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Dr SARAH STORR's Outputs (7)

Are DNA repair factors promising biomarkers for personalized therapy in gastric cancer? (2013)
Journal Article
Abdel-Fatah, T., Arora, A., Gorguc, I., Abbotts, R., Beebeejaun, S., Storr, S. J., Mohan, V., Hawkes, C., Soomro, I. N., Lobo, D. N., Parsons, S. L., & Madhusudan, S. (2013). Are DNA repair factors promising biomarkers for personalized therapy in gastric cancer?. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 18(18),

Chronic inflammation is a driving force for gastric carcinogenesis. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated during the inflammatory process generates DNA damage that is processed through the DNA repair pathways. In this study, we profiled key DNA rep... Read More about Are DNA repair factors promising biomarkers for personalized therapy in gastric cancer?.

A comparative study of adhesion of melanoma and breast cancer cells to blood and lymphatic endothelium (2012)
Journal Article
Safuan, S., Storr, S. J., Patel, P. M., & Martin, S. G. (2012). A comparative study of adhesion of melanoma and breast cancer cells to blood and lymphatic endothelium. Lymphatic Research and Biology, 10(4),

Background: Lymphovascular invasion (LVI) is an important step in the metastatic cascade; tumor cell migration
and adhesion to blood and lymphatic vessels is followed by invasion through the vessel wall and subsequent
systemic spread. Although prim... Read More about A comparative study of adhesion of melanoma and breast cancer cells to blood and lymphatic endothelium.

Calpain system protein expression in carcinomas of the pancreas, bile duct and ampulla (2012)
Journal Article
Storr, S. J., Zaitoun, A. M., Arora, A., Durrant, L. G., Lobo, D. N., Madhusudan, S., & Martin, S. G. (2012). Calpain system protein expression in carcinomas of the pancreas, bile duct and ampulla. BMC Cancer, 12(511),

Background: Pancreatic cancer, including cancer of the ampulla of Vater and bile duct, is very aggressive and has a
poor five year survival rate; improved methods of patient stratification are required.
Methods: We assessed the expression of calpai... Read More about Calpain system protein expression in carcinomas of the pancreas, bile duct and ampulla.

Calpain-2 expression is associated with response to platinum based chemotherapy, progression-free and overall survival in ovarian cancer (2012)
Journal Article
Storr, S. J., Safuan, S., Woolston, C. M., Abdel-Fatah, T., Deen, S., Chan, S. Y., & Martin, S. G. (2012). Calpain-2 expression is associated with response to platinum based chemotherapy, progression-free and overall survival in ovarian cancer. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 16(10),

Ovarian cancer is routinely treated with surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy. Resistance is a major obstacle in the efficacy of this chemotherapy
regimen and the ability to identify those patients at risk of developing resistance is of considera... Read More about Calpain-2 expression is associated with response to platinum based chemotherapy, progression-free and overall survival in ovarian cancer.

Calpain system protein expression in basal-like and triple-negative invasive breast cancer (2012)
Journal Article
triple-negative invasive breast cancer. Annals of Oncology, 23(9),

Background: Basal-like and triple-negative breast tumours encompass an important clinical subgroup and
biomarkers that can prognostically stratify these patients are required.
Materials and methods: We investigated two breast cancer tissue microarr... Read More about Calpain system protein expression in basal-like and triple-negative invasive breast cancer.

The prognostic and predictive power of redox rotein expression for anthracycline-based chemotherapy response in locally advanced breast cancer (2012)
Journal Article
Woolston, C. M., Zhang, L., Storr, S. J., Al-Attar, A., Shehata, M., Ellis, I. O., Chan, S. Y., & Martin, S. G. (in press). The prognostic and predictive power of redox rotein expression for anthracycline-based chemotherapy response in locally advanced breast cancer. Modern Pathology, 25,

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has become the standard of care for locally advanced primary breast cancer. Anthracycline-based regimens have proven to be one of the most effective treatments in this setting. As certain cytotoxic antineoplastic agents, such... Read More about The prognostic and predictive power of redox rotein expression for anthracycline-based chemotherapy response in locally advanced breast cancer.

Objective assessment of blood and lymphatic vessel invasion and association with macrophage infiltration in cutaneous melanoma (2011)
Journal Article
Storr, S. J., Safuan, S., Mitra, A., Elliott, F., Walker, C., Vasko, M. J., Ho, B., Cook, M., Mohammed, R. A., Patel, P. M., Ellis, I. O., Newton-Bishop, J. A., & Martin, S. G. (2011). Objective assessment of blood and lymphatic vessel invasion and association with macrophage infiltration in cutaneous melanoma. Modern Pathology, 25(4),

The aims of this study were to investigate the role of vascular invasion (blood and lymphatic), vessel density and the presence of tumour-associated macrophages as prognostic markers in 202 cutaneous melanoma patients. Sections of primary melanoma we... Read More about Objective assessment of blood and lymphatic vessel invasion and association with macrophage infiltration in cutaneous melanoma.