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Professor TOM DENING's Outputs (145)

“He Just Doesn’t Want to Get Out of the Chair and Do It”: The Impact of Apathy in People with Dementia on Their Carers (2021)
Journal Article
Chang, C. Y. M., Baber, W., Dening, T., & Yates, J. (2021). “He Just Doesn’t Want to Get Out of the Chair and Do It”: The Impact of Apathy in People with Dementia on Their Carers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(12), 6317.

Apathy, defined as a lack of motivation, is a prevalent and persistent behavioural and psychological symptom of dementia. Limited research suggests that apathy is associated with increased carer burden, but there are no studies investigating carers’... Read More about “He Just Doesn’t Want to Get Out of the Chair and Do It”: The Impact of Apathy in People with Dementia on Their Carers.

Diagnostic, management and nursing challenges of less common dementias: Parkinsonian dementias and Huntington's disease (2021)
Journal Article
Davis, L., & Dening, T. (2021). Diagnostic, management and nursing challenges of less common dementias: Parkinsonian dementias and Huntington's disease. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 17(2), 68-76.


Although most cases of dementia are caused by Alzheimer's disease or vascular dementia, around 10-15% of cases are due to other disorders, including dementias with Parkinsonian features, Huntington's disease, frontotemporal d... Read More about Diagnostic, management and nursing challenges of less common dementias: Parkinsonian dementias and Huntington's disease.

‘Less common’ dementias affect many people (2021)
Journal Article
Dening, T., Karim, Z., & Davis, L. (2021). ‘Less common’ dementias affect many people. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 17(2), 53-54.

t is always unsatisfactory to define things using negative terms, and this is certainly true of ‘less common’ or ‘uncommon’ or ‘rare’ dementias. It is much easier to say what we mean by the term ‘common dementias’, which is that Alzheimer's disease a... Read More about ‘Less common’ dementias affect many people.

The Experience of Apathy in Dementia: A Qualitative Study (2021)
Journal Article
Baber, W., Chang, C. Y. M., Yates, J., & Dening, T. (2021). The Experience of Apathy in Dementia: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6), Article 3325.

We aimed to explore and gain an understanding into how people with dementia experience apathy, and consequently suggest effective interventions to help them and their carers. Twelve participants (6 dyads of 6 people with dementia and their family car... Read More about The Experience of Apathy in Dementia: A Qualitative Study.

Hormone replacement therapy and dementia risk: nested case-control studies using CPRD and QResearch (2021)
Journal Article
Vinogradova, Y., Dening, T., Hippisley-Cox, J., Taylor, L., Moore, M., & Coupland, C. (2021). Hormone replacement therapy and dementia risk: nested case-control studies using CPRD and QResearch. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series, 38, 1-16

Introduction: Research from clinical trials of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has produced conflicting findings about possible risks of dementia after receiving these treatments, and further research on HRT and dementia risk has been identified as... Read More about Hormone replacement therapy and dementia risk: nested case-control studies using CPRD and QResearch.

How Quality Improvement Collaboratives Work to Improve Healthcare in Care Homes: A Realist Evaluation (2021)
Journal Article
Devi, R., Chadborn, N. H., Meyer, J., Banerjee, J., Goodman, C., Dening, T., Rf Gladman, J., Hinsliff-Smith, K., Long, A., Usman, A., Housley, G., Lewis, S., Glover, M., Gage, H., Logan, P. A., Martin, F. C., & Gordon, A. L. (2021). How Quality Improvement Collaboratives Work to Improve Healthcare in Care Homes: A Realist Evaluation. Age and Ageing, 50(4), 1371-1381.

Quality improvement collaboratives (QICs) bring together multidisciplinary teams in a structured process to improve care quality. How QICs can be used to support healthcare improvement in care homes is not fully understood.

A... Read More about How Quality Improvement Collaboratives Work to Improve Healthcare in Care Homes: A Realist Evaluation.

Social connectedness in adults with mental disorders: ecological validation of a conceptual framework for novel complex interventions (2021)
Journal Article
Hare-Duke, L., Dening, T., Oliveira, D., Dewa, R., & Slade, M. (2021). Social connectedness in adults with mental disorders: ecological validation of a conceptual framework for novel complex interventions. Journal of Mental Health, 30(3), 333-340.

Social connectedness interventions may improve the clinical outcomes and personal recovery of adults with mental disorders but many interventions lack a clear theory-base and show limited effectiveness.

To evaluate the validity of... Read More about Social connectedness in adults with mental disorders: ecological validation of a conceptual framework for novel complex interventions.

Development of an Evidence-Based Best Practice Model for Teams Managing Crisis in Dementia: Protocol for a Qualitative Study (2021)
Journal Article
Stanyon, M., Streater, A., Coleston-Shields, D., Yates, J., Challis, D., Dening, T., Hoe, J., Lloyd-Evans, B., Mitchell, S., Moniz-Cook, E., Poland, F., Prothero, D., & Orrell, M. (2021). Development of an Evidence-Based Best Practice Model for Teams Managing Crisis in Dementia: Protocol for a Qualitative Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(1), Article e14781.

Background: Teams working in the community to manage crisis in dementia currently exist, but with widely varying models of practice, it is difficult to determine the effectiveness of such teams.

Objective: The aim of this study is to develop a “be... Read More about Development of an Evidence-Based Best Practice Model for Teams Managing Crisis in Dementia: Protocol for a Qualitative Study.

Improving emotional well-being for hospital-based patients with dementia (2020)
Journal Article
Petty, S., Griffiths, A., Coleston, D. M., & Dening, T. (2021). Improving emotional well-being for hospital-based patients with dementia. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 22(1), 56-67.

Purpose: Improving hospital care for people with dementia is a well-established priority. There is limited research evidence to guide nursing staff in delivering person-centred care, particularly under conditions where patients are emotionally distre... Read More about Improving emotional well-being for hospital-based patients with dementia.

Understanding the causes, symptoms and effects of young-onset dementia (2020)
Journal Article
Ray, M., & Dening, T. (2021). Understanding the causes, symptoms and effects of young-onset dementia. Nursing Standard, 36(1), 43-50.

Young-onset dementia refers to dementia that develops before the age of 65 years. It can present with a wide variety of symptoms including cognitive, behavioural, neurological and systemic symptoms, which reflects the wide range of possible causes. Y... Read More about Understanding the causes, symptoms and effects of young-onset dementia.

Journal Article
Jacinto, A. F., Achterberg, W., Wachholz, P. A., Dening, T., Dening, K. H., Devi, R., Oliveira, D., Everink, I., Azevedo, P. S., Villas Boas, P. J., Hinsliff-Smith, K., Hoedl, M., Schols, J. M., Shepherd, V., Gratao, A., Watanabe, H. A., Zazzetta, M. S., Goodman, C., Spilsby, K., & Gordon, A. (2020). USING INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS TO SHAPE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION INTO CARE HOMES IN BRAZIL: A WHITE PAPER. Journal of Nursing Home Research, 6(109-113),

The Brazilian care home sector is underdeveloped, and the limited available evidence suggests that care quality falls below international standards. Development of the Brazilian care home sector could be associated with better outcomes for those rece... Read More about USING INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS TO SHAPE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION INTO CARE HOMES IN BRAZIL: A WHITE PAPER.

Mild Cognitive Impairment: The Manchester consensus (2020)
Journal Article
Dunne, R. A., Aarsland, D., O'Brien, J. T., Ballard, C., Banerjee, S., Fox, N. C., Isaacs, J. D., Underwood, B. R., Perry, R. J., Chan, D., Dening, T., Thomas, A. J., Schryer, J., Jones, A. M., Evans, A. R., Alessi, C., Coulthard, E. J., Pickett, J., Elton, P., Jones, R. W., …Burns, A. (2021). Mild Cognitive Impairment: The Manchester consensus. Age and Ageing, 50(1), 72-80.

Given considerable variation in diagnostic and therapeutic practice, there is a need for national guidance on the use of neuroimaging, fluid biomarkers, cognitive testing, follow-up and diagnostic terminology in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). MCI i... Read More about Mild Cognitive Impairment: The Manchester consensus.

Developing a model of best practice for teams managing crisis in people with dementia: a consensus approach (2020)
Journal Article
Yates, J., Stanyon, M., Challis, D., Coleston-Shields, D. M., Dening, T., Hoe, J., Jawahar, K., Lloyd-Evans, B., Moniz-Cook, E., Poland, F., Streater, A., Trigg, E., & Orrell, M. (2020). Developing a model of best practice for teams managing crisis in people with dementia: a consensus approach. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1), Article 505.

© 2020, The Author(s). Background: Teams delivering crisis resolution services for people with dementia and their carers provide short-term interventions to prevent admission to acute care settings. There is great variation in these services across t... Read More about Developing a model of best practice for teams managing crisis in people with dementia: a consensus approach.

AQUEDUCT Intervention for Crisis Team Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia: Protocol for a Feasibility Study (2020)
Journal Article
Broome, E. E., Coleston-Shields, D. M., Dening, T., Moniz-Cook, E., Poland, F., Stanyon, M., & Orrell, M. (2020). AQUEDUCT Intervention for Crisis Team Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia: Protocol for a Feasibility Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(10), Article e18971.

Background: Specialist community teams often support people with dementia who experience crisis. These teams may vary in composition and models of practice, which presents challenges when evaluating their effectiveness. A best practice model for deme... Read More about AQUEDUCT Intervention for Crisis Team Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia: Protocol for a Feasibility Study.

Developing a model of best practice for teams managing crisis in people with dementia: A consensus approach (2020)
Preprint / Working Paper
Yates, J., Stanyon, M., Challis, D., Coleston-Shields, D. M., Dening, T., Hoe, J., Jawahar, K., Lloyd-Evans, B., Moniz-Cook, E., Poland, F., Streater, A., Trigg, E., & Orrell, M. Developing a model of best practice for teams managing crisis in people with dementia: A consensus approach

Background: Teams delivering crisis resolution services for people with dementia and their carers provide short-term interventions to prevent admission to acute care settings. There is great variation in these services across the UK. This article rep... Read More about Developing a model of best practice for teams managing crisis in people with dementia: A consensus approach.

Undiagnosed dementia in primary care: a record linkage study (2020)
Journal Article
Aldus, C. F., Arthur, A., Dennington-Price, A., Millac, P., Richmond, P., Dening, T., Fox, C., Matthews, F. E., Robinson, L., Stephan, B. C., Brayne, C., & Savva, G. M. (2020). Undiagnosed dementia in primary care: a record linkage study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 8(20), 1-108.


The number of people living with dementia is greater than the number with a diagnosis of dementia recorded in primary care. This suggests that a significant number are living with dementia that is undiagnosed. Little is known about this... Read More about Undiagnosed dementia in primary care: a record linkage study.

Setting Priorities to Inform Assessment of Care Homes’ Readiness to Participate in Healthcare Innovation: A Systematic Mapping Review and Consensus Process (2020)
Journal Article
Bunn, F., Goodman, C., Corazzini, K., Sharpe, R., Handley, M., Lynch, J., Meyer, J., Dening, T., & Gordon, A. L. (2020). Setting Priorities to Inform Assessment of Care Homes’ Readiness to Participate in Healthcare Innovation: A Systematic Mapping Review and Consensus Process. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3), Article 987.

Organisational context is known to impact on the successful implementation of healthcare initiatives in care homes. We undertook a systematic mapping review to examine whether researchers have considered organisational context when planning, conducti... Read More about Setting Priorities to Inform Assessment of Care Homes’ Readiness to Participate in Healthcare Innovation: A Systematic Mapping Review and Consensus Process.

Emotion-focused care requested by hospital patients with dementia via advance care planning (2020)
Journal Article
Petty, S., Coleston, D. M., Dening, T., & Griffiths, A. (2020). Emotion-focused care requested by hospital patients with dementia via advance care planning. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 16(1), 29-33.

Background: This study responds to international pressures to improve hospital care for patients with dementia. Aim: To reach a concise overview of ways to improve the emotional wellbeing of patients with dementia when in hospital by exploring their... Read More about Emotion-focused care requested by hospital patients with dementia via advance care planning.

Recognising Design as a Means for Enhancing Quality of Life, Self-Empowerment and Social Engagement for People with Dementia: Recommendations for Funders & Policymakers, Designers, Design Researchers & Design Educators, Design Regulators & Voluntary Organisations (2020)
Niedderer, K., Dening, T., & Powell, K. (2020). Recognising Design as a Means for Enhancing Quality of Life, Self-Empowerment and Social Engagement for People with Dementia: Recommendations for Funders & Policymakers, Designers, Design Researchers & Design Educators, Design Regulators & Voluntary Organisations. European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme