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Dr MANPREET BAINS's Outputs (41)

Exploring the influence of health management processes on health outcomes among internally displaced persons (IDPs) (2022)
Journal Article
Ekezie, W., Siebert, P., Timmons, S., Murray, R. L., & Bains, M. (2022). Exploring the influence of health management processes on health outcomes among internally displaced persons (IDPs). Journal of Migration and Health, 6, Article 100124.

Background: Despite global action and policy initiatives, internally displaced persons (IDPs) experience poor living conditions and lack healthcare access compared to refugees. This study sought to understand the relationship between health managemen... Read More about Exploring the influence of health management processes on health outcomes among internally displaced persons (IDPs).

When is Subnational, Supralocal Tobacco Control "just right"? A Qualitative Study in England (2022)
Journal Article
Davies, N., Cheeseman, H., Arnott, D., Pierce, E., Langley, T. E., Murray, R., Bogdanovica, I., & Bains, M. (2022). When is Subnational, Supralocal Tobacco Control "just right"? A Qualitative Study in England. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 24(8), 1241-1246.

Introduction: Subnational, supralocal (or "regional") approaches to tobacco control are often central federal nation tobacco control and can be superfluous for very small nations. However, their relevance to countries with weak intermediate tiers of... Read More about When is Subnational, Supralocal Tobacco Control "just right"? A Qualitative Study in England.

Potential Risk Factors of Smokeless Tobacco Consumption Among Adolescents in South India (2022)
Journal Article
Kulkarni, M. M., Kamath, V. G., Kamath, A., Lewis, S., Bogdanovica, I., Bains, M., Cranwell, J., Fogarty, A., Arora, M., Nazar, G. P., Ballal, K., Naik, A. K., Bhagawath, R., & Britton, J. (2022). Potential Risk Factors of Smokeless Tobacco Consumption Among Adolescents in South India. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 24(7), 1104-1109.

Introduction: Although most of the disease burden is due to tobacco smoking, smokeless tobacco (SLT) use contributed to an estimated 76,000 deaths in 2017. We have studied the potential risk factors for SLT use among adolescents in South India.

M... Read More about Potential Risk Factors of Smokeless Tobacco Consumption Among Adolescents in South India.

Prospective cohort study of exposure to tobacco imagery in popular films and smoking uptake among children in southern India (2021)
Journal Article
Kulkarni, M. M., Kamath, A., Kamath, V. G., Lewis, S., Bogdanovica, I., Bains, M., Cranwell, J., Fogarty, A., Arora, M., Nazar, G. P., Ballal, K., Naik, A. K., Bhagawath, R., & Britton, J. (2021). Prospective cohort study of exposure to tobacco imagery in popular films and smoking uptake among children in southern India. PLoS ONE, 16(8), Article e0253593.

Background Exposure to tobacco imagery in films causes young people to start smoking. Popular Indian films contain high levels of tobacco imagery, but those that do are required by law to display onscreen health warnings when smoking imagery occurs a... Read More about Prospective cohort study of exposure to tobacco imagery in popular films and smoking uptake among children in southern India.

Acceptability of chronic liver disease screening in a UK primary care setting: a qualitative evaluation (2020)
Journal Article
Knight, H., Harman, D., Morling, J. R., Aithal, G., Card, T., Guha, I. N., & Bains, M. (2020). Acceptability of chronic liver disease screening in a UK primary care setting: a qualitative evaluation. BMJ Open, 10(11), Article e041574.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ. OBJECTIVES: The increasing incidence of chronic liver disease (CLD) in the UK may be attributed to a rise in... Read More about Acceptability of chronic liver disease screening in a UK primary care setting: a qualitative evaluation.

Exposure to tobacco imagery in popular films and the risk of ever smoking among children in southern India (2020)
Journal Article
Kulkarni, M. M., Kamath, V. G., Kamath, A., Lewis, S., Bogdanovica, I., Bains, M., Cranwell, J., Fogarty, A., Arora, M., Nazar, G. P., Ballal, K., Bhagawath, R., & Britton, J. (2021). Exposure to tobacco imagery in popular films and the risk of ever smoking among children in southern India. Tobacco Control, 30(5), 560-566.

Background Exposure to smoking in films is a recognised cause of smoking uptake among children. In India, in an attempt to protect children, films containing smoking are required to include tobacco control messaging including audiovisual disclaimers,... Read More about Exposure to tobacco imagery in popular films and the risk of ever smoking among children in southern India.

Self-reported diseases and their associated risk factors among camp-dwelling conflict-affected internally displaced populations in Nigeria (2020)
Journal Article
Ekezie, W., Myles, P., Murray, R. L., Bains, M., Timmons, S., & Pritchard, C. (2021). Self-reported diseases and their associated risk factors among camp-dwelling conflict-affected internally displaced populations in Nigeria. Journal of Public Health, 43(2), e171-e179.

Background: Conflict in Nigeria displaced millions of people and some settled in camp-like locations within the country. Evidence on the association between living conditions and health outcomes among these populations are limited. This study investi... Read More about Self-reported diseases and their associated risk factors among camp-dwelling conflict-affected internally displaced populations in Nigeria.

‘I Felt Welcomed in Like They’re a Little Family in There, I Felt Like I Was Joining a Team or Something’: Vape Shop Customers’ Experiences of E-Cigarette Use, Vape Shops and the Vaping Community (2019)
Journal Article
Langley, T., Bell-Williams, R., Pattinson, J., Britton, J., & Bains, M. (2019). ‘I Felt Welcomed in Like They’re a Little Family in There, I Felt Like I Was Joining a Team or Something’: Vape Shop Customers’ Experiences of E-Cigarette Use, Vape Shops and the Vaping Community. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(13), 1-11.

Background: Specialist electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) shops, known as vape shops, provide access to a less harmful alternative to smoking. This study aimed to understand customers’ experiences of vaping and vape shops, and the extent to which smo... Read More about ‘I Felt Welcomed in Like They’re a Little Family in There, I Felt Like I Was Joining a Team or Something’: Vape Shop Customers’ Experiences of E-Cigarette Use, Vape Shops and the Vaping Community.

An audit of healthcare provision in internally displaced population camps in Nigeria (2018)
Journal Article
Ekezie, W., Timmons, S., Myles, P., Siebert, P., Bains, M., & Pritchard, C. (2018). An audit of healthcare provision in internally displaced population camps in Nigeria. Journal of Public Health, 41(3), 583-592.

Background: Armed conflict in Nigeria resulted in more than 2 million internally displaced persons (IDPs). IDPs live in poor conditions lacking basic resources with variable provision across different locations. This audit aimed to determine the heal... Read More about An audit of healthcare provision in internally displaced population camps in Nigeria.

Vape shops: who uses them and what do they do? (2018)
Journal Article
Pattinson, J., Lewis, S., Bains, M., Britton, J., & Langley, T. (2018). Vape shops: who uses them and what do they do?. BMC Public Health, 18, Article 541.

Background: ‘Vape shops’ are a popular source for buying electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and related products. The products that vape shops sell, their marketing techniques and the extent to which they provide information or encouragement to smo... Read More about Vape shops: who uses them and what do they do?.

Nature of events and alcohol-related content in marketing materials at a university freshers’ fair: a summative content analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Fuller, A., Fleming, K. M., Szatkowski, L., & Bains, M. (2018). Nature of events and alcohol-related content in marketing materials at a university freshers’ fair: a summative content analysis. Journal of Public Health, 40(3), e320-e327.

Introduction:The transition to university is a potentially influential time upon students’ drinking behaviour. This study explored the nature of activities and alcohol-related content in marketing materials from student-led societies and local busine... Read More about Nature of events and alcohol-related content in marketing materials at a university freshers’ fair: a summative content analysis.

Evaluation of a novel intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent the uptake of smoking in school-aged children: a mixed-methods study (2017)
Journal Article
Szatkowski, L., Taylor, J., Taylor, A., Lewis, S., Qi, W., Parrott, S., McNeill, A., Britton, J., Bauld, L., Jones, L. L., & Bains, M. (2017). Evaluation of a novel intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent the uptake of smoking in school-aged children: a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open, 7, Article e018031.

Objectives: Evidence from the US Truth® campaign suggests that interventions focusing on tobacco industry practices and ethics may be effective in preventing youth smoking uptake. We developed, piloted and evaluated a school-based intervention based... Read More about Evaluation of a novel intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent the uptake of smoking in school-aged children: a mixed-methods study.

A qualitative study exploring factors influencing clinical decision-making for influenza-like illness in Solapur city, Maharashtra, India (2017)
Journal Article
Ahankari, A. S., Myles, P. R., Tsang, S., Khan, F., Atre, S., Langley, T., Kudale, A., & Bains, M. (in press). A qualitative study exploring factors influencing clinical decision-making for influenza-like illness in Solapur city, Maharashtra, India. Anthropology and Medicine,

The co-existence of different types of medical systems (medical pluralism) is a typical feature of India's healthcare system. For conditions such as influenza-like illness (ILI), where non-specific disease signs/symptoms exist, clinical reasoning in... Read More about A qualitative study exploring factors influencing clinical decision-making for influenza-like illness in Solapur city, Maharashtra, India.

Portrayal of tobacco smoking in popular women's magazines: a content analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Kasujee, N., Britton, J., Cranwell, J., Lyons, A., & Bains, M. (in press). Portrayal of tobacco smoking in popular women's magazines: a content analysis. Journal of Public Health,

Background: Whilst many countries have introduced legislation prohibiting tobacco advertising and sponsorship, references to tobacco continue to appear in the media. This study quantified and characterized tobacco smoking content in popular women's m... Read More about Portrayal of tobacco smoking in popular women's magazines: a content analysis.

Development and evaluation of an intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent smoking uptake: a mixed-methods study (2016)
Journal Article
Szatkowski, L., Taylor, J. A., Taylor, A., Lewis, S., Britton, J., McNeill, A., Bauld, L., Wu, Q., Parrott, S., Jones, L. L., & Bains, M. (2016). Development and evaluation of an intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent smoking uptake: a mixed-methods study. Public Health Research, 4(9),


Smokers who start smoking at an early age are less likely to quit and more likely to die from their habit. Evidence from the US Truth® campaign suggests that interventions focusing on tobacco industry practices and ethics may be effecti... Read More about Development and evaluation of an intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent smoking uptake: a mixed-methods study.

Protecting children from secondhand smoke: a mixed-methods feasibility study of a novel smoke-free home intervention (2016)
Journal Article
Marsh, J., McNeill, A., Lewis, S., Coleman, T., Bains, M., Larwood, A., Purdy, J., & Jones, L. L. (2016). Protecting children from secondhand smoke: a mixed-methods feasibility study of a novel smoke-free home intervention. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 2, Article 53.

Background: Globally, 40 % of children under 14 years are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke (SHS), typically in their homes. There is limited evidence of the effectiveness of interventions to reduce children’s SHS exposure,and so the aim of this... Read More about Protecting children from secondhand smoke: a mixed-methods feasibility study of a novel smoke-free home intervention.

“F*ck it! Let’s get to drinking – poison our livers!”: a thematic analysis of alcohol content in contemporary YouTube music videos (2016)
Journal Article
Cranwell, J., Britton, J., & Bains, M. (in press). “F*ck it! Let’s get to drinking – poison our livers!”: a thematic analysis of alcohol content in contemporary YouTube music videos. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine,

Purpose: To describe the portrayal of alcohol content in popular YouTube music videos.

Methods: We used inductive thematic analysis to explore the lyrics and visual imagery in 49 UK Top 40 songs and music videos previously found to contain alcoh... Read More about “F*ck it! Let’s get to drinking – poison our livers!”: a thematic analysis of alcohol content in contemporary YouTube music videos.

A qualitative evaluation of a novel intervention using insight into tobacco industry tactics to prevent the uptake of smoking in school-aged children (2016)
Journal Article
Taylor, J., Taylor, A., Lewis, S., McNeill, A., Britton, J., Jones, L. L., Bauld, L., Parrott, S., Wu, Q., Szatkowski, L., & Bains, M. (2016). A qualitative evaluation of a novel intervention using insight into tobacco industry tactics to prevent the uptake of smoking in school-aged children. BMC Public Health, 16(539),

Background: Evidence from the US Truth campaign suggests that interventions focusing on tobacco industry tactics can be effective in preventing smoking uptake by children. Operation Smoke Storm is the first school-based intervention based on this pre... Read More about A qualitative evaluation of a novel intervention using insight into tobacco industry tactics to prevent the uptake of smoking in school-aged children.

Patients' attitudes to risk in lung cancer surgery: a qualitative study (2015)
Journal Article
Powell, H. A., Jones, L. L., Baldwin, D. R., Duffy, J. P., Hubbard, R. B., Tod, A. M., Solomon, J., & Bains, M. (2015). Patients' attitudes to risk in lung cancer surgery: a qualitative study. Lung Cancer, 90(2),

Lung cancer surgery leads to long term survival for some patients but little is known about how patients decide whether to accept the associated surgical risks. The objective of this qualitative study was to explore patients’ attitudes to... Read More about Patients' attitudes to risk in lung cancer surgery: a qualitative study.

Countering the demand for, and supply of, illicit tobacco: an assessment of the ‘North of England Tackling Illicit Tobacco for Better Health’ Programme (2014)
Journal Article
McNeill, A., Iringe-Koko, B., Bains, M., Bauld, L., Siggens, G., & Russell, A. (2014). Countering the demand for, and supply of, illicit tobacco: an assessment of the ‘North of England Tackling Illicit Tobacco for Better Health’ Programme. Tobacco Control, 23(e1), Article e44-e50.

Illicit tobacco (IT) undermines the effectiveness of tobacco control strategies. We assessed the implementation and impact of a new programme designed to reduce demand for, as well as supply of, IT, in the North of England, where IT was p... Read More about Countering the demand for, and supply of, illicit tobacco: an assessment of the ‘North of England Tackling Illicit Tobacco for Better Health’ Programme.