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Professor IGOR LESANOVSKY's Outputs (6)

Dissipative quantum state preparation and metastability in two-photon micromasers (2020)
Journal Article
Kouzelis, A., Macieszczak, K., Minář, J., & Lesanovsky, I. (2020). Dissipative quantum state preparation and metastability in two-photon micromasers. Physical Review A, 101(4), Article 043847.

We study the preparation of coherent quantum states in a two-photon micromaser for applications in quantum metrology. While this setting can be in principle realized in a host of physical systems, we consider atoms interacting with the field of a cav... Read More about Dissipative quantum state preparation and metastability in two-photon micromasers.

Controlling the dynamical scale factor in a trapped atom Sagnac interferometer (2020)
Journal Article
Zhou, Y., Lesanovsky, I., Fernholz, T., & Li, W. (2020). Controlling the dynamical scale factor in a trapped atom Sagnac interferometer. Physical Review A, 101(1), Article 012517.

Sagnac interferometers with massive particles promise unique advantages in achieving high-precision measurements of rotation rates over their optical counterparts. Recent proposals and experiments are exploring nonballistic Sagnac interferometers whe... Read More about Controlling the dynamical scale factor in a trapped atom Sagnac interferometer.

Subradiance-protected excitation transport (2019)
Journal Article
Needham, J. A., Lesanovsky, I., & Olmos, B. (2019). Subradiance-protected excitation transport. New Journal of Physics, 21(7), Article 073061.

We explore excitation transport within a one-dimensional chain of atoms where the atomic transition dipoles are coupled to the free radiation field. When the atoms are separated by distances smaller or comparable to the wavelength of the transition,... Read More about Subradiance-protected excitation transport.

Quantum accelerated approach to the thermal state of classical all-to-all connected spin systems with applications to pattern retrieval in the Hopfield neural network (2019)
Journal Article
Fiorelli, E., Rotondo, P., Marcuzzi, M., Garrahan, J. P., & Lesanovsky, I. (2019). Quantum accelerated approach to the thermal state of classical all-to-all connected spin systems with applications to pattern retrieval in the Hopfield neural network. Physical Review A, 99(3), Article 032126.

We explore the question as to whether quantum effects can yield a speedup of the nonequilibrium evolution of fully connected quadratic spin models towards a classical thermal state. In our approach we exploit the fact that the thermal state of a spin... Read More about Quantum accelerated approach to the thermal state of classical all-to-all connected spin systems with applications to pattern retrieval in the Hopfield neural network.

Current fluctuations in boundary-driven quantum spin chains (2018)
Journal Article
Carollo, F., Garrahan, J. P., & Lesanovsky, I. (2018). Current fluctuations in boundary-driven quantum spin chains. Physical Review B, 98(9), 1-9.

Boundary-driven quantum spin chains are paradigmatic nonequilibrium systems featuring the presence of particle currents. In general, it may not be possible to distinguish an incoherent type of particle transport from a truly quantum coherent one thro... Read More about Current fluctuations in boundary-driven quantum spin chains.

Making rare events typical in Markovian open quantum systems (2018)
Journal Article
Carollo, F., Garrahan, J. P., Lesanovsky, I., & Pérez-Espigares, C. (2018). Making rare events typical in Markovian open quantum systems. Physical Review A, 98(1), Article 010103.

Large dynamical fluctuations—atypical realizations of the dynamics sustained over long periods of time—can play a fundamental role in determining the properties of collective behavior of both classical and quantum nonequilibrium systems. Rare dynamic... Read More about Making rare events typical in Markovian open quantum systems.