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Professor THEODORE KYPRAIOS's Outputs (5)

Efficient SMC2 schemes for stochastic kinetic models (2017)
Journal Article
Golightly, A., & Kypraios, T. (2018). Efficient SMC2 schemes for stochastic kinetic models. Statistics and Computing, 28(6), 1215-1230.

Fitting stochastic kinetic models represented by Markov jump processes within the Bayesian paradigm is complicated by the intractability of the observed-data likelihood. There has therefore been considerable attention given to the design of pseudo-ma... Read More about Efficient SMC2 schemes for stochastic kinetic models.

Auxiliary variables for Bayesian inference in multi-class queueing networks (2017)
Journal Article
Pérez López, I., Hodge, D., & Kypraios, T. (2018). Auxiliary variables for Bayesian inference in multi-class queueing networks. Statistics and Computing, 28(6), 1187-1200.

Queueing networks describe complex stochastic systems of both theoretical and practical interest. They provide the means to assess alterations, diagnose poor performance and evaluate robustness across sets of interconnected resources. In the present... Read More about Auxiliary variables for Bayesian inference in multi-class queueing networks.

Reconstructing promoter activity from Lux bioluminescent reporters (2017)
Journal Article
Iqbal, M., Doherty, N., Page, A. M., Qazi, S. N., Ajmera, I., Lund, P. A., Kypraios, T., Scott, D. J., Hill, P. J., & Stekel, D. J. (2017). Reconstructing promoter activity from Lux bioluminescent reporters. PLoS Computational Biology, 13(9), Article e1005731.

The bacterial Lux system is used as a gene expression reporter. It is fast, sensitive and non-destructive, enabling high frequency measurements. Originally developed for bacterial cells, it has also been adapted for eukaryotic cells, and can be used... Read More about Reconstructing promoter activity from Lux bioluminescent reporters.

A rare event approach to high-dimensional approximate Bayesian computation (2017)
Journal Article
Prangle, D., Everitt, R. G., & Kypraios, T. (in press). A rare event approach to high-dimensional approximate Bayesian computation. Statistics and Computing, 28(4),

Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) methods permit approximate inference for intractable likelihoods when it is possible to simulate from the model. However they perform poorly for high dimensional data, and in practice must usually be used in con... Read More about A rare event approach to high-dimensional approximate Bayesian computation.

Neuroimaging biomarkers predict brain structural connectivity change in a mouse model of vascular cognitive impairment (2017)
Journal Article
Boehm-Sturm, P., Füchtemeier, M., Foddis, M., Mueller, S., Trueman, R. C., Zille, M., Rinnenthal, J. L., Kypraios, T., Shaw, L., Dirnagl, U., & Farr, T. D. (in press). Neuroimaging biomarkers predict brain structural connectivity change in a mouse model of vascular cognitive impairment. Stroke, 48(1),

Background and Purpose�Chronic hypoperfusion in the mouse brain has been suggested to mimic aspects of vascular cognitive impairment, such as white matter damage. Although this model has attracted attention, our group has struggled to generate a re... Read More about Neuroimaging biomarkers predict brain structural connectivity change in a mouse model of vascular cognitive impairment.