Rapid gram-scale microwave-assisted synthesis of organic anodes for sodium-ion batteries with environmental impact assessment
Journal Article
Puscalau, C., Desai, A. V., Lizundia, E., Ettlinger, R., Adam, M., Morris, R. E., Armstrong, A. R., Tokay, B., & Laybourn, A. (2025). Rapid gram-scale microwave-assisted synthesis of organic anodes for sodium-ion batteries with environmental impact assessment. Green Chemistry, 27(7), 2035-2045. https://doi.org/10.1039/d4gc05530f
Development of sustainable synthesis methods of organic electrode materials (OEMs) for sodium (Na)-ion batteries must take hold rapidly in large scale-synthesis if subsequent commercialisation is to occur. We report a facile and rapid gram-scale synt... Read More about Rapid gram-scale microwave-assisted synthesis of organic anodes for sodium-ion batteries with environmental impact assessment.