Multi-scale pore structural change across a paleodepositional transition in Utica shale probed by gas sorption overcondensation and scanning
Journal Article
Pitcher, E. G., Large, D. J., Fletcher, R. S., & Rigby, S. P. (2021). Multi-scale pore structural change across a paleodepositional transition in Utica shale probed by gas sorption overcondensation and scanning. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 134, Article 105348.
Pore structure and network configuration in shales greatly impacts physical processes important for hydrocarbon migration, methane extraction, gas storage, or carbon sequestration. The multi-scale nature of the porosity in shales presents significant... Read More about Multi-scale pore structural change across a paleodepositional transition in Utica shale probed by gas sorption overcondensation and scanning.