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Professor THEODORE KYPRAIOS's Outputs (3)

Predator size affects the intensity of mutual interference in a predatory mirid (2020)
Journal Article
Papanikolaou, N. E., Dervisoglou, S., Fantinou, A., Kypraios, T., Giakoumaki, V., & Perdikis, D. (2020). Predator size affects the intensity of mutual interference in a predatory mirid. Ecology and Evolution, 11(3), 1342-1351.

1. Interference competition occurs when access to an available resource is negatively affected by interactions with other individuals, where mutual interference involves individuals of the same species. The interactive phenomena among individuals may... Read More about Predator size affects the intensity of mutual interference in a predatory mirid.

The spatial percept of tinnitus is associated with hearing asymmetry: subgroup comparisons (2020)
Preprint / Working Paper
Genitsaridi, E., Kypraios, T., Edvall, N. K., Trpchevska, N., Canlon, B., Hoare, D. J., Cederroth, C., & Hall, D. A. The spatial percept of tinnitus is associated with hearing asymmetry: subgroup comparisons

The spatial percept of tinnitus is hypothesized as an important variable for tinnitus subtyping. Hearing asymmetry often associates with tinnitus laterality, but not always. One of the methodological limitations for cross-study comparisons is how the... Read More about The spatial percept of tinnitus is associated with hearing asymmetry: subgroup comparisons.

Modelling, Bayesian inference, and model assessment for nosocomial pathogens using whole‐genome‐sequence data (2020)
Journal Article
Cassidy, R., Kypraios, T., & O'Neill, P. D. (2020). Modelling, Bayesian inference, and model assessment for nosocomial pathogens using whole‐genome‐sequence data. Statistics in Medicine, 39(12), 1746-1765.

Whole genome sequencing of pathogens in outbreaks of infectious disease provides the potential to reconstruct transmission pathways and enhance the information contained in conventional epidemiological data. In recent years there have been numerous n... Read More about Modelling, Bayesian inference, and model assessment for nosocomial pathogens using whole‐genome‐sequence data.