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Professor CHRISTOPHER GERADA's Outputs (188)

Common DC-Link Capacitor Harmonic Current Minimization for Cascaded Converters by Optimized Phase-Shift Modulation (2023)
Journal Article
Zhou, X., Choy, W. J., Alcaide, A. M., Wang, S., Guenter, S., Leon, J. I., Monopoli, V. G., Franquelo, L. G., Liserre, M., Galea, M., Gerada, C., & Buticchi, G. (2023). Common DC-Link Capacitor Harmonic Current Minimization for Cascaded Converters by Optimized Phase-Shift Modulation. Energies, 16(5), Article 2098.

This paper investigates the influence of a constant carrier phase shift on the DC-link capacitor harmonic current of cascaded converters used in fuel-cell and mild-hybrid electric vehicles. In these applications, a DC-DC converter can be adopted betw... Read More about Common DC-Link Capacitor Harmonic Current Minimization for Cascaded Converters by Optimized Phase-Shift Modulation.

An Improved Control Strategy of PM-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machines Based on an Extended State Observer (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, D., Gu, C., Wang, S., Zhang, H., Gerada, C., Camilleri, R., & Zhang, Y. (2022, October). An Improved Control Strategy of PM-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machines Based on an Extended State Observer. Presented at 2022 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific), Haining, China

PM-Assisted synchronous reluctance machines (PMSynRM) show large speed fluctuations and poor dynamic response when encountering a large disturbance. Additionally, the PI controller is not capable of eliminating steady-state errors when disturbances a... Read More about An Improved Control Strategy of PM-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machines Based on an Extended State Observer.

Sensorless control of IPMSM using a discrete-time super twisting observer by high-frequency current injection in low speed region (2022)
Journal Article
Xu, Z., & Gerada, C. (2022). Sensorless control of IPMSM using a discrete-time super twisting observer by high-frequency current injection in low speed region. Energy Reports, 8(Suppl 15), 650-657.

Control of interior permanent magnet synchronous motors (IPMSMs) has been extensively attempted without any position sensor. At extremely low speeds, sensorless operation would not rely on the fundamental model-based sensorless methods since the situ... Read More about Sensorless control of IPMSM using a discrete-time super twisting observer by high-frequency current injection in low speed region.

Dynamic power decoupling for low-voltage ride-through of grid-forming inverters (2022)
Journal Article
Ji, F., Xu, Z., & Gerada, C. (2022). Dynamic power decoupling for low-voltage ride-through of grid-forming inverters. Energy Reports, 8(Supplement 15), 247-258.

In grid-forming technologies, the power controllers emulate the operation of synchronous generator. The frequency regulation, power-decoupling and virtual inertia are mostly achieved on the basis of small-signal models. However, the transient power a... Read More about Dynamic power decoupling for low-voltage ride-through of grid-forming inverters.

Mitigation of AC Winding Losses for Aircraft Propulsion Motors (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hebala, A., Nuzzo, S., Connor, P. H., Volpe, G., Gerada, C., & Galea, M. (2022, October). Mitigation of AC Winding Losses for Aircraft Propulsion Motors. Presented at IECON 2022 – 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Brussels, Belgium

In this paper, the AC copper losses are investigated and mitigated for different permanent magnet synchronous motor designs. AC copper losses can represent a substantial share of the total loss in electrical machines. In an application such as aerosp... Read More about Mitigation of AC Winding Losses for Aircraft Propulsion Motors.

Magnetic Field and Radial Force Analysis of Six-Phase Rotary Machine (2022)
Journal Article
Dong, Z., Yan, L., & Gerada, C. (2022). Magnetic Field and Radial Force Analysis of Six-Phase Rotary Machine. Guidance, Navigation and Control, 02(03), Article 2250011.

Six-phase permanent magnet synchronous machine and the control system are also widely used in industry, precision instruments and aerospace. However, most PMSMs employ magnet patterns either in alternatively radial magnetization or Halbach array, whi... Read More about Magnetic Field and Radial Force Analysis of Six-Phase Rotary Machine.

Electromechanical Characteristics Analysis under DSISC Fault in Synchronous Generators (2022)
Journal Article
He, Y.-L., Qiu, M.-H., Yuan, X.-H., He, X.-L., Wang, H.-P., Jiang, M.-Y., Gerada, C., & Wan, S.-T. (2022). Electromechanical Characteristics Analysis under DSISC Fault in Synchronous Generators. Machines, 10(6), Article 432.

This paper studies the electromechanical characteristics of synchronous generators under dynamic stator interturn short circuit (DSISC). First, the air gap magnetic flux density (MFD) of the generator under normal and DSISC fault was obtained. Then,... Read More about Electromechanical Characteristics Analysis under DSISC Fault in Synchronous Generators.

Electromagnetic Torque Fluctuating Properties under Dynamic RISC Fault in Turbogenerators (2022)
Journal Article
He, Y., Qiu, M., Yuan, X., Wang, H., Jiang, M., Gerada, C., & Wan, S. (2022). Electromagnetic Torque Fluctuating Properties under Dynamic RISC Fault in Turbogenerators. Energies, 15(10), Article 3821.

This paper analyzes the electromagnetic torque (EMT) fluctuation characteristics in synchronous generators under rotor interturn short-circuit (DRISC) fault. The novelty of this paper is that the DRISC fault is proposed based on the intermittent inte... Read More about Electromagnetic Torque Fluctuating Properties under Dynamic RISC Fault in Turbogenerators.

A PMSM With Enhanced Anisotropic Rotor Configuration for Sensorless Operations (2021)
Journal Article
Xu, Z., Zhang, T., & Gerada, C. (2021). A PMSM With Enhanced Anisotropic Rotor Configuration for Sensorless Operations. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 36(4), 2872-2883.

Sensorless control technologies based on rotor saliency may not operate well due to the effect of magnetic saturation. In this work, a rotor backend (RB) is attached to an existing rotor structure of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) to enh... Read More about A PMSM With Enhanced Anisotropic Rotor Configuration for Sensorless Operations.

Control‑Based Stabilization of DC Microgrid for More Electric Aircraft (2021)
Journal Article
Yang, J., Buticchi, G., Gu, C., Wheeler, P., Zhang, H., & Gerada, C. (2021). Control‑Based Stabilization of DC Microgrid for More Electric Aircraft. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 38(5), 737-746.

Electrifying the on-board subsystems of aircraft becomes an inevitable process as being faced with the environmental pollution, along with the proposed concept called more electric aircraft (MEA). With the increasing number of on-board power electron... Read More about Control‑Based Stabilization of DC Microgrid for More Electric Aircraft.

Hybrid Recurrent Neural Network Architecture-Based Intention Recognition for Human-Robot Collaboration (2021)
Journal Article
Gao, X., Yan, L., Wang, G., & Gerada, C. (2021). Hybrid Recurrent Neural Network Architecture-Based Intention Recognition for Human-Robot Collaboration. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 53(3), 1578 - 1586.

Human–robot-collaboration requires robot to proactively and intelligently recognize the intention of human operator. Despite deep learning approaches have achieved certain results in performing feature learning and long-term temporal dependencies mod... Read More about Hybrid Recurrent Neural Network Architecture-Based Intention Recognition for Human-Robot Collaboration.

Modeling and analysis in trajectory tracking control for wheeled mobile robots with wheel skidding and slipping: Disturbance rejection perspective (2021)
Journal Article
Gao, X., Yan, L., & Gerada, C. (2021). Modeling and analysis in trajectory tracking control for wheeled mobile robots with wheel skidding and slipping: Disturbance rejection perspective. Actuators, 10(9), Article 222.

Wheeled mobile robot (WMR) is usually applicable for executing an operational task around complicated environment; skidding and slipping phenomena unavoidably appear during the motion, which thus can compromise the accomplishment of the task. This pa... Read More about Modeling and analysis in trajectory tracking control for wheeled mobile robots with wheel skidding and slipping: Disturbance rejection perspective.

Multi-objective optimisation of the HSPMM rotor based on the multi-physics surrogate model (2021)
Journal Article
Dai, R., Zhang, Y., Wang, T., Zhang, F., Gerada, C., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Multi-objective optimisation of the HSPMM rotor based on the multi-physics surrogate model. IET Electric Power Applications, 15(12), 1616-1629.

High-speed permanent magnetic machine (HSPMM) is attracting more attention due to its high power density, compact size, small rotating inertia, and rapid response capability. However, the design of the HSPMM rotor is a non-linear, multi-physics coupl... Read More about Multi-objective optimisation of the HSPMM rotor based on the multi-physics surrogate model.

Robust Adaptive Control Based on Variable Boundary for a Twin-Motor Cable-Driven System (2021)
Journal Article
Li, B., Yan, L., Gao, X., & Gerada, C. (2022). Robust Adaptive Control Based on Variable Boundary for a Twin-Motor Cable-Driven System. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69(7), 7054-7063.

Cable-driven parallel mechanism has been widely studied due to its advantages of fast response and large workspace. The structural uncertainties in the system often introduce internal disturbance and unavoidably influence its motion precision. Genera... Read More about Robust Adaptive Control Based on Variable Boundary for a Twin-Motor Cable-Driven System.

A Novel Current Limitation Technique Exploiting the Maximum Capability of Power Electronic Inverter and Bearingless Machine (2021)
Journal Article
Wen, Z., Valente, G., Formentini, A., Papini, L., Gerada, C., & Zanchetta, P. (2021). A Novel Current Limitation Technique Exploiting the Maximum Capability of Power Electronic Inverter and Bearingless Machine. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 57(6), 7012-7023.

This article presents a current limitation technique for a multiphase bearingless machine featuring a combined winding system. This winding structure allows the machine to produce both suspension force and motoring torque. The main challenges with th... Read More about A Novel Current Limitation Technique Exploiting the Maximum Capability of Power Electronic Inverter and Bearingless Machine.

The Novel Singular-Perturbation-Based Adaptive Control with σ-Modification for Cable Driven System (2021)
Journal Article
Li, B., Yan, L., & Gerada, C. (2021). The Novel Singular-Perturbation-Based Adaptive Control with σ-Modification for Cable Driven System. Actuators, 10(3), Article 45.

Due to their large working space and fast response, cable driven systems have been widely applied in manufacturing, robotics and motion simulators, etc. However, the cable is flexible and tends to resonate at high frequencies, which raises challenges... Read More about The Novel Singular-Perturbation-Based Adaptive Control with σ-Modification for Cable Driven System.

Open-Circuit Fault Control Techniques for Bearingless Multisector Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (2021)
Journal Article
Wen, Z., Valente, G., Formentini, A., Papini, L., Gerada, C., & Zanchetta, P. (2021). Open-Circuit Fault Control Techniques for Bearingless Multisector Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 57(3), 2527-2536.

This article presents three-phase and single-phase open-circuit fault-tolerant control strategies of radial suspension force and torque generation for bearingless multisector surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machines. A combined winding t... Read More about Open-Circuit Fault Control Techniques for Bearingless Multisector Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines.

Thermal Design of an Integrated Inductor for 45kW Aerospace Starter-Generator (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
La Rocca, A., Khowja, M. R., Vakil, G., Gerada, C., Wheeler, P., & Yan, L. (2020, June). Thermal Design of an Integrated Inductor for 45kW Aerospace Starter-Generator. Presented at ITEC 2020 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Chicago, Illinois, USA (held online)

This paper presents a combined electromagnetic and thermal design of integrated inductor, for the application of a 45kW aircraft starter-generator. The inductor is designed at high current density by using the apporach ofarea product, followed by the... Read More about Thermal Design of an Integrated Inductor for 45kW Aerospace Starter-Generator.

New Three-Phase Current Reconstruction for PMSM Drive With Hybrid Space Vector Pulsewidth Modulation Technique (2020)
Journal Article
Wang, W., Yan, H., Xu, Y., Zou, J., Zhang, X., Zhao, W., Buticchi, G., & Gerada, C. (2021). New Three-Phase Current Reconstruction for PMSM Drive With Hybrid Space Vector Pulsewidth Modulation Technique. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36(1), 662-673.

Current sensing techniques with reduced number of sensors attract a high interest from industry, for the possibility of cost reduction and sampling mismatch reduction. This article puts forward a new single current sensor (SCS) method for a permanent... Read More about New Three-Phase Current Reconstruction for PMSM Drive With Hybrid Space Vector Pulsewidth Modulation Technique.