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Professor Roshan Nair's Outputs (4)

A study of outcomes of patients treated at a UK major trauma centre for moderate or severe injuries one to three years after injury (2017)
Journal Article
Spreadborough, S., Radford, K. A., das Nair, R., Brooks, A., & Duffy, M. (in press). A study of outcomes of patients treated at a UK major trauma centre for moderate or severe injuries one to three years after injury. Clinical Rehabilitation, 32(3),

Objective: To assess return to work outcomes of major trauma patients treated at a level 1 UK major trauma centre and evaluate factors associated with improved outcomes.
Design: Cross-sectional cohort design.
Subjects: Ninety-nine Patients at 1,... Read More about A study of outcomes of patients treated at a UK major trauma centre for moderate or severe injuries one to three years after injury.

Attitudes of older people with mild dementia and mild cognitive impairment and their relatives about falls risk and prevention: a qualitative study (2017)
Journal Article
Peach, T., Pollock, K., van der Wardt, V., das Nair, R., Logan, P., & Harwood, R. H. (2017). Attitudes of older people with mild dementia and mild cognitive impairment and their relatives about falls risk and prevention: a qualitative study. PLoS ONE, 12(5), 1-15.

Objective: To explore the perceptions of older people with mild dementia and mild cognitive impairment, and their family carers, about falling, falls risk and the acceptability of falls prevention interventions.
Design: Qualitative study involving t... Read More about Attitudes of older people with mild dementia and mild cognitive impairment and their relatives about falls risk and prevention: a qualitative study.

Adherence support strategies for exercise interventions in people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
van der Wardt, V., Hancox, J., Gondek, D., Logan, P., das Nair, R., Pollock, K., & Harwood, R. H. (2017). Adherence support strategies for exercise interventions in people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review. Preventive Medicine Reports, 7,

Exercise-based therapy may improve health status for people with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) or dementia but cannot work without adherence, which has proven difficult. This review aimed to evaluate strategies to support adherence among people wit... Read More about Adherence support strategies for exercise interventions in people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review.

Social Identity in People with Multiple Sclerosis: An Examination of Family Identity and Mood (2017)
Journal Article
Barker, A. B., Lincoln, N. B., Hunt, N., & das Nair, R. (2018). Social Identity in People with Multiple Sclerosis: An Examination of Family Identity and Mood. International Journal of Ms Care, 20(2), 85-91.

Background: Mood disorders are highly prevalent in people with MS. MS causes changes to a person’s sense of self. The Social Identity Model of Identity Change posits that group membership can have a positive effect on mood during identity change. The... Read More about Social Identity in People with Multiple Sclerosis: An Examination of Family Identity and Mood.