Reduction of Winding AC Losses by Accurate Conductor Placement in High Frequency Electrical Machines
Journal Article
Bardalai, A., Gerada, D., Golovanov, D., Xu, Z., Zhang, X., Li, J., Zhang, H., & Gerada, C. (2020). Reduction of Winding AC Losses by Accurate Conductor Placement in High Frequency Electrical Machines. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 56(1), 183-193.
© 1972-2012 IEEE. In the design of electrical machines, the increase in power density has become one of the main research themes. With most of the power loss in high power density electrical machines often being generated in the stator winding assemb... Read More about Reduction of Winding AC Losses by Accurate Conductor Placement in High Frequency Electrical Machines.