Plasmodium centrin PbCEN-4 localizes to the putative MTOC and is dispensable for malaria parasite proliferation
Journal Article
Roques, M., Stanway, R. R., Rea, E. I., Markus, R., Brady, D., Holder, A. A., Guttery, D. S., & Tewari, R. (2018). Plasmodium centrin PbCEN-4 localizes to the putative MTOC and is dispensable for malaria parasite proliferation. Biology Open, 8(1), Article bio.036822.
Centrins are calmodulin-like phosphoproteins present in the centrosome and play an active role in the duplication, separation and organization of centrosomal structures such as the microtubule-organizing centre (MTOC) during mitosis. They are also ma... Read More about Plasmodium centrin PbCEN-4 localizes to the putative MTOC and is dispensable for malaria parasite proliferation.