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Professor STEPHEN LEGG's Outputs (4)

“Political Atmospherics”: The India Round Table Conference’s Atmospheric Environments, Bodies and Representations, London 1930–1932 (2019)
Journal Article
Legg, S. (2019). “Political Atmospherics”: The India Round Table Conference’s Atmospheric Environments, Bodies and Representations, London 1930–1932. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 110(3), 774-792.

Between 1930-1932 the three sessions of the Round Table Conference in London drew over 70 Indian delegates to the city, for up to three months, to debate India's constitutional future within the British Empire. This paper argues that the "atmosphere"... Read More about “Political Atmospherics”: The India Round Table Conference’s Atmospheric Environments, Bodies and Representations, London 1930–1932.

A pre-partitioned city? Anti-colonial and communal mohallas in interwar Delhi (2019)
Journal Article
Legg, S. (2019). A pre-partitioned city? Anti-colonial and communal mohallas in interwar Delhi. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 42(1), 170-187.

This paper explores the mohallas of Delhi, sub-communities within the city, and asks whether Delhi was pre-partitioning before August 1947. It suggests that the mohalla was a site of political mobilisation that was systematically used by Congress fro... Read More about A pre-partitioned city? Anti-colonial and communal mohallas in interwar Delhi.

Spaces before partition: an Introduction (2019)
Journal Article
Legg, S., & Gould, W. (2019). Spaces before partition: an Introduction. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 42(1), 69-79.

This introduction frames a selection of papers that encourage a richer spatial understanding of the years before the partition of India. The papers respond to two types of question. One type is spatial (at what scale to do we approach partition? Thro... Read More about Spaces before partition: an Introduction.

Global governance and place making: India, internationalism and empire in 1930s London (2019)
Journal Article
Legg, S. (2019). Global governance and place making: India, internationalism and empire in 1930s London. Geography, 104(1), 4-11.

In this paper I argue that two core components of contemporary British human geography curricula (global governance and place making) can and should be taught together. I also argue that materials from the past provide valuable teaching tools in the... Read More about Global governance and place making: India, internationalism and empire in 1930s London.