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Professor CHRISTOPHER GERADA's Outputs (2)

The importance of considering pushback time and arrivals when routing departures on the ground at airports (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stergianos, C., Atkin, J., Schittekat, P., Nordlander, T. E., Gerada, C., & Morvan, H. The importance of considering pushback time and arrivals when routing departures on the ground at airports. Presented at 8th International Conference on Applied Operational Research (ICAOR 2016)

With the constant increase in air traffic, airports are facing capacity problems. Many airports are increasingly interested in utilising optimisation methods for specific airport processes. However, many such processes do happen in parallel, and maxi... Read More about The importance of considering pushback time and arrivals when routing departures on the ground at airports.

The effects of pushback delays on airport ground movement (2015)
Journal Article
Stergianos, C., Atkin, J., Schittekat, P., Nordlander, T. E., Gerada, C., & Morvan, H. (in press). The effects of pushback delays on airport ground movement

With the constant increase in air traffic, airports are facing capacity problems. Optimisation methods for specific airport processes are starting to be increasingly utilised by many large airports. However, many processes do happen in parallel, and... Read More about The effects of pushback delays on airport ground movement.