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Professor CHRISTOPHER GERADA's Outputs (52)

An advanced modulation scheme emphasising neutral point ripple suppression using predictive control for three-level NPC converters in aircraft electric starter generator applications (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, C., Yang, T., Lo Calzo, G., Bozhko, S., Gerada, C., & Wheeler, P. An advanced modulation scheme emphasising neutral point ripple suppression using predictive control for three-level NPC converters in aircraft electric starter generator applications. Presented at 9th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2018)

Electrical starter/generator (ESG) system is one of the key innovations of more-electric aircraft initiative. The ESG cranks the engine and accelerates it up to self-sustained speed using electric energy (starter mode) and then runs as a generator to... Read More about An advanced modulation scheme emphasising neutral point ripple suppression using predictive control for three-level NPC converters in aircraft electric starter generator applications.

Fluid flow and heat transfer analysis of TEFC machine end regions using more realistic end-winding geometry (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
La Rocca, S., Pickering, S., Eastwick, C. N., Gerada, C., & Rönnberg, K. Fluid flow and heat transfer analysis of TEFC machine end regions using more realistic end-winding geometry. Presented at 9th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2018)

In this paper a typical small low voltage TEFC motor (output power ~10 kW) has been studied using computational fluid dynamics. The complexity of the end winding geometries, often consisting of several insulated copper strands bound together, provide... Read More about Fluid flow and heat transfer analysis of TEFC machine end regions using more realistic end-winding geometry.

Numerical investigations of convective phenomena of oil impingement on end-windings (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Connor, P., La Rocca, A., Xu, Z., Eastwick, C., Pickering, S., & Gerada, C. (2018, April). Numerical investigations of convective phenomena of oil impingement on end-windings. Presented at 9th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2018)

A novel experimental rig for analysing intensive liquid cooling of highly power-dense electrical machine components has been developed. Coupled fluid flow and heat transfer has been modelled, using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), to inform the de... Read More about Numerical investigations of convective phenomena of oil impingement on end-windings.

Influence of rotor endcaps on the electromagnetic performance of high‐speed PM machine (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Timimy, A., Alani, M., Degano, M., Giangrande, P., Gerada, C., & Galea, M. (2018). Influence of rotor endcaps on the electromagnetic performance of high‐speed PM machine. IET Electric Power Applications, 12(8), 1142-1149.

Surface-mounted permanent magnet (SPM) machines are preferred for high-speed aerospace applications over induction and switched reluctance machines, since they combine the advantages of high torque density and efficiency. Also, in aerospace applicati... Read More about Influence of rotor endcaps on the electromagnetic performance of high‐speed PM machine.

Design and losses analysis of a high power density machine for flooded pump applications (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Timimy, A., Giangrande, P., Degano, M., Zeyuan, X., Galea, M., Gerada, C., Lo Calzo, G., Zhang, H., & Xia, L. (2019). Design and losses analysis of a high power density machine for flooded pump applications. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 54(4), 3260-3270.

This paper describes the design process of a 10 kW 19000 rpm high power density surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machine for a directly coupled pump application. In order to meet the required specifications, a compact machine, with coolin... Read More about Design and losses analysis of a high power density machine for flooded pump applications.

Design and testing of electromechanical actuator for aerospace applications (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Papini, L., Connor, P., Patel, C., Empringham, L., Gerada, C., & Wheeler, P. (2018, January). Design and testing of electromechanical actuator for aerospace applications. Presented at 2018 25th International Workshop on Electric Drives: Optimization in Control of Electric Drives (IWED), Moscow, Russia

Electromechanical actuators are gaining interest in the aerospace industry within the More Electrical Aircraft (MEA) architecture. The end-goal of fully electric aircraft includes Electromechanical actuation for flight control systems. The design and... Read More about Design and testing of electromechanical actuator for aerospace applications.

Synchronous reluctance motor iron losses: considering machine non-linearity at MTPA, FW, and MTPV operating conditions (2018)
Journal Article
Mahmoud, H., Bacco, G., Degano, M., Bianchi, N., & Gerada, C. (2018). Synchronous reluctance motor iron losses: considering machine non-linearity at MTPA, FW, and MTPV operating conditions. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 33(3), 1402-1410.

Synchronous reluctance machine has high flux density fluctuations in the iron due to the high harmonics results from the rotor anisotropy. Thus, an accurate computation of the iron losses is of paramount importance, especially during the design stage... Read More about Synchronous reluctance motor iron losses: considering machine non-linearity at MTPA, FW, and MTPV operating conditions.

Considerations on the effects that core material machining has on an electrical machine's performance (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Timimy, A., Vakil, G., Degano, M., Giangrande, P., Gerada, C., & Galea, M. (2018). Considerations on the effects that core material machining has on an electrical machine's performance. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 33(3), 1154-1163.

An often-overlooked aspect during the development process of electrical machines, is the validity and accuracy of the machine material properties being used at the design stage. Designers usually consider the data provided by the materials supplier,... Read More about Considerations on the effects that core material machining has on an electrical machine's performance.

Design of a stator for a high-speed turbo-generator with fixed permanent magnet rotor radius and volt-ampere constraints (2018)
Journal Article
Fernando, N., Arumugam, P., & Gerada, C. (2018). Design of a stator for a high-speed turbo-generator with fixed permanent magnet rotor radius and volt-ampere constraints. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 33(3), 1311-1320.

This paper investigates high-speed surface PM machine design for portable turbo-generator applications. The rotor radius is fixed to achieve certain optimal characteristics of the magnet retention mechanism. The basis of this paper is to design and s... Read More about Design of a stator for a high-speed turbo-generator with fixed permanent magnet rotor radius and volt-ampere constraints.

Thermal analysis of fault-tolerant electrical machines for more electric aircraft applications (2018)
Journal Article
Madonna, V., Giangrande, P., Gerada, C., & Galea, M. (2018). Thermal analysis of fault-tolerant electrical machines for more electric aircraft applications. Journal of Engineering, 2018(13), 461-467.

For safety critical applications, electrical machines need to satisfy several constraints, in order to be considered fault-tolerant. In fact, if specific design choices and appropriate control strategies are adopted, fault-tolerant machines can opera... Read More about Thermal analysis of fault-tolerant electrical machines for more electric aircraft applications.

Space vectors and pseudo inverse matrix methods for the radial force control in bearingless multi-sector permanent magnet machines (2018)
Journal Article
Sala, G., Valente, G., Formentini, A., Papini, L., Gerada, D., Zanchetta, P., Tani, A., & Gerada, C. (2018). Space vectors and pseudo inverse matrix methods for the radial force control in bearingless multi-sector permanent magnet machines. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65(9), 6912-6922.

Two different approaches to characterize the torque and radial force production in a Bearingless Multi-Sector Permanent Magnet (BMSPM) machine are presented in this work. The first method consists of modelling the motor in terms of torque and force p... Read More about Space vectors and pseudo inverse matrix methods for the radial force control in bearingless multi-sector permanent magnet machines.

Magnetic field and torque output of packaged hydraulic torque motor (2018)
Journal Article
Yan, L., Duan, Z., Zhang, Q., Niu, S., Dong, Y., & Gerada, C. (2018). Magnetic field and torque output of packaged hydraulic torque motor. Energies, 11(1),

Hydraulic torque motors are one key component in electro-hydraulic servo valves that convert the electrical signal into mechanical motions. The systematic characteristics analysis of the hydraulic torque motor has not been found in the previous resea... Read More about Magnetic field and torque output of packaged hydraulic torque motor.