A trial of two repurposed licenced drugs to prevent progression of cerebral small vessel disease. European Stroke Journal, 5(3), 297-308.

Small vessel disease causes a quarter of ischaemic strokes (lacunar subtype), up to 45% of dementia either as vascular or mixed types, cognitive impairment and physical frailty. However, there is no specific treatment to prevent progressi... Read More about Protocol: The Lacunar Intervention Trial 2 (LACI-2). A trial of two repurposed licenced drugs to prevent progression of cerebral small vessel disease.

Outcome assessment by central adjudicators in randomised stroke trials: Simulation of differential and non-differential misclassification (2020)
Journal Article
Godolphin, P. J., Bath, P. M., Partlett, C., Berge, E., Brown, M. M., Eliasziw, M., Sandset, P. M., Serena, J., & Montgomery, A. A. (2020). Outcome assessment by central adjudicators in randomised stroke trials: Simulation of differential and non-differential misclassification. European Stroke Journal, 5(2), 174-183.

Group cognitive rehabilitation to reduce the psychological impact of multiple sclerosis on quality of life: the CRAMMS RCT (2020)
Journal Article
Lincoln, N. B., Bradshaw, L. E., Constantinescu, C. S., Day, F., Drummond, A. E., Fitzsimmons, D., Harris, S., Montgomery, A. A., das Nair, R., & CRAMMS Trial Collaborative Group. (2020). Group cognitive rehabilitation to reduce the psychological impact of multiple sclerosis on quality of life: the CRAMMS RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 24(4), 1-182.

People with multiple sclerosis have problems with memory and attention. The effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation has not been established.

The objectives were to assess the clinical effectiveness and cost-eff... Read More about Group cognitive rehabilitation to reduce the psychological impact of multiple sclerosis on quality of life: the CRAMMS RCT.

Cognitive rehabilitation for attention and memory in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial (CRAMMS) (2019)
Journal Article
Lincoln, N., Bradshaw, L., Constantinescu, C., Day, F., Drummond, A., Fitzsimmons, D., Harris, S., Montgomery, A., & das Nair, R. (2020). Cognitive rehabilitation for attention and memory in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial (CRAMMS). Clinical Rehabilitation, 34(2), 229-241.

Objective: To assess the clinical and cost-effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation for attention and memory problems in people with multiple sclerosis. Design: Multicentre, pragmatic, randomized controlled trial. Setting: Community Participants: Pe... Read More about Cognitive rehabilitation for attention and memory in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial (CRAMMS).

Prehospital Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate for Ultra-Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage (2019)
Journal Article
Bath, P. M., Woodhouse, L. J., Krishnan, K., Appleton, J. P., Anderson, C. S., Berge, E., Cala, L., Dixon, M., England, T. J., Godolphin, P. J., Hepburn, T., Mair, G., Montgomery, A. A., Phillips, S. J., Potter, J., Price, C. I., Randall, M., Robinson, T. G., Roffe, C., Rothwell, P. M., …Sprigg, N. (2019). Prehospital Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate for Ultra-Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Stroke, 50(11), 3064-3071.

Background and Purpose—
Pilot trials suggest that glyceryl trinitrate (GTN; nitroglycerin) may improve outcome when administered early after stroke onset.

We undertook a multicentre, paramedic-delivered, ambulance-based, prospective ran... Read More about Prehospital Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate for Ultra-Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage.

Outcome Assessment by Central Adjudicators Versus Site Investigators in Stroke Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Godolphin, P. J., Bath, P. M., Algra, A., Berge, E., Brown, M. M., Chalmers, J., Duley, L., Eliasziw, M., Gregson, J., Greving, J. P., Hankey, G. J., Hosomi, N., Johnston, S. C., Patsko, E., Ranta, A., Sandset, P. M., Serena, J., Weimar, C., Montgomery, A. A., Knipp, S., …on behalf of the Adjudicating Outcomes in Stroke Trials Collaboration*. (2019). Outcome Assessment by Central Adjudicators Versus Site Investigators in Stroke Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Stroke, 50(8), 2187-2196.

© 2019 American Heart Association, Inc. Background and Purpose-In randomized stroke trials, central adjudication of a trial's primary outcome is regularly implemented. However, recent evidence questions the importance of central adjudication in rando... Read More about Outcome Assessment by Central Adjudicators Versus Site Investigators in Stroke Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Short email with attachment versus long email without attachment when contacting authors to request unpublished data for a systematic review: a nested randomised trial (2019)
Journal Article
Godolphin, P. J., Bath, P. M., & Montgomery, A. A. (2019). Short email with attachment versus long email without attachment when contacting authors to request unpublished data for a systematic review: a nested randomised trial. BMJ Open, 9(1), Article e25273.

Objective: Systematic reviews often rely on the acquisition of unpublished analyses or data. We carried out a nested randomised trial comparing two different approaches for contacting authors to request additional data for a systematic review.
Part... Read More about Short email with attachment versus long email without attachment when contacting authors to request unpublished data for a systematic review: a nested randomised trial.

Central adjudication of serious events did not affect trial's safety results: data from the Efficacy of Nitric Acid in Stroke (ENOS trial) (2018)
Journal Article
Godolphin, P., Montgomery, A., Woodhouse, L., Bereczki, D., Berge, E., Collins, R., Diez-Tejedor, E., Gommans, J., Lees, K., Ozturk, S., Phillips, S., Pocock, S., Prasad, K., Szatmari, S., Wang, Y., Bath, P., Sprigg, N., & ENOS Investigators. (2018). Central adjudication of serious events did not affect trial's safety results: data from the Efficacy of Nitric Acid in Stroke (ENOS trial). PLoS ONE, 13(11), Article e0208142.

Background and Purpose: Central adjudication of serious adverse events (SAEs) can be undertaken in clinical trials, especially for open-label studies where outcome assessment may be at risk of bias. This study explored the effect of central adjudicat... Read More about Central adjudication of serious events did not affect trial's safety results: data from the Efficacy of Nitric Acid in Stroke (ENOS trial).

Central masked adjudication of stroke diagnosis at trial entry offered no advantage over diagnosis by local clinicians: secondary analysis and simulation (2018)
Journal Article
Godolphin, P., Hepburn, T., Sprigg, N., Walker, L., Berge, E., Collins, R., Gommans, J., Ntaios, G., Pocock, S., Prasad, K., Wardlaw, J., Bath, P., & Montgomery, A. (2018). Central masked adjudication of stroke diagnosis at trial entry offered no advantage over diagnosis by local clinicians: secondary analysis and simulation. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 12, 176-181.


Central adjudication of stroke type is commonly implemented in large multicentre clinical trials. We investigated the effect of central adjudication of diagnosis of stroke type at trial entry in the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (E... Read More about Central masked adjudication of stroke diagnosis at trial entry offered no advantage over diagnosis by local clinicians: secondary analysis and simulation.

Triple versus guideline antiplatelet therapy to prevent recurrence after acute ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack: The TARDIS RCT (2018)
Journal Article
Bath, P. M., Woodhouse, L. J., Appleton, J. P., Beridze, M., Christensen, H., Dineen, R. A., Flaherty, K., Duley, L., England, T. J., Havard, D., Heptinstall, S., James, M., Kasonde, C., Krishnan, K., Markus, H. S., Montgomery, A. A., Pocock, S., Randall, M., Ranta, A., Robinson, T. G., …Sprigg, N. (2018). Triple versus guideline antiplatelet therapy to prevent recurrence after acute ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack: The TARDIS RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 22(48), 1-75.

© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2018. Background: Two antiplatelet agents are better than one for preventing recurrent stroke after acute ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA). Therefore, intensive treatment with three agents... Read More about Triple versus guideline antiplatelet therapy to prevent recurrence after acute ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack: The TARDIS RCT.

Rapid Intervention with Glyceryl trinitrate in Hypertensive stroke Trial-2 (RIGHT-2): safety and efficacy of transdermal glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, and of the feasibility of a multicentre ambulance-based stroke trial (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dixon, M., Appleton, J. P., Scutt, P., England, T., Havard, D., Howard, H., Jarvis, M., Montgomery, A., Pocock, S., Potter, J., Price, C., Robinson, T., Roffe, C., Siriwardena, A. N., Sprigg, N., Wardlaw, J. M., & Bath, P. M. Rapid Intervention with Glyceryl trinitrate in Hypertensive stroke Trial-2 (RIGHT-2): safety and efficacy of transdermal glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, and of the feasibility of a multicentre ambulance-based stroke trial. Presented at 4th European Stroke Organisation Conference, ESOC 2018

Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Rapid Intervention with Glyceryl trinitrate in Hypertensive stroke Trial-2 (RIGHT-2)’ (2018)
Journal Article
Scutt, P., Appleton, J. P., Dixon, M., Woodhouse, L. J., Sprigg, N., Wardlaw, J. M., Montgomery, A. A., Pocock, S. J., & Bath, P. M. (2018). Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Rapid Intervention with Glyceryl trinitrate in Hypertensive stroke Trial-2 (RIGHT-2)’. European Stroke Journal, 3(2), 193-196.

Rationale: Glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, is a candidate treatment for acute stroke; it lowers blood pressure, does not alter cerebral blood flow or platelet function and is neuroprotective in experimental stroke. The ongoing rapid interv... Read More about Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Rapid Intervention with Glyceryl trinitrate in Hypertensive stroke Trial-2 (RIGHT-2)’.

Antiplatelet therapy with aspirin, clopidogrel, and dipyridamole versus clopidogrel alone or aspirin and dipyridamole in patients with acute cerebral ischaemia (TARDIS): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 superiority trial (2017)
Journal Article
Bath, P. M., Christensen, L. M., Woodhouse, L. J., Bentsen, L., Appleton, J. P., Krarup Hansen, C., Beridze, M., Thomsen, T. T., Christensen, H., Kruuse, C., Dineen, R. A., Jensen, H. H., Duley, L., Hansen, S. S., England, T. J., Petrovic, V., Flaherty, K., Beridze, N., Havard, D., Kakabadze, N., …Farren, P. (2018). Antiplatelet therapy with aspirin, clopidogrel, and dipyridamole versus clopidogrel alone or aspirin and dipyridamole in patients with acute cerebral ischaemia (TARDIS): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 superiority trial. Lancet, 391(10123), 850-859.

Background: Intensive antiplatelet therapy with three agents might be more effective than guideline treatment for preventing recurrent events in patients with acute cerebral ischaemia. We aimed to compare the safety and efficacy of intensive antiplat... Read More about Antiplatelet therapy with aspirin, clopidogrel, and dipyridamole versus clopidogrel alone or aspirin and dipyridamole in patients with acute cerebral ischaemia (TARDIS): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 superiority trial.