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Professor CHRISTOPHER TUCK's Outputs (3)

Selective recrystallization of cellulose composite powders and microstructure creation through 3D binder jetting (2018)
Journal Article
Holland, S., Tuck, C., & Foster, T. (2018). Selective recrystallization of cellulose composite powders and microstructure creation through 3D binder jetting. Carbohydrate Polymers, 200, 229-238.

Binder jetting is an additive manufacturing technique in which powdered material is sequentially laid down and printed on by an ink binder, in a selective manner, to form a 3D object. Unfortunately work in this area relevant to food materials is larg... Read More about Selective recrystallization of cellulose composite powders and microstructure creation through 3D binder jetting.

Fluid gels: a new feedstock for high viscosity jetting (2018)
Journal Article
Holland, S., Tuck, C., & Foster, T. (2018). Fluid gels: a new feedstock for high viscosity jetting. Food Biophysics, 13(2),

Suspensions of gel particles which are pourable or spoonable at room temperature can be created by shearing a gelling biopolymer through its gelation (thermal or ion mediated) rather than allowing quiescent cooling – thus the term ‘fluid gel’ may be... Read More about Fluid gels: a new feedstock for high viscosity jetting.

Design and characterisation of food grade powders and inks for microstructure control using 3D printing (2017)
Journal Article
Holland, S., Foster, T., MacNaughtan, W., & Tuck, C. (2018). Design and characterisation of food grade powders and inks for microstructure control using 3D printing. Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 12-19.

Additive Manufacturing techniques have been previously applied to food materials with direct consumption in mind, as opposed to creating structural ingredients as shown in this study. First, semi-crystalline cellulose was mechanically treated by ball... Read More about Design and characterisation of food grade powders and inks for microstructure control using 3D printing.