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Professor LUCELIA RODRIGUES's Outputs (6)

Internalising externalities for a sustainable rail asset base (2016)
Journal Article
Langdon, M., RODRIGUES, L., Gillott, M., & Parry, T. (2016). Internalising externalities for a sustainable rail asset base. 00 Journal not listed, 3(3), 97-105.

Although the concept of sustainability and sustainable development has tended to be mostly associated with the management of natural resources and the consequent environmental impact, the most accepted definition draws together its social, economic a... Read More about Internalising externalities for a sustainable rail asset base.

The case for internalising externalities in a sustainable rail asset base (2016)
Journal Article
Langdon, M., Gillott, M. C., Rodrigues, L. T., & Parry, T. (2016). The case for internalising externalities in a sustainable rail asset base. Infrastructure Asset Management, 3(3),

Although the concept of sustainability and Sustainable development has tended to be mostly associated with the management of natural resources and the consequent environmental impact, the most accepted definition draws together its social, economic a... Read More about The case for internalising externalities in a sustainable rail asset base.

Investigating the potential of adding thermal mass to mitigate overheating in a super-insulated low-energy timber house (2016)
Journal Article
Rodrigues, L. T., Sougkakis, V., & Gillott, M. C. (2016). Investigating the potential of adding thermal mass to mitigate overheating in a super-insulated low-energy timber house. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 11(3),

Evidence suggests that many UK dwellings are subjected to overheating or will be at some point in the future. Dwellings built using modern methods of construction may have a higher overheating risk due to the low levels of thermal mass associated wit... Read More about Investigating the potential of adding thermal mass to mitigate overheating in a super-insulated low-energy timber house.

The role of social network analysis on participation and placemaking (2016)
Journal Article
Alvarez, L., Borsi, K., & Rodrigues, L. T. (2017). The role of social network analysis on participation and placemaking. Sustainable Cities and Society, 28,

Social networks give structure to our world, are key to building social capital and can form a platform to build-up strength and ability to change; they are, however, often absent from urban studies. In this paper, the authors explored the potential... Read More about The role of social network analysis on participation and placemaking.

The effect of shading, infiltration and ventilation levels on overheating and heating demands in UK residential buildings: case study: Trent Basin Regeneration (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Abdulla, Z., & Rodrigues, L. (2016, July). The effect of shading, infiltration and ventilation levels on overheating and heating demands in UK residential buildings: case study: Trent Basin Regeneration. Presented at 36th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments (PLEA 2016), Los Angeles, Calif., USA

Overheating in UK buildings is gradually becoming a widely addressed issue due to two main factors. The first being the climate change which is causing mean temperatures to rise all over the world, and the second being design methods used in low ener... Read More about The effect of shading, infiltration and ventilation levels on overheating and heating demands in UK residential buildings: case study: Trent Basin Regeneration.

Sustainable energy for a resilient future: proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (2016)
Rodrigues, L. T. (2016). L. T. Rodrigues (Ed.), Sustainable energy for a resilient future: proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies. University of Nottingham

Volume I, 898 pages, ISBN 9780853583134
Energy Technologies & Renewables
Session 1: Biofuels & Biomass
Session 5: Building Energy Systems
Session 9: Low-carbon/ Low-energy Technologies
Session 13: Biomass Systems
Session 16: Solar Energy
Sessi... Read More about Sustainable energy for a resilient future: proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies.