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Professor TOM DENING's Outputs (3)

Battles and breakthroughs: representations of dementia in the British press (2019)
Journal Article
Bailey, A., Dening, T., & Harvey, K. (2021). Battles and breakthroughs: representations of dementia in the British press. Ageing and Society, 41(2), 362-376.

Media coverage of dementia can influence public and professional attitudes towards the syndrome, shaping societal knowledge of dementia and impacting how people with dementia are cared for. This paper reports on a study of news articles about dementi... Read More about Battles and breakthroughs: representations of dementia in the British press.

Emotional distress with dementia: a systematic review using corpus‐based analysis and metaethnography (2018)
Journal Article
Petty, S., Harvey, K., Griffiths, A., Coleston-Shields, D. M., & Dening, T. (in press). Emotional distress with dementia: a systematic review using corpus‐based analysis and metaethnography. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry,

Objective: More understanding is needed about the emotional experiences of dementia from the perspective of the individual. This understanding can then inform the provision of health care to meet individual needs. This systematic review aimed to pres... Read More about Emotional distress with dementia: a systematic review using corpus‐based analysis and metaethnography.

“Our biggest killer”: multimodal discourse representations of dementia in the British press (2017)
Journal Article
Brookes, G., Harvey, K., Chadborn, N., & Dening, T. (2018). “Our biggest killer”: multimodal discourse representations of dementia in the British press. Social Semiotics, 28(3), 371-395.

A recent (2016) Office for National Statistics report stated that dementia is now “the leading cause of death” in England and Wales. Ever fixated with the syndrome (an unfailingly newsworthy topic), the British press was quick to respond to the bulle... Read More about “Our biggest killer”: multimodal discourse representations of dementia in the British press.