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Dr SEAN MAYES's Outputs (72)

Major qtls for trunk height and correlated agronomic traits provide insights into multiple trait integration in oil palm breeding (2020)
Journal Article
Teh, C. K., Ong, A. L., Mayes, S., Massawe, F., & Appleton, D. R. (2020). Major qtls for trunk height and correlated agronomic traits provide insights into multiple trait integration in oil palm breeding. Genes, 11(7), 1-15.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Superior oil yield is always the top priority of the oil palm industry. Short trunk height (THT) and compactness traits have become increasingly important to improve harvesting efficiency sinc... Read More about Major qtls for trunk height and correlated agronomic traits provide insights into multiple trait integration in oil palm breeding.

Transcriptome-wide identification and characterization of the Rab GTPase family in mango (2020)
Journal Article
Lawson, T., Lycett, G. W., Mayes, S., Ho, W. K., & Chin, C. F. (2020). Transcriptome-wide identification and characterization of the Rab GTPase family in mango. Molecular Biology Reports, 47, 4183–4197.

© 2020, Springer Nature B.V. The Rab GTPase family plays a vital role in several plant physiological processes including fruit ripening. Fruit softening during ripening involves trafficking of cell wall polymers and enzymes between cellular compartme... Read More about Transcriptome-wide identification and characterization of the Rab GTPase family in mango.

Root foraging capacity in bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) core parental lines depends on the root system architecture during the pre-flowering stage (2020)
Journal Article
Mateva, K. I., Mateva, K., Mayes, S., Massawe, F., & Chai, H. H. (2020). Root foraging capacity in bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) core parental lines depends on the root system architecture during the pre-flowering stage. Plants, 9(5), Article 645.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Characterizing the morphological variability in root system architecture (RSA) during the sensitive pre-flowering growth stage is important for crop performance. To assess this variation, eigh... Read More about Root foraging capacity in bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) core parental lines depends on the root system architecture during the pre-flowering stage.

Understanding the genetic relationships between Indonesian bambara groundnut landraces and investigating their origins (2020)
Journal Article
Redjeki, E. S., Ho, W. K., Shah, N., Molosiwa, O. O., Ardiarini, N. R., Kuswanto, & Mayes, S. (2020). Understanding the genetic relationships between Indonesian bambara groundnut landraces and investigating their origins. Genome, 63(6), 319-327.

A total of 170 bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) accessions were evaluated using both simple sequence repeat (SSR) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers generated using genotyping-by-sequencing (GbS), of which 56 accessions were collec... Read More about Understanding the genetic relationships between Indonesian bambara groundnut landraces and investigating their origins.

Bridging the food security gap: an information-led approach to connect dietary nutrition, food composition and crop production (2019)
Journal Article
Azman Halimi, R., Barkla, B. J., Andrés‐Hernandéz, L., Mayes, S., & King, G. J. (2020). Bridging the food security gap: an information-led approach to connect dietary nutrition, food composition and crop production. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(4), 1495-1504.

© 2019 Society of Chemical Industry BACKGROUND: Food security is recognized as a major global challenge, yet human food-chain systems are inherently not geared towards nutrition, with decisions on crop and cultivar choice not informed by dietary comp... Read More about Bridging the food security gap: an information-led approach to connect dietary nutrition, food composition and crop production.

A practical genome-enabled legitimacy assay for oil palm breeding and seed production (2019)
Journal Article
Teh, C.-K., Lee, H.-L., Abidin, H., Ong, A.-L., Mayes, S., Chew, F.-T., & Appleton, D. (2019). A practical genome-enabled legitimacy assay for oil palm breeding and seed production. BMC Plant Biology, 19(1), Article 470.

Background: Legitimacy in breeding and commercial crop production depends on optimised protocols to ensure purity of crosses and correct field planting of material. In oil palm, the presence of three fruit forms permits these assumptions to be tested... Read More about A practical genome-enabled legitimacy assay for oil palm breeding and seed production.

Bambara groundnut : an exemplar underutilised legume for resilience under climate change (2019)
Journal Article
Mayes, S., Ho, W. K., Chai, H. H., Gao, X., Kundy, A. C., Mateva, K. I., Zahrulakmal, M., Khairul Izwan Mohd Hahiree, M., Kendabie, P., Salazar Licea, L. C., Massawe, F., Mabhaudhi, T., Modi, A., Berchie, J. N., Amoah, S., Faloye, B., Olaniyi, O., Abberton, M., & Azam-Ali, S. (2019). Bambara groundnut : an exemplar underutilised legume for resilience under climate change. Planta, 250(3), 803-820.

World agriculture is currently based on very limited numbers of crops, representing a significant risk to food supplies, particularly in the face of climate change which is expected to increase the frequency of extreme events. Minor and underutilised... Read More about Bambara groundnut : an exemplar underutilised legume for resilience under climate change.

Bambara groundnut: an exemplar underutilised legume for resilience under climate change (2019)
Journal Article
Mayes, S., Ho, W. K., Chai, H. H., Gao, X., Kundy, A. C., Mateva, K. I., Zahrulakmal, M., Hahiree, M. K. I. M., Kendabie, P., Licea, L. C. S., Massawe, F., Mabhaudhi, T., Modi, A. T., Berchie, J. N., Amoah, S., Faloye, B., Abberton, M., Olaniyi, O., & Azam-Ali, S. N. (2019). Bambara groundnut: an exemplar underutilised legume for resilience under climate change. Planta, 250(3), 803–820.

Main conclusion Bambara groundnut has the potential to be used to contribute more the climate change ready agriculture. The requirement for nitrogen fixing, stress tolerant legumes is clear, particularly in low input agriculture. However, ensuring th... Read More about Bambara groundnut: an exemplar underutilised legume for resilience under climate change.

Crops For the Future (CFF): an overview of research efforts in the adoption of underutilised species (2019)
Journal Article
Gregory, P. J., Mayes, S., Hui, C. H., Jahanshiri, E., Julkifle, A., Kuppusamy, G., Kuan, H. W., Lin, T. X., Massawe, F., Suhairi, T. A. S. T. M., & Azam-Ali, S. N. (2019). Crops For the Future (CFF): an overview of research efforts in the adoption of underutilised species. Planta, 250(3), 979-988.

Main conclusion Crops For the Future (CFF), as an entity, has established a broad range of research activities to promote the improvement and adoption of currently underutilised crops. Abstract This paper summarises selected research activities at Cr... Read More about Crops For the Future (CFF): an overview of research efforts in the adoption of underutilised species.

Development and interaction between plant architecture and yield-related traits in winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) (2019)
Journal Article
Tanzi, A. S., Ho, W. K., Massawe, F., & Mayes, S. (2019). Development and interaction between plant architecture and yield-related traits in winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.). Euphytica, 215(2), 1-14.

Winged bean (P. tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) is a leguminous crop that could contribute towards food security in tropical areas, but whose growth and development is still poorly understood. In order to develop improved individuals for increased green pod... Read More about Development and interaction between plant architecture and yield-related traits in winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.).

The potential of the underutilized pulse bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) for nutritional food security (2018)
Journal Article
Azman Halimi, R., Barkla, B. J., Mayes, S., & King, G. J. (2019). The potential of the underutilized pulse bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) for nutritional food security. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 77, 47-59.

© 2019 Elsevier Inc. Bambara groundnut is an underutilized pulse that can make a positive contribution to food and nutritional security at the regional and global level, particularly in tropical developing countries where the crop is currently grown.... Read More about The potential of the underutilized pulse bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) for nutritional food security.

Putative regulatory candidate genes for QTL linked to fruit traits in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) (2018)
Journal Article
Ting, N.-C., Mayes, S., Massawe, F., Sambanthamurthi, R., Jansen, J., Shahrul Rabiah Syed Alwee, S., Seng, T.-Y., Ithnin, M., & Singh, R. (2018). Putative regulatory candidate genes for QTL linked to fruit traits in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Euphytica, 214(11), Article 214.

Palm oil is among the most important vegetable oils, contributing to a quarter of the world’s oils and fats market. The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) fruitlets, which are the source of palm oil, vary from 8eight to 20 g in weight. Palm oil conte... Read More about Putative regulatory candidate genes for QTL linked to fruit traits in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.).

Plant Rabs and the role in fruit ripening (2018)
Journal Article
Lawson, T., Mayes, S., Lycett, G. W., & Chin, C. F. (2018). Plant Rabs and the role in fruit ripening. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, 34(2), 181-197.

Fruit ripening is a complex developmental process that involves the synthesis and modification of the cell wall leading up to the formation of an edible fruit. During the period of fruit ripening, new cell wall polymers and enzymes are synthesized an... Read More about Plant Rabs and the role in fruit ripening.

High density SNP and DArT-based genetic linkage maps of two closely related oil palm populations (2017)
Journal Article
Gan, S. T., Wong, W. C., Wong, C. K., Soh, A. C., Kilian, A., Low, E.-T. L., Massawe, F., & Mayes, S. (in press). High density SNP and DArT-based genetic linkage maps of two closely related oil palm populations. Journal of Applied Genetics,

Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is an outbreeding perennial tree crop with long breeding cycles, typically 12 years. Molecular marker technologies can greatly improve the breeding efficiency of oil palm. This study reports the first use of the DAr... Read More about High density SNP and DArT-based genetic linkage maps of two closely related oil palm populations.

Microsatellite analysis of populations of the endangered tree Gomortega keule suggests pre-Columbian differentiation (2017)
Journal Article
Munoz-Concha, D., Davey, M. R., Ribas, G., & Mayes, S. (in press). Microsatellite analysis of populations of the endangered tree Gomortega keule suggests pre-Columbian differentiation. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 55(3),

Temperate forests have been affected extensively by human activities, resulting in land cover changes and population fragmentation. However, these anthropogenic effects can be superimposed onto the natural history of species, making it difficult to d... Read More about Microsatellite analysis of populations of the endangered tree Gomortega keule suggests pre-Columbian differentiation.

Differential gene expression at different stages of mesocarp development in high- and low-yielding oil palm (2017)
Journal Article
Wong, Y. C., Teh, H. F., Mebus, K., Ooi, T. E. K., Kwong, Q. B., Koo, K. L., Ong, C. K., Mayes, S., Chew, F. T., Appleton, D. R., & Kulaveerasingam, H. (2017). Differential gene expression at different stages of mesocarp development in high- and low-yielding oil palm. BMC Genomics, 18(1), Article 470.


The oil yield trait of oil palm is expected to involve multiple genes, environmental influences and interactions. Many of the underlying mechanisms that contribute to oil yield are still poorly understood. In this study, we used a micro... Read More about Differential gene expression at different stages of mesocarp development in high- and low-yielding oil palm.

Development of gene‐based SSR markers in winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) for diversity assessment (2017)
Journal Article
Wong, Q., Tanzi, A., Ho, W., Malla, S., Blythe, M., Karunaratne, A., Massawe, F., & Mayes, S. (2017). Development of gene‐based SSR markers in winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) for diversity assessment. Genes, 8(3), Article 100.

Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) is an herbaceous multipurpose legume grown in hot and humid countries as a pulse, vegetable (leaves and pods), or root tuber crop depending on local consumption preferences. In addition to its different nutri... Read More about Development of gene‐based SSR markers in winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) for diversity assessment.

Preanthesis biomass accumulation of plant and plant organs defines yield components in wheat (2016)
Journal Article
Xie, Q., Mayes, S., & Sparkes, D. L. (2016). Preanthesis biomass accumulation of plant and plant organs defines yield components in wheat. European Journal of Agronomy, 81,

The preanthesis period in wheat is critical for growth of plant organs including leaves, stems, spikes and roots. However, the roles of the preanthesis biomass accumulation of plant and plant organs in yield determination are only partially elucidate... Read More about Preanthesis biomass accumulation of plant and plant organs defines yield components in wheat.

Construction of a genetic linkage map and QTL analysis in bambara groundnut (2016)
Journal Article
Ahmad, N. S., Redjeki, E. S., Ho, W. K., Aliyu, S., Mayes, K., Massawe, F., Kilian, A., & Mayes, S. (2016). Construction of a genetic linkage map and QTL analysis in bambara groundnut. Genome, 59(7), 459-472.

Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) is an indigenous underutilized legume that has the potential to improve food security in semi-arid Africa. So far, there are a lack of reports of controlled breeding populations that could be used for... Read More about Construction of a genetic linkage map and QTL analysis in bambara groundnut.

Genetic diversity and population structure of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.): synopsis of the past two decades of analysis and implications for crop improvement programmes (2016)
Journal Article
Aliyu, S., Massawe, F., & Mayes, S. (2016). Genetic diversity and population structure of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.): synopsis of the past two decades of analysis and implications for crop improvement programmes. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 63(6), 925-943.

Knowledge of genetic diversity within crop species and the nature of their breeding systems are critical for crop improvement. These determine the appropriate species specific breeding methodologies to deploy. Genetic diversity analysis is an ongoing... Read More about Genetic diversity and population structure of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.): synopsis of the past two decades of analysis and implications for crop improvement programmes.