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Professor RITA TEWARI's Outputs (3)

Plasmodium kinesin-8X associates with mitotic spindles and is essential for oocyst development during parasite proliferation and transmission (2019)
Journal Article
Zeeshan, M., Shilliday, F., Liu, T., Abel, S., Mourier, T., Ferguson, D. J. P., Rea, E., Stanway, R. R., Roques, M., Williams, D., Daniel, E., Brady, D., Roberts, A. J., Holder, A. A., Pain, A., Le, K. G., Le Roch, R. G., Moores, C. A., & Tewari, R. (2019). Plasmodium kinesin-8X associates with mitotic spindles and is essential for oocyst development during parasite proliferation and transmission. PLoS Pathogens, 15(10), Article e1008048.

Kinesin-8 proteins are microtubule motors that are often involved in regulation of mitotic spindle length and chromosome alignment. They move towards the plus ends of spindle microtubules and regulate the dynamics of these ends due, at least in some... Read More about Plasmodium kinesin-8X associates with mitotic spindles and is essential for oocyst development during parasite proliferation and transmission.

Kinesin-8B controls basal body function and flagellum formation and is key to malaria transmission (2019)
Journal Article
Zeeshan, M., Ferguson, D. J., Abel, S., Burrrell, A., Rea, E., Brady, D., Daniel, E., Delves, M., Vaughan, S., Holder, A. A., Le Roch, K. G., Moores, C. A., & Tewari, R. (2019). Kinesin-8B controls basal body function and flagellum formation and is key to malaria transmission. Life Science Alliance, 2(4), 1-13.

Eukaryotic flagella are conserved microtubule-based organelles that drive cell motility. Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, has a single flagellate stage: the male gamete in the mosquito. Three rounds of endomitotic division in male gametocy... Read More about Kinesin-8B controls basal body function and flagellum formation and is key to malaria transmission.

Systematic analysis of Plasmodium myosins reveals differential expression, localisation, and function in invasive and proliferative parasite stages (2019)
Journal Article
Wall, R. J., Zeeshan, M., Katris, N. J., Limenitakis, R., Rea, E., Stock, J., Brady, D., Waller, R. F., Holder, A. A., & Tewari, R. (2019). Systematic analysis of Plasmodium myosins reveals differential expression, localisation, and function in invasive and proliferative parasite stages. Cellular Microbiology, 21(10), Article e13082.

The myosin superfamily comprises of actin‐dependent eukaryotic molecular motors important in a variety of cellular functions. Although well studied in many systems, knowledge of their functions in Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, is restri... Read More about Systematic analysis of Plasmodium myosins reveals differential expression, localisation, and function in invasive and proliferative parasite stages.