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Professor Roshan Nair's Outputs (3)

Promoting Activity, Independence, and Stability in Early Dementia and mild cognitive impairment (PrAISED): randomised controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article
Harwood, R. H., Goldberg, S. E., Brand, A., van Der Wardt, V., Booth, V., Di Lorito, C., Hoare, Z., Hancox, J., Bajwa, R., Burgon, C., Howe, L., Cowley, A., Bramley, T., Long, A., Lock, J., Tucker, R., Adams, E. J., O’Brien, R., Kearney, F., Kowalewska, K., …Masud, T. (2023). Promoting Activity, Independence, and Stability in Early Dementia and mild cognitive impairment (PrAISED): randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 382, Article e074787.

Objective To determine the effectiveness of an exercise and functional activity therapy intervention in adults with early dementia or mild cognitive impairment compared with usual care.

Design Randomised controlled trial.

Setting Participants’... Read More about Promoting Activity, Independence, and Stability in Early Dementia and mild cognitive impairment (PrAISED): randomised controlled trial.

The facilitators and barriers to improving functional activity and wellbeing in people with dementia: A qualitative study from the Process Evaluation of Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED) (2023)
Journal Article
Lorito, C. D., Van Der Wardt, V., Pollock, K., Howe, L., Booth, V., Logan, P., Gladman, J., Masud, T., Das Nair, R., Goldberg, S., Vedhara, K., O'Brien, R., Adams, E., Cowley, A., Bosco, A., Hancox, J., Burgon, C., Bajwa, R., Lock, J., Long, A., …Harwood, R. H. (2023). The facilitators and barriers to improving functional activity and wellbeing in people with dementia: A qualitative study from the Process Evaluation of Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED). Age and Ageing, 52(8), Article afad166.

Background. The PRomoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED) study delivered an exercise and functional activity programme to participants living with dementia. A Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) showed no measurable be... Read More about The facilitators and barriers to improving functional activity and wellbeing in people with dementia: A qualitative study from the Process Evaluation of Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED).

How people with knee pain understand why their pain changes or remains the same over time: A qualitative study (2023)
Journal Article
Walsh, D. A., Rathbone, J., Akin-Akinyosoye, K., Fernandes, G. S., Valdes, A. M., McWilliams, D. F., Zhang, W., Doherty, M., Hancox, J. E., Vedhara, K., das Nair, R., & Ferguson, E. (2023). How people with knee pain understand why their pain changes or remains the same over time: A qualitative study. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open, 5(2), Article 100345.

Guidelines recommend knee osteoarthritis pain management based on biopsychosocial mechanisms. Treatment adherence and effectiveness may be affected if there is a mismatch between patient perspectives and treatment focus. We therefore exam... Read More about How people with knee pain understand why their pain changes or remains the same over time: A qualitative study.