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Professor Roshan Nair's Outputs (3)

Home-based pre-surgical psychological intervention for knee osteoarthritis (HAPPiKNEES): a feasibility randomised controlled trial (2018)
Journal Article
das Nair, R., Mhizha-Murira, J. R., Anderson, P., Carpenter, H., Clarke, S., Groves, S., Leighton, P., Scammell, B. E., Topcu, G., Walsh, D. A., & Lincoln, N. B. (2018). Home-based pre-surgical psychological intervention for knee osteoarthritis (HAPPiKNEES): a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 32(6), 777-789.

Objective: To determine the feasibility of conducting a trial of a pre-surgical psychological intervention on pain, function, and mood in people with knee osteoarthritis listed for total knee arthroplasty.
Design: Multi-centre, mixed-methods feasibi... Read More about Home-based pre-surgical psychological intervention for knee osteoarthritis (HAPPiKNEES): a feasibility randomised controlled trial.

Process and impact of dialectical behaviour therapy: a systematic review of perceptions of clients with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (2017)
Journal Article
Little, H., Tickle, A., & das Nair, R. (2018). Process and impact of dialectical behaviour therapy: a systematic review of perceptions of clients with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 91(3), 278-301.

Purpose: To identify, appraise and synthesise findings from qualitative studies of individuals diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder who have experienced Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, to gain further understanding of their perceptions of t... Read More about Process and impact of dialectical behaviour therapy: a systematic review of perceptions of clients with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.

Same-sex sexual identity development in an Indian context (2013)
Journal Article
Kumar Pandya, A., Pandya, S., & das Nair, R. (2013). Same-sex sexual identity development in an Indian context. Psychology of Sexualities Section Review, 4(1),

One of the challenges of writing a chapter on inter sectionality, with a specific emphasis on sexuality and ethnicity, is that specificity distorts the ideal of inter sectionality, which seeks to see people as multiple composites of identities, not s... Read More about Same-sex sexual identity development in an Indian context.