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Professor CHRISTOPHER GERADA's Outputs (29)

Impact of Soft Magnetic Material on Design of High-Speed Permanent-Magnet Machines (2016)
Journal Article
Fernando, N., Vakil, G., Arumugam, P., Amankwah, E. K., Gerada, C., & Bozhko, S. (2017). Impact of Soft Magnetic Material on Design of High-Speed Permanent-Magnet Machines. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(3), 2415-2423.

© 2016 IEEE. This paper investigates the effect of two soft magnetic materials on a high-speed machine design, namely, 6.5% silicon steel and cobalt-iron alloy. The effect of design parameters on the machine performance as an aircraft starter-generat... Read More about Impact of Soft Magnetic Material on Design of High-Speed Permanent-Magnet Machines.

Non-linear circuit based model of PMSM under inter-turn fault: a simple approach based on healthy machine data (2016)
Journal Article
Belguerras, L., Arellano-Padilla, J., Arumugam, P., Hamiti, T., Mezani, S., & Gerada, C. (in press). Non-linear circuit based model of PMSM under inter-turn fault: a simple approach based on healthy machine data. IET Electric Power Applications, 10(6),

The paper proposes a fast dynamic mathematical model to evaluate the performances of saturated permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) under stator winding’s inter turn fault. The parameters of the model can be determined using only manufacturer... Read More about Non-linear circuit based model of PMSM under inter-turn fault: a simple approach based on healthy machine data.

The importance of considering pushback time and arrivals when routing departures on the ground at airports (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stergianos, C., Atkin, J., Schittekat, P., Nordlander, T. E., Gerada, C., & Morvan, H. The importance of considering pushback time and arrivals when routing departures on the ground at airports. Presented at 8th International Conference on Applied Operational Research (ICAOR 2016)

With the constant increase in air traffic, airports are facing capacity problems. Many airports are increasingly interested in utilising optimisation methods for specific airport processes. However, many such processes do happen in parallel, and maxi... Read More about The importance of considering pushback time and arrivals when routing departures on the ground at airports.

Model predictive control for a dual active bridge inverter with a floating bridge (2016)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, S., Wheeler, P., Gerada, C., & Patel, C. (2016). Model predictive control for a dual active bridge inverter with a floating bridge. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 63(9), 5558-5568.

This paper presents a Model Predictive Control technique applied to a dual active bridge inverter where one of the bridges is floating. The proposed floating bridge topology eliminates the need for isolation transformer in a dual inverter system and... Read More about Model predictive control for a dual active bridge inverter with a floating bridge.

A multi-level converter with a floating bridge for open-ended winding motor drive applications (2016)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, S., Wheeler, P., Patel, C., & Gerada, C. (2016). A multi-level converter with a floating bridge for open-ended winding motor drive applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 63(9), 5366-5375.

This paper presents a dual three phase open end winding induction motor drive. The drive consists of a three phase induction machine with open stator phase windings and dual bridge inverter supplied from a single DC voltage source. To achieve multi-l... Read More about A multi-level converter with a floating bridge for open-ended winding motor drive applications.

Evaluation of saliency tracking as an alternative for health monitoring in PMSM-drives under nonstationary conditions (2016)
Journal Article
Arellano-Padilla, J., Sumner, M., & Gerada, C. (2016). Evaluation of saliency tracking as an alternative for health monitoring in PMSM-drives under nonstationary conditions. IET Electric Power Applications, 10(4), 284-293.

This paper evaluates the capability of saliency tracking to assess the health condition of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives operating under nonstationary conditions. The evaluated scheme is based on saliency tracking methods, which ar... Read More about Evaluation of saliency tracking as an alternative for health monitoring in PMSM-drives under nonstationary conditions.

Integrated motor drives: state of the art and future trends (2016)
Journal Article
Abebe, R., Vakil, G., Lo Calzo, G., Cox, T., Lambert, S., Johnson, C. M., Gerada, C., & Mecrow, B. (2016). Integrated motor drives: state of the art and future trends. IET Electric Power Applications, 10(8), 757-771.

With increased need for high power density, high efficiency and high temperature capabilities in aerospace and automotive applications, integrated motor drives (IMD) offers a potential solution. However, close physical integration of the converter an... Read More about Integrated motor drives: state of the art and future trends.

Multi-objective optimization of a magnetically levitated planar motor with multi-layer windings (2016)
Journal Article
Guo, L., Zhang, H., Galea, M., Li, J., & Gerada, C. (2016). Multi-objective optimization of a magnetically levitated planar motor with multi-layer windings. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 63(6), 3522-3532.

In this paper, a novel magnetically levitated coreless planar motor with three-layer orthogonal overlapping windings is shown to have higher power density and higher space utilization compared to other coreless planar motors. In order to achieve maxi... Read More about Multi-objective optimization of a magnetically levitated planar motor with multi-layer windings.

Condition monitoring approach for permanent magnet synchronous motor drives based on the INFORM method (2016)
Journal Article
Arellano-Padilla, J., Sumner, M., & Gerada, C. (2016). Condition monitoring approach for permanent magnet synchronous motor drives based on the INFORM method. IET Electric Power Applications, 10(1), 54-62.

This paper proposes a monitoring scheme based on saliency tracking to assess the health condition of PMSM drives operating under non stationary conditions. The evaluated scheme is based on the INFORM methodology, which is associated to the accurate s... Read More about Condition monitoring approach for permanent magnet synchronous motor drives based on the INFORM method.