Dual expression and anatomy lines allow simultaneous visualization of gene expression and anatomy
Journal Article
Kümpers, B. M. C., Han, J., Vaughan-Hirsch, J., Redman, N., Ware, A., Atkinson, J. A., Leftley, N., Janes, G., Castiglione, G., Tarr, P. T., Pyke, K., Voß, U., Wells, D. M., & Bishopp, A. (2022). Dual expression and anatomy lines allow simultaneous visualization of gene expression and anatomy. Plant Physiology, 188(1), 56-69. https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiab503
Studying the developmental genetics of plant organs, requires following gene expression in specific tissues. To facilitate this, we have developed the Dual Expression Anatomy Lines (DEAL), which incorporate a red plasma membrane marker alongside a fl... Read More about Dual expression and anatomy lines allow simultaneous visualization of gene expression and anatomy.