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Professor Elizabeth Orton's Outputs (5)

Healthcare utilisation, morbidities and alcohol use monitoring prior to alcoholic psychosis diagnosis (2018)
Journal Article
Otete, H., Fleming, K. M., West, J., & Orton, E. (2019). Healthcare utilisation, morbidities and alcohol use monitoring prior to alcoholic psychosis diagnosis. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 54(2), 131–138.

Aims: This study aimed to describe healthcare utilisation, morbidities and monitoring of alcohol use in patients prior to a diagnosis of alcoholic psychosis in order to inform the early identification of patients at risk.

Method: Using linked gene... Read More about Healthcare utilisation, morbidities and alcohol use monitoring prior to alcoholic psychosis diagnosis.

Keeping active: maintenance of physical activity after exercise programs for older adults (2018)
Journal Article
Kendrick, D., Orton, E., Lafond, N., Audsley, S., Maula, A., Morris, R., Vedhara, K., & Iliffe, S. (2018). Keeping active: maintenance of physical activity after exercise programs for older adults. Public Health, 164, 118-127.

Objectives: To explore factors associated with maintenance of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in community-dwelling adults aged ≥65 years after completing a 24-week exercise programme.
Study design: Cohort study nested within a randomi... Read More about Keeping active: maintenance of physical activity after exercise programs for older adults.

Poisoning substances taken by young people: a population-based cohort study (2018)
Journal Article
Tyrrell, E. G., Kendrick, D., Sayal, K., & Orton, E. (2018). Poisoning substances taken by young people: a population-based cohort study. British Journal of General Practice, 68(675), e703-e710.

Background: Globally, poisonings account for most medically-attended self-harm. Recent data on poisoning substances are lacking, but needed to inform self-harm prevention.
Aim: To assess poisoning substance patterns and trends among 10-24 year olds... Read More about Poisoning substances taken by young people: a population-based cohort study.

A logic model for the implementation of a falls management exercise programme (2018)
Timblin, C., Audsley, S., Carpenter, H., Coupland, C., Gladman, J., Kendrick, D., Lafond, N., Logan, P., Orton, E., Skelton, D. A., Timmons, S., & Ward, D. (2018). A logic model for the implementation of a falls management exercise programme. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN)

PHysical activity Implementation Study In Community-dwelling AduLts (PHISICAL): study protocol (2018)
Journal Article
Carpenter, H., Audsley, S., Coupland, C., Gladman, J. R., Kendrick, D., Lafond, N., Logan, P., Skelton, D. A., Timblin, C., Timmons, S., Ward, D., & Orton, E. (in press). PHysical activity Implementation Study In Community-dwelling AduLts (PHISICAL): study protocol. Injury Prevention,

Background: Falls in older people are a leading causes of unintentional injury. Due to an ageing population, injuries are likely to increase unless more is done to reduce older people’s falls risk. In clinical trials, the Falls Management Exercise (F... Read More about PHysical activity Implementation Study In Community-dwelling AduLts (PHISICAL): study protocol.