Colonial governmentality appraised, from the Danish West Indies: Kristoffer Christiansen, Governing Black and White: A History of Governmentality in Denmark and the Danish West Indies, 1770–1900
Journal Article
LEGG, S. (2023). Colonial governmentality appraised, from the Danish West Indies: Kristoffer Christiansen, Governing Black and White: A History of Governmentality in Denmark and the Danish West Indies, 1770–1900. Historisk Tidsskrift, 143(4), 647-654
Professor STEPHEN LEGG's Outputs (5)
Carceral and colonial domesticities: Subaltern case geographies of a Delhi rescue home (2023)
Journal Article
Legg, S. (2023). Carceral and colonial domesticities: Subaltern case geographies of a Delhi rescue home. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 41(6), 960–977. article explores a relatively rare archival account of female subjectivity, experience, mobility, and voice within a carceral institution in late-colonial Delhi. The capital’s “Rescue Home” was created to house women and girls removed from the c... Read More about Carceral and colonial domesticities: Subaltern case geographies of a Delhi rescue home.
Delhi Reborn: Partition and Nation Building in India's Capital. Rotem Geva. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, USA, 2022, pp xiii + 349. ISBN 978-1-503-63211-0 (pbk). (2023)
Journal Article
Legg, S. (2023). Delhi Reborn: Partition and Nation Building in India's Capital. Rotem Geva. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, USA, 2022, pp xiii + 349. ISBN 978-1-503-63211-0 (pbk). Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 44(2), 375-377. this exceptional piece of historical scholarship, Rotem Geva walks the reader through a harrowing Indian landscape. The five substantive chapters take us from the dreams about, and campaigns for, independence in India’s colonial capital, to the vi... Read More about Delhi Reborn: Partition and Nation Building in India's Capital. Rotem Geva. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, USA, 2022, pp xiii + 349. ISBN 978-1-503-63211-0 (pbk)..
Communal Geographies: An Introduction (2023)
Journal Article
Gupta, C., & Legg, S. (2023). Communal Geographies: An Introduction. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 46(6), 1168-1183. paper introduces a special section comprising eight papers that delve into complex geographies of communal identities in modern South Asia. It situates these papers at a significant intersection of spatial histories and historical geographies of... Read More about Communal Geographies: An Introduction.
Round Table Conference Geographies: Constituting Colonial India in Interwar London (2023)
Legg, S. (2023). Round Table Conference Geographies: Constituting Colonial India in Interwar London. Cambridge University Press. Table Conference Geographies explores a major international conference in 1930s London which determined India's constitutional future in the British Empire. Pre-dating the decolonising conferences of the 1950s–60s, the Round Table Conference la... Read More about Round Table Conference Geographies: Constituting Colonial India in Interwar London.