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Professor IGOR LESANOVSKY's Outputs (16)

Metastability in an open quantum Ising model (2016)
Journal Article
Rose, D. C., Macieszczak, K., Lesanovsky, I., & Garrahan, J. P. (2016). Metastability in an open quantum Ising model. Physical Review E, 94(5), Article 052132.

We apply a recently developed theory for metastability in open quantum systems to a one-dimensional dissipative quantum Ising model. Earlier results suggest this model features either a nonequilibrium phase transition or a smooth but sharp crossover,... Read More about Metastability in an open quantum Ising model.

Quantum melting of two-component Rydberg crystals (2016)
Journal Article
Lan, Z., Li, W., & Lesanovsky, I. (2016). Quantum melting of two-component Rydberg crystals. Physical Review A, 94(5), Article 051603.

We investigate the quantum melting of one-dimensional crystals that are realized in an atomic lattice in which ground state atoms are laser excited to two Rydberg states. We focus on a regime where both, intra- and interstate density-density interact... Read More about Quantum melting of two-component Rydberg crystals.

Emergent kinetic constraints, ergodicity breaking, and cooperative dynamics in noisy quantum systems (2016)
Journal Article
Everest, B., Marcuzzi, M., Garrahan, J. P., & Lesanovsky, I. (2016). Emergent kinetic constraints, ergodicity breaking, and cooperative dynamics in noisy quantum systems. Physical Review E, 94(5), Article 052108.

Kinetically constrained spin systems play an important role in understanding key properties of the dynamics of slowly relaxing materials, such as glasses. Recent experimental studies have revealed that manifest kinetic constraints govern the evolutio... Read More about Emergent kinetic constraints, ergodicity breaking, and cooperative dynamics in noisy quantum systems.

Dynamic nuclear polarisation by thermal mixing: quantum theory and macroscopic simulations (2016)
Journal Article
Karabanov, A., Kwiatkowski, G., Perotto, C. U., Wiśniewski, D., McMaster, J., Lesanovsky, I., & Köckenberger, W. (2016). Dynamic nuclear polarisation by thermal mixing: quantum theory and macroscopic simulations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(43), 30093-30104.

A theory of dynamic nuclear polarisation (DNP) by thermal mixing is suggested based on purely quantum considerations. A minimal 6-level microscopic model is developed to test the theory and link it to the well known thermodynamic model. Optimal condi... Read More about Dynamic nuclear polarisation by thermal mixing: quantum theory and macroscopic simulations.

Prospects of charged-oscillator quantum-state generation with Rydberg atoms (2016)
Journal Article
Stevenson, R., Minář, J., Hofferberth, S., & Lesanovsky, I. (2016). Prospects of charged-oscillator quantum-state generation with Rydberg atoms. Physical Review A, 94, Article 043813.

We explore the possibility of engineering quantum states of a charged mechanical oscillator by coupling it to a stream of atoms in superpositions of high-lying Rydberg states. Our scheme relies on the driving of a two-phonon resonance within the osci... Read More about Prospects of charged-oscillator quantum-state generation with Rydberg atoms.

Non-equilibrium fluctuations and metastability arising from non-additive interactions in dissipative multi-component Rydberg gases (2016)
Journal Article
Gutierrez, R., Garrahan, J. P., & Lesanovsky, I. (2016). Non-equilibrium fluctuations and metastability arising from non-additive interactions in dissipative multi-component Rydberg gases. New Journal of Physics, 18,

We study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of dissipative gases of atoms excited to two or more high-lying Rydberg states. This situation bears interesting similarities to classical binary (in general p-ary) mixtures of particles. The effective forces... Read More about Non-equilibrium fluctuations and metastability arising from non-additive interactions in dissipative multi-component Rydberg gases.

Quantum non-equilibrium dynamics of Rydberg gases in the presence of dephasing noise of different strengths (2016)
Journal Article
Levi, E., Gutierrez, R., & Lesanovsky, I. (2016). Quantum non-equilibrium dynamics of Rydberg gases in the presence of dephasing noise of different strengths. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 49(18), Article 184003.

In the presence of strong dephasing noise the dynamics of Rydberg gases becomes effectively classical, due to the rapid decay of quantum superpositions between atomic levels. Recently a great deal of attention has been devoted to the stochastic dynam... Read More about Quantum non-equilibrium dynamics of Rydberg gases in the presence of dephasing noise of different strengths.

Enhancement of Rydberg-mediated single-photon nonlinearities by electrically tuned Förster resonances (2016)
Journal Article
Gorniaczyk, H., Tresp, C., Bienias, P., Paris-Mandoki, A., Li, W., Mirgorodskiy, I., Büchler, H. P., Lesanovsky, I., & Hofferberth, S. (2016). Enhancement of Rydberg-mediated single-photon nonlinearities by electrically tuned Förster resonances. Nature Communications, 7, Article e12480.

We demonstrate experimentally that Stark-tuned Förster resonances can be used to substantially increase the interaction between individual photons mediated by Rydberg interaction inside an optical medium. This technique is employed to boost the gain... Read More about Enhancement of Rydberg-mediated single-photon nonlinearities by electrically tuned Förster resonances.

Absorbing state phase transition with competing quantum and classical fluctuations (2016)
Journal Article
Marcuzzi, M., Buchhold, M., Diehl, S., & Lesanovsky, I. (2016). Absorbing state phase transition with competing quantum and classical fluctuations. Physical Review Letters, 116(24),

Stochastic processes with absorbing states feature examples of non-equilibrium universal phenomena. While the classical regime has been thoroughly investigated in the past, relatively little is known about the behavior of these non-equilibrium system... Read More about Absorbing state phase transition with competing quantum and classical fluctuations.

Towards a Theory of Metastability in Open Quantum Dynamics (2016)
Journal Article
Macieszczak, K., Guţă, M., Lesanovsky, I., & Garrahan, J. P. (2016). Towards a Theory of Metastability in Open Quantum Dynamics. Physical Review Letters, 116(24), Article 240404.

© 2016 American Physical Society. By generalizing concepts from classical stochastic dynamics, we establish the basis for a theory of metastability in Markovian open quantum systems. Partial relaxation into long-lived metastable states - distinct fro... Read More about Towards a Theory of Metastability in Open Quantum Dynamics.

Robustness of many-body localization in the presence of dissipation (2016)
Journal Article
Levi, E., Heyl, M., Lesanovsky, I., & Garrahan, J. P. (2016). Robustness of many-body localization in the presence of dissipation. Physical Review Letters, 116, Article 237203.

Many-body localization (MBL) has emerged as a novel paradigm for robust ergodicity breaking in closed quantum many-body systems. However, it is not yet clear to which extent MBL survives in the presence of dissipative processes induced by the couplin... Read More about Robustness of many-body localization in the presence of dissipation.

Non-equilibrium dynamics of non-linear Jaynes-Cummings model in cavity arrays (2016)
Journal Article
Minář, J., Söyler, Ş. G., & Lesanovsky, I. (2016). Non-equilibrium dynamics of non-linear Jaynes-Cummings model in cavity arrays. New Journal of Physics, 18(5), 1-16.

We analyze in detail an open cavity array using mean-field description, where each cavity field is coupled to a number of three-level atoms. Such system is highly tunable and can be described by a Jaynes-Cummings like Hamiltonian with additional non-... Read More about Non-equilibrium dynamics of non-linear Jaynes-Cummings model in cavity arrays.

Towards rotation sensing with a single atomic clock (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fernholz, T., Stevenson, R., Hush, M. R., Lesanovsky, I., Bishop, T., Gentile, F., Jammi, S., Pyragius, T., Bason, M. G., Mas, H., Pandey, S., Vasilakis, G., Poulios, K., & Von Klitzing, W. (2017, April). Towards rotation sensing with a single atomic clock. Presented at SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium

We discuss a scheme to implement a gyroscopic atom sensor with magnetically trapped ultra-cold atoms. Unlike standard light or matter wave Sagnac interferometers no free wave propagation is used. Interferometer operation is controlled only with stati... Read More about Towards rotation sensing with a single atomic clock.

Experimental observation of controllable kinetic constraints in a cold atomic gas (2016)
Journal Article
Valado, M., Simonelli, C., Hoogerland, M., Lesanovsky, I., Garrahan, J. P., Arimondo, E., Ciampini, D., & Morsch, O. (2016). Experimental observation of controllable kinetic constraints in a cold atomic gas. Physical Review A, 93(4), Article 040701.

Many-body systems relaxing to equilibrium can exhibit complex dynamics even if their steady state is trivial. In situations where relaxation requires highly constrained local particle rearrangements, such as in glassy systems, this dynamics can be di... Read More about Experimental observation of controllable kinetic constraints in a cold atomic gas.

Solid effect DNP polarization dynamics in a system of many spins (2016)
Journal Article
Wiśniewski, D., Karabanov, A., Lesanovsky, I., & Köckenberger, W. (2016). Solid effect DNP polarization dynamics in a system of many spins. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 264, 30-38.

We discuss the polarization dynamics during solid effect dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) in a central spin model that consists of an electron surrounded by many nuclei. To this end we use a recently developed formalism and validate first its perfo... Read More about Solid effect DNP polarization dynamics in a system of many spins.

Dynamical phase transitions as a resource for quantum enhanced metrology (2016)
Journal Article
Macieszczak, K., Guţă, M., Lesanovsky, I., & Garrahan, J. P. (2016). Dynamical phase transitions as a resource for quantum enhanced metrology. Physical Review A, 93(2), Article 022103.

We consider the general problem of estimating an unknown control parameter of an open quantum system. We establish a direct relation between the evolution of both system and environment and the precision with which the parameter can be estimated. We... Read More about Dynamical phase transitions as a resource for quantum enhanced metrology.