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Dr MANPREET BAINS's Outputs (3)

Nature of events and alcohol-related content in marketing materials at a university freshers’ fair: a summative content analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Fuller, A., Fleming, K. M., Szatkowski, L., & Bains, M. (2018). Nature of events and alcohol-related content in marketing materials at a university freshers’ fair: a summative content analysis. Journal of Public Health, 40(3), e320-e327.

Introduction:The transition to university is a potentially influential time upon students’ drinking behaviour. This study explored the nature of activities and alcohol-related content in marketing materials from student-led societies and local busine... Read More about Nature of events and alcohol-related content in marketing materials at a university freshers’ fair: a summative content analysis.

Evaluation of a novel intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent the uptake of smoking in school-aged children: a mixed-methods study (2017)
Journal Article
Szatkowski, L., Taylor, J., Taylor, A., Lewis, S., Qi, W., Parrott, S., McNeill, A., Britton, J., Bauld, L., Jones, L. L., & Bains, M. (2017). Evaluation of a novel intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent the uptake of smoking in school-aged children: a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open, 7, Article e018031.

Objectives: Evidence from the US Truth® campaign suggests that interventions focusing on tobacco industry practices and ethics may be effective in preventing youth smoking uptake. We developed, piloted and evaluated a school-based intervention based... Read More about Evaluation of a novel intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent the uptake of smoking in school-aged children: a mixed-methods study.

A qualitative study exploring factors influencing clinical decision-making for influenza-like illness in Solapur city, Maharashtra, India (2017)
Journal Article
Ahankari, A. S., Myles, P. R., Tsang, S., Khan, F., Atre, S., Langley, T., Kudale, A., & Bains, M. (in press). A qualitative study exploring factors influencing clinical decision-making for influenza-like illness in Solapur city, Maharashtra, India. Anthropology and Medicine,

The co-existence of different types of medical systems (medical pluralism) is a typical feature of India's healthcare system. For conditions such as influenza-like illness (ILI), where non-specific disease signs/symptoms exist, clinical reasoning in... Read More about A qualitative study exploring factors influencing clinical decision-making for influenza-like illness in Solapur city, Maharashtra, India.