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Dr SEAN MAYES's Outputs (9)

A multiscale mathematical model describing the growth and development of bambara groundnut (2022)
Journal Article
Dodd, J., Sweby, P. K., Mayes, S., Murchie, E. H., Karunaratne, A. S., Massawe, F., & Tindall, M. J. (2023). A multiscale mathematical model describing the growth and development of bambara groundnut. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 560, Article 111373.

A principal objective in agriculture is to maximise food production; this is particularly relevant with the added demands of an ever increasing population, coupled with the unpredictability that climate change brings. Further improvements in producti... Read More about A multiscale mathematical model describing the growth and development of bambara groundnut.

Genomic selection strategies to increase genetic gain in tea breeding programs (2022)
Journal Article
Lubanga, N., Massawe, F., Mayes, S., Gorjanc, G., & Bančič, J. (2022). Genomic selection strategies to increase genetic gain in tea breeding programs. The Plant Genome, Article e20282.

Tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] is mainly grown in low‐ to middle‐income countries (LMIC) and is a global commodity. Breeding programs in these countries face the challenge of increasing genetic gain because the accuracy of selecting superior... Read More about Genomic selection strategies to increase genetic gain in tea breeding programs.

The Winged Bean Genome: Winged Bean—One Species Supermarket (2022)
Book Chapter
Tsoutsoura, N., Chong, Y. T., Ho, W. K., Chai, H. H., Tanzi, A. S., Salazar-Licea, L., Massawe, F., Brameld, J., Salter, A., & Mayes, S. (2022). The Winged Bean Genome: Winged Bean—One Species Supermarket. In M. A. Chapman (Ed.), Underutilised Crop Genomes (315-336). Springer International Publishing.

Climate change, population growth and increasingly homogenised diets are a threat to food security and human nutritional status. There is an urgent need to incorporate highly nutritious crops into the human diet to provide new sources of nutrition, t... Read More about The Winged Bean Genome: Winged Bean—One Species Supermarket.

Genomic designing for improved abiotic tolerance in amaranth: An integrated approach of genetic diversity and tolerance phenotyping (2022)
Book Chapter
Jamalluddin, N., Symonds, R., Chai, H. H., Ho, W. K., Razi, F., Mayes, S., & Massawe, F. (2022). Genomic designing for improved abiotic tolerance in amaranth: An integrated approach of genetic diversity and tolerance phenotyping. In C. Kole (Ed.), . Springer.

Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) is an underutilized C4 vegetable and grain crop which grows successfully in low input environments and has diverse abiotic stress tolerance traits. In addition to being highly nutritious, it is genetically diverse and pheno... Read More about Genomic designing for improved abiotic tolerance in amaranth: An integrated approach of genetic diversity and tolerance phenotyping.

Genetic diversity analysis and marker-trait associations in Amaranthus species (2022)
Journal Article
Jamalluddin, N., Massawe, F. J., Mayes, S., Ho, W. K., & Symonds, R. C. (2022). Genetic diversity analysis and marker-trait associations in Amaranthus species. PLoS ONE, 17(5), Article e0267752.

Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) is a highly nutritious, underutilized vegetable and pseudo-cereal crop. It possesses diverse abiotic stress tolerance traits, is genetically diverse and highly phenotypically plastic, making it an ideal crop to thrive in a... Read More about Genetic diversity analysis and marker-trait associations in Amaranthus species.

Fruit and vegetable biodiversity for nutritionally diverse diets: Challenges, opportunities, and knowledge gaps (2022)
Journal Article
Harris, J., van Zonneveld, M., Achigan-Dako, E. G., Bajwa, B., Brouwer, I. D., Choudhury, D., de Jager, I., de Steenhuijsen Piters, B., Ehsan Dulloo, M., Guarino, L., Kindt, R., Mayes, S., McMullin, S., Quintero, M., & Schreinemachers, P. (2022). Fruit and vegetable biodiversity for nutritionally diverse diets: Challenges, opportunities, and knowledge gaps. Global Food Security, 33, Article 100618.

Planetary health brings together intrinsically linked issues of human health and natural systems. This paper reviews evidence of how agrobiodiversity underpins dietary diversity for current human populations in the context of fruits and vegetables, a... Read More about Fruit and vegetable biodiversity for nutritionally diverse diets: Challenges, opportunities, and knowledge gaps.

Natural Genotypic Variation Underpins Root System Response to Drought Stress in Bambara Groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.] (2022)
Journal Article
Mateva, K. I., Chai, H. H., Mayes, S., & Massawe, F. (2022). Natural Genotypic Variation Underpins Root System Response to Drought Stress in Bambara Groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, Article 1664-462X.

Bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.] is grown in rainfed production systems and suffers from periodic drought stress (DS), leading to yield reductions. Natural genotypic variation for root traits is essential for adaptation to water defi... Read More about Natural Genotypic Variation Underpins Root System Response to Drought Stress in Bambara Groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.].

Genetic linkage map construction and identification of QTLs associated with agronomic traits in bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) using DArTseq-based SNP markers (2022)
Journal Article
Gao, X., Chai, H. H., Ho, W. K., Kundy, A. C., Mateva, K. I., Mayes, S., & Massawe, F. (2023). Genetic linkage map construction and identification of QTLs associated with agronomic traits in bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) using DArTseq-based SNP markers. Food and Energy Security, 12(1), Article e353.

Bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.] is an underutilised, protein-rich and self-pollinating legume that can withstand high temperature and drought stress and is mainly grown in semi-arid Africa. In order to dissect the complexity of drou... Read More about Genetic linkage map construction and identification of QTLs associated with agronomic traits in bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) using DArTseq-based SNP markers.

The potential of Bambara groundnut: An analysis for the People’s Republic of China (2022)
Journal Article
Jahanshiri, E., Goh, E. V., Wimalasiri, E. M., Azam-Ali, S., Mayes, S., Tengku Mohd Suhairi, T. A. S., Mohd Nizar, N. M., & Mohd Sinin, S. S. (2022). The potential of Bambara groundnut: An analysis for the People’s Republic of China. Food and Energy Security, 11(2), Article e358.

While China has transformed its economy over recent decades, challenges such as climate change and land degradation have continued to impact its agriculture. These effects along with changes in diets and growing food imports will force China to look... Read More about The potential of Bambara groundnut: An analysis for the People’s Republic of China.