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Dr HENGAN OU's Outputs (25)

Investigation of material deformation mechanism in double side incremental sheet forming (2015)
Journal Article
Lu, B., Fang, Y., Xu, D., Chen, J., Ai, S., Long, H., Ou, H., & Cao, J. (2015). Investigation of material deformation mechanism in double side incremental sheet forming. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 93,

Double side incremental forming (DSIF) is an emerging technology in incremental sheet forming (ISF) in recent years. By employing two forming tools at each side of the sheet, the DSIF process can provide additional process flexibility, comparing to t... Read More about Investigation of material deformation mechanism in double side incremental sheet forming.

Selective element fission approach for fast FEM simulation of incremental sheet forming based on dual-mesh system (2014)
Journal Article
Zhang, M. H., Lu, B., Chen, J., Long, H., & Ou, H. (2015). Selective element fission approach for fast FEM simulation of incremental sheet forming based on dual-mesh system. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 78(5-8), 1147-1160.

Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a highly versatile and flexible process for producing low batches of sheet metal parts. Although finite element (FE) method is a key approach in the study of material deformation in metal forming processes, the appl... Read More about Selective element fission approach for fast FEM simulation of incremental sheet forming based on dual-mesh system.

Titanium based cranial reconstruction using incremental sheet forming (2014)
Journal Article
Lu, B., Ou, H., Shi, S., Long, H., & Chen, J. (2016). Titanium based cranial reconstruction using incremental sheet forming. International Journal of Material Forming, 9(3), 361-370.

In this paper, we report recent work in cranial plate manufacturing using incremental sheet forming (ISF) process. With a typical cranial shape, the ISF process was used to manufacture the titanium cranial shape by using different ISF tooling solutio... Read More about Titanium based cranial reconstruction using incremental sheet forming.

Mechanism investigation of friction-related effects in single point incremental forming using a developed oblique roller-ball tool (2014)
Journal Article
Lu, B., Fang, Y., Xu, D., Chen, J., Ou, H., Moser, N., & Cao, J. (2014). Mechanism investigation of friction-related effects in single point incremental forming using a developed oblique roller-ball tool. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 85, 14-29.

Single point incremental forming (SPIF) is a highly versatile and flexible process for rapid manufacturing of complex sheet metal parts. In the SPIF process, a ball nose tool moves along a predefined tool path to form the sheet to desired shapes. Due... Read More about Mechanism investigation of friction-related effects in single point incremental forming using a developed oblique roller-ball tool.

A review on remanufacture of dies and moulds (2013)
Journal Article
Chen, C., Wang, Y., Ou, H., He, Y., & Tang, X. (2014). A review on remanufacture of dies and moulds. Journal of Cleaner Production, 64,

Dies and moulds, which are essential tools for manufacturing engineered products, usually fail or become obsolete after a certain period of use for a variety of reasons. Thus, they often need remanufacture. The objectives of this paper are to review... Read More about A review on remanufacture of dies and moulds.