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Dr KATY VOISEY's Outputs (46)

The Engineer’s Guide to Materials: An Applications-Focused Introduction to Materials Science (2024)
Voisey, K. T. (2024). The Engineer’s Guide to Materials: An Applications-Focused Introduction to Materials Science. Springer.

Why do engineers need to know about materials? Metals, polymers, ceramics, composites — what are the key characteristics of each class of material and which is best suited for a given industrial application? How can service conditions change the perf... Read More about The Engineer’s Guide to Materials: An Applications-Focused Introduction to Materials Science.

Laser cutting of CFRP using novel cutting strategies (2024)
Journal Article
Kelsey, D., Elkington, H., Jackson-Crisp, A., Harper, L., Marithmu, S., & Voisey, K. (2024). Laser cutting of CFRP using novel cutting strategies. Procedia CIRP, 124, 509-512.

Laser cutting of carbon fibre reinforced plastics generates a heat affected zone (HAZ) in the vicinity of the cut, affecting the integrity of the material and therefore the uptake of laser cutting for composite applications. This w... Read More about Laser cutting of CFRP using novel cutting strategies.

Effect of humidity and oxygen on friction, wear and durability of a polymer-bonded molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating system in large amplitude fretting (2024)
Journal Article
Laolu-Balogun, E., Owen, S., Read, S., Shipway, P., & Voisey, K. (2024). Effect of humidity and oxygen on friction, wear and durability of a polymer-bonded molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating system in large amplitude fretting. Wear, 552-553, Article 205426.

Investigations into effects of humidity and oxygen on a polymer-bonded MoS2-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating, on grit-blasted Ti-6Al-4V using a cylinder-on-flat configuration, are reported. Sustained low friction and low wear occurred in both l... Read More about Effect of humidity and oxygen on friction, wear and durability of a polymer-bonded molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating system in large amplitude fretting.

Laser cladding: A high-speed-imaging examination of powder catchment efficiency as a function of the melt pool geometry and its position under the powder stream (2023)
Journal Article
Koti, D., Powell, J., Naesstroem, H., Spaccapaniccia, C., & Voisey, K. T. (2023). Laser cladding: A high-speed-imaging examination of powder catchment efficiency as a function of the melt pool geometry and its position under the powder stream. Journal of Laser Applications, 35(4), Article 042065.

This paper provides quantitative information about the paths taken by blown powder particles during laser cladding. A proportion of the powder is "wasted" by bouncing off the solid areas surrounding the melt pool. This wastage reduces the productivit... Read More about Laser cladding: A high-speed-imaging examination of powder catchment efficiency as a function of the melt pool geometry and its position under the powder stream.

Lifetime of MoS2 based DFL systems in fretting with and without a Cu-Ni-In under-layer: the dependence on the topography of the surface onto which the DFL is deposited (2023)
Journal Article
Laolu-Balogun, E., Owen, S., Booth, T., Pattinson, G., Shipway, P., & Voisey, K. (2023). Lifetime of MoS2 based DFL systems in fretting with and without a Cu-Ni-In under-layer: the dependence on the topography of the surface onto which the DFL is deposited. Tribology International, 188, Article 108863.

The superior fretting performance of polymer-bonded MoS2-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating on a plasma-sprayed Cu-Ni-In under-layer is well known. The Cu-Ni-In under-layer changes both the material and the topography of the sur... Read More about Lifetime of MoS2 based DFL systems in fretting with and without a Cu-Ni-In under-layer: the dependence on the topography of the surface onto which the DFL is deposited.

Powder catchment efficiency in laser cladding (directed energy deposition). An investigation into standard laser cladding and the ABA cladding technique (2023)
Journal Article
Koti, D., Powell, J., Naesstroem, H., & Voisey, K. T. (2023). Powder catchment efficiency in laser cladding (directed energy deposition). An investigation into standard laser cladding and the ABA cladding technique. Journal of Laser Applications, 35, Article 012025.

This paper investigates the efficiency of powder catchment in blown powder laser cladding (a directed energy deposition technique). A comparison is made between standard “track by overlapping track” cladding (“AAA” cladding) and “ABA” cladding, where... Read More about Powder catchment efficiency in laser cladding (directed energy deposition). An investigation into standard laser cladding and the ABA cladding technique.

Assessing the quality and productivity of laser cladding and direct energy deposition: Guidelines for researchers (2023)
Journal Article
Powell, J., Koti, D., Garmendia, X., & Voisey, K. T. (2023). Assessing the quality and productivity of laser cladding and direct energy deposition: Guidelines for researchers. Journal of Laser Applications, 35(1), Article 012024.

This paper provides guidelines and advice to researchers and engineers in the field of laser cladding and related direct energy deposition techniques to help establish a standardized approach to quality assessment and productivity metrics. Factors co... Read More about Assessing the quality and productivity of laser cladding and direct energy deposition: Guidelines for researchers.

Improving laser cladding productivity with ‘ABA’ cladding (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Koti, D., Powell, J., & Voisey, K. (2022, September). Improving laser cladding productivity with ‘ABA’ cladding. Presented at 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2022], Fürth, Germany

Laser Cladding is one of several processes within Additive Manufacturing and usually involves the production of a clad surface by adding parallel, overlapping lines of clad material to the surface of a substrate. In this work a new laser cladding tec... Read More about Improving laser cladding productivity with ‘ABA’ cladding.

Image processing algorithm to determine an optimised 2D laser cutting trajectory (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Syam, W. P., Bansal, R., Benardos, P., Britchford, E., Hopkinson, A., Voisey, K., & Branson, D. T. (2019, September). Image processing algorithm to determine an optimised 2D laser cutting trajectory. Presented at 25th IEEE International Conference on Automation & Computing (ICAC'19), Lancaster, UK

Laser cutting processes offer high-quality and fast cutting capability across a wide variety of materials, including metals, plastics and organic tissues. To enable 2D laser cutting process, a set of (x, y) Cartesian coordinates that form a cutting t... Read More about Image processing algorithm to determine an optimised 2D laser cutting trajectory.

Laser drilling of micro-holes in single crystal silicon, indium phosphide and indium antimonide using a continuous wave (CW) 1070 nm fibre laser with millisecond pulse widths (2018)
Journal Article
Maclean, J. O., Tangkijcharoenchai, C., Coomber, S., & Voisey, K. T. (2018). Laser drilling of micro-holes in single crystal silicon, indium phosphide and indium antimonide using a continuous wave (CW) 1070 nm fibre laser with millisecond pulse widths. Procedia CIRP, 74, 407-412.

The laser micro-drilling of “thru” holes, also known as via holes, in Si, InP and InSb semiconductor wafers was studied using millisecond pulse lengths from an IPG Laser Model YLR-2000 CW multimode 2 kW Ytterbium Fibre Laser and a JK400 (400 W) fibre... Read More about Laser drilling of micro-holes in single crystal silicon, indium phosphide and indium antimonide using a continuous wave (CW) 1070 nm fibre laser with millisecond pulse widths.

Fibre laser cutting: the use of carbon-filled acrylic as a qualitative and quantitative analysis tool (2018)
Journal Article
Atiyah, H., Powell, J., Petring, D., Stoyanov, S., & Voisey, K. (2018). Fibre laser cutting: the use of carbon-filled acrylic as a qualitative and quantitative analysis tool. Journal of Laser Applications, 30(3), Article 032009.

The use of carbon filled black acrylic (CFBA) as a quantitative and qualitative analytical tool for fibre laser cutting is investigated. In the qualitative work CFBA targets placed below the laser cutting zone when cutting stainless steel showed a d... Read More about Fibre laser cutting: the use of carbon-filled acrylic as a qualitative and quantitative analysis tool.

The role of a thermally sprayed CuNiIn underlayer in the durability of a dry-film lubricant system in fretting: a phenomenological model (2018)
Journal Article
Barman, K., Shipway, P., Voisey, K., & Pattinson, G. (2018). The role of a thermally sprayed CuNiIn underlayer in the durability of a dry-film lubricant system in fretting: a phenomenological model. Tribology International, 123,

Dry film lubricant coatings (DFL) are employed to reduce friction and damage in highly loaded contacts. Metallic underlayers, e.g. CuNiIn, can be beneficial however, there is no detailed explanation of the mechanism. This work investigates the effect... Read More about The role of a thermally sprayed CuNiIn underlayer in the durability of a dry-film lubricant system in fretting: a phenomenological model.

An investigation into whether the laser drilling capabilities of a 2kW fibre laser can be enhanced using pulse train shaping (2018)
Journal Article
Markcoons, D., & Voisey, K. (2018). An investigation into whether the laser drilling capabilities of a 2kW fibre laser can be enhanced using pulse train shaping. Lasers in Engineering, 39(1-2),

In long, ms, pulsed melt ejected based laser drilling of metals pulse train shaping has previously improved drilling efficiency. This work investigates if pulse train shaping can be exploited in the laser drilling of 0.8-2 mm mild steel with a 1070 n... Read More about An investigation into whether the laser drilling capabilities of a 2kW fibre laser can be enhanced using pulse train shaping.

Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 15 wt.% HCl by durum wheat (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ajayi, O., Everitt, N., & Voisey, K. (2018, September). Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 15 wt.% HCl by durum wheat. Presented at European Corrosion Congress 2017 (Eurocorr 2017)

The toxicity of most commercial corrosion inhibitors and strict environmental legislations have required the development of environmentally-friendly, cheap and non-toxic inhibitors. The use of natural products, especially of plant origin as corrosion... Read More about Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 15 wt.% HCl by durum wheat.

The effect of coating architecture and defects on the corrosion behaviour of a PVD multilayer Inconel 625/Cr coating (2017)
Journal Article
Daure, J., Voisey, K., Shipway, P., & Stewart, D. (2017). The effect of coating architecture and defects on the corrosion behaviour of a PVD multilayer Inconel 625/Cr coating. Surface and Coatings Technology, 324,

This paper investigates the effect of substrate surface finish and deposition conditions of PVD multilayer Inconel 625/Cr coatings on their ability to act as a corrosion-barrier. The corrosion-barrier performance of the coatings was characterized by... Read More about The effect of coating architecture and defects on the corrosion behaviour of a PVD multilayer Inconel 625/Cr coating.

Application of ray-tracing to interpreting beam prints from fibre laser cutting (2017)
Journal Article
Alotaibi, M., Atiyah, H., MacKenzie, R., & Voisey, K. (2017). Application of ray-tracing to interpreting beam prints from fibre laser cutting. Lasers in Engineering, 39(1-2),

2D ray-tracing has been used to investigate the influence of inclined cutting front and the cutting edge on the exiting, surplus, laser beam while cutting 6 mm mild steel with a fibre laser, wavelength = 1070 nm. The ray-tracing model, which assumed... Read More about Application of ray-tracing to interpreting beam prints from fibre laser cutting.

Role of oxides and porosity on high temperature oxidation of liquid fuelled HVOF thermal sprayed Ni50Cr coatings (2017)
Journal Article
Song, B., Bai, M., Voisey, K. T., & Hussain, T. (2017). Role of oxides and porosity on high temperature oxidation of liquid fuelled HVOF thermal sprayed Ni50Cr coatings. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 26(3), 554-568.

High chromium content in Ni50Cr thermally sprayed coatings can generate a dense and protective scale at the surface of coating. Thus, the Ni50Cr coating is widely used in high temperature oxidation and corrosion applications. A commercially available... Read More about Role of oxides and porosity on high temperature oxidation of liquid fuelled HVOF thermal sprayed Ni50Cr coatings.

Evolution of damage in MoS2-based dry film lubricants (DFLs) in fretting wear – the effect of DFL thickness and contact geometry (2017)
Journal Article
Barman, K., Shipway, P., Voisey, K., & Pattinson, G. (2017). Evolution of damage in MoS2-based dry film lubricants (DFLs) in fretting wear – the effect of DFL thickness and contact geometry. Progress in Organic Coatings, 105,

Dry film lubricant (DFL) coatings are widely used to reduce coefficients of friction and damage in highly loaded contacts. This work investigates the behaviour of a commercially available MoS2-based DFL in a cylinder-on-flat contact geometry with a f... Read More about Evolution of damage in MoS2-based dry film lubricants (DFLs) in fretting wear – the effect of DFL thickness and contact geometry.

Incorporation and evolution of ZrO2 nano-particles in Pt-modified aluminide coating for high temperature applications (2016)
Journal Article
Qian, L., Xu, F., Voisey, K., Nekouie, V., Zhou, Z., Silberschmidt, V. V., & Hou, X. (2017). Incorporation and evolution of ZrO2 nano-particles in Pt-modified aluminide coating for high temperature applications. Surface and Coatings Technology, 311,

ZrO2 nano-particles were incorporated into electro-deposited PtAl coatings in an attempt to enhance their performance by exploiting the effect of reactive element oxides. PtAl coatings with and without ZrO2 particles were deposited onto three commerc... Read More about Incorporation and evolution of ZrO2 nano-particles in Pt-modified aluminide coating for high temperature applications.