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Professor TOM DENING's Outputs (13)

Determinants for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the general population: a systematic review of reviews (2022)
Journal Article
Kafadar, A. H., Tekeli, G. G., Jones, K. A., Stephan, B., & Dening, T. (2022). Determinants for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the general population: a systematic review of reviews. Journal of Public Health, 31(11), 1829-1845.

Although multiple COVID-19 vaccines are approved for global use, vaccine hesitancy poses a substantial risk for global health. Therefore, the aim of this umbrella review is to identify those factors that influence COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy... Read More about Determinants for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the general population: a systematic review of reviews.

Object Handling for People With Dementia: A Scoping Review and the Development of Intervention Guidance (2022)
Journal Article
D’Andrea, F., Dening, T., & Tischler, V. (2022). Object Handling for People With Dementia: A Scoping Review and the Development of Intervention Guidance. Innovation in Aging, 6(5), Article igac043.

Abstract Background and Objectives Among the various psychosocial interventions aiming at improving behavior, quality of life, and the well-being of people with dementia, one that has attracted recent attention has been object handling. This scoping... Read More about Object Handling for People With Dementia: A Scoping Review and the Development of Intervention Guidance.

Systems and Processes that Enable Progress for Older Forensic Mental Health Patients (2022)
Journal Article
Walker, K., Furtado, V., Yates, J., Dening, T., Völlm, B., & Griffiths, C. (2023). Systems and Processes that Enable Progress for Older Forensic Mental Health Patients. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 22(2), 93-104.

Older forensic mental health patients have complex needs and requirements; service provision is required to address mental health, offending risk and issues associated with aging (geriatric care). This study aimed to identify the systems and processe... Read More about Systems and Processes that Enable Progress for Older Forensic Mental Health Patients.

Staff perspectives on barriers to and facilitators of quality of life, health, wellbeing, recovery and reduced risk for older forensic mental-health patients: A qualitative interview study (2022)
Journal Article
Walker, K., Yates, J., Dening, T., Völlm, B., Tomlin, J., & Griffiths, C. (2022). Staff perspectives on barriers to and facilitators of quality of life, health, wellbeing, recovery and reduced risk for older forensic mental-health patients: A qualitative interview study. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 27(4), 287-300.

Objectives: There is a lack of research informing service delivery for older forensic mental health patients. This study explored service provision in forensic mental health inpatient and community services in England, investigating what is required... Read More about Staff perspectives on barriers to and facilitators of quality of life, health, wellbeing, recovery and reduced risk for older forensic mental-health patients: A qualitative interview study.

An intervention to promote self-management, independence and self-efficacy in people with early-stage dementia: the Journeying through Dementia RCT (2022)
Journal Article
Mountain, G., Wright, J., Cooper, C. L., Lee, E., Sprange, K., Beresford-Dent, J., Young, T., Walters, S., Berry, K., Dening, T., Loban, A., Turton, E., Thomas, B. D., Young, E. L., Thompson, B. J., Crawford, B., Craig, C., Bowie, P., Moniz-Cook, E., & Foster, A. (2022). An intervention to promote self-management, independence and self-efficacy in people with early-stage dementia: the Journeying through Dementia RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 26(24), 1-152.


There are few effective interventions for dementia.


To determine the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an intervention to promote self-management, independence and self-efficacy in people with early-stage dement... Read More about An intervention to promote self-management, independence and self-efficacy in people with early-stage dementia: the Journeying through Dementia RCT.

Older adult forensic mental health patients’ views on barriers, facilitators and ‘what works’ to enable better quality of life, health and wellbeing and to reduce risk of reoffending and harm to self and others (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
Walker, K., Yates, J., Dening, T., Vollm, B., Tomlin, J., & Griffiths, C. Older adult forensic mental health patients’ views on barriers, facilitators and ‘what works’ to enable better quality of life, health and wellbeing and to reduce risk of reoffending and harm to self and others

Research evidence that can inform service provision and treatment requirements for older (aged 55 years and above) forensic mental health patients is lacking, particularly that which is based on patients’ own preferences and experience... Read More about Older adult forensic mental health patients’ views on barriers, facilitators and ‘what works’ to enable better quality of life, health and wellbeing and to reduce risk of reoffending and harm to self and others.

The Journeying through Dementia psychosocial intervention versus usual care study: a two-arm, phase 3, superiority randomised controlled trial (2022)
Journal Article
Mountain, G., Cooper, C., Wright, J., Walters, S., Lee, E., Craig, C., Berry, K., Sprange, K., Young, T., Moniz-Cook, E., Dening, T., Loban, A., Turton, E., Beresford-Dent, J., Thomas, B., Thompson, B., & Young, E. (2022). The Journeying through Dementia psychosocial intervention versus usual care study: a two-arm, phase 3, superiority randomised controlled trial. Lancet Healthy Longevity, 3(4), e276-e285.

Background There is an urgent clinical need for evidence based psychosocial interventions for people with mild dementia. We aimed to determine clinical and cost-effectiveness of Journeying through Dementia (JtD), an intervention designed to promote w... Read More about The Journeying through Dementia psychosocial intervention versus usual care study: a two-arm, phase 3, superiority randomised controlled trial.

Advance Care Plans in UK care home residents: a service evaluation using a stepped wedge design (2022)
Journal Article
Garden, G., Usman, A., Readman, D., Storey, L., Wilkinson, L., Wilson, G., Dening, T., Gordon, A. L., & Gladman, J. (2022). Advance Care Plans in UK care home residents: a service evaluation using a stepped wedge design. Age and Ageing, 51(3), Article afac069.

Advance care planning (ACP) in care homes has high acceptance, increases the proportion of residents dying in place and reduces hospital admissions in research. We investigated whether ACP had similar outcomes when introduced during re... Read More about Advance Care Plans in UK care home residents: a service evaluation using a stepped wedge design.

Sustaining interventions in care homes initiated by quality improvement projects: a qualitative study (2022)
Journal Article
Devi, R., Martin, G. P., Banerjee, J., Gladman, J. R., Dening, T., Barat, A., & Gordon, A. L. (2022). Sustaining interventions in care homes initiated by quality improvement projects: a qualitative study. BMJ Quality and Safety, 32(11), 665-675.

Introduction: Inadequate and varied quality of care in care homes has led to a proliferation of quality improvement (QI) projects. This study examined the sustainability of interventions initiated by such projects. Method: This qualitative study expl... Read More about Sustaining interventions in care homes initiated by quality improvement projects: a qualitative study.

Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a Resource Kit (2022)
Journal Article
Coleston-Shields, D. M., Challis, D., Worden, A., Broome, E., Dening, T., Guo, B., Hoe, J., Lloyd-Evans, B., Moniz-Cook, E., Morris, S., Poland, F., Prothero, D., & Orrell, M. (2022). Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a Resource Kit. Trials, 23, Article 54.

Background: Improving care at home for people with dementia is a core policy goal in the dementia strategies of many European countries. A challenge to effective home support is the occurrence of crises in the care of people with dementia which arise... Read More about Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a Resource Kit.

Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): A Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Resource Kit. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
Coleston-Shields, D. M., Challis, D., Worden, A., Broome, E., Dening, T., Guo, B., Hoe, J., Lloyd-Evans, B., Moniz-Cook, E., Morris, S., Poland, F., Prothero, D., & Orrell, M. Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): A Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Resource Kit


Improving care at home for people with dementia is a core policy goal in the dementia strategies of many European countries. A challenge to effective home support is the occurrence of crises in the care of people with dementia which ari... Read More about Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): A Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Resource Kit..