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Dr KATY VOISEY's Outputs (4)

The Engineer’s Guide to Materials: An Applications-Focused Introduction to Materials Science (2024)
Voisey, K. T. (2024). The Engineer’s Guide to Materials: An Applications-Focused Introduction to Materials Science. Springer.

Why do engineers need to know about materials? Metals, polymers, ceramics, composites — what are the key characteristics of each class of material and which is best suited for a given industrial application? How can service conditions change the perf... Read More about The Engineer’s Guide to Materials: An Applications-Focused Introduction to Materials Science.

Laser cutting of CFRP using novel cutting strategies (2024)
Journal Article
Kelsey, D., Elkington, H., Jackson-Crisp, A., Harper, L., Marithmu, S., & Voisey, K. (2024). Laser cutting of CFRP using novel cutting strategies. Procedia CIRP, 124, 509-512.

Laser cutting of carbon fibre reinforced plastics generates a heat affected zone (HAZ) in the vicinity of the cut, affecting the integrity of the material and therefore the uptake of laser cutting for composite applications. This w... Read More about Laser cutting of CFRP using novel cutting strategies.

Effect of humidity and oxygen on friction, wear and durability of a polymer-bonded molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating system in large amplitude fretting (2024)
Journal Article
Laolu-Balogun, E., Owen, S., Read, S., Shipway, P., & Voisey, K. (2024). Effect of humidity and oxygen on friction, wear and durability of a polymer-bonded molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating system in large amplitude fretting. Wear, 552-553, Article 205426.

Investigations into effects of humidity and oxygen on a polymer-bonded MoS2-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating, on grit-blasted Ti-6Al-4V using a cylinder-on-flat configuration, are reported. Sustained low friction and low wear occurred in both l... Read More about Effect of humidity and oxygen on friction, wear and durability of a polymer-bonded molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating system in large amplitude fretting.