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Professor JONAS EMSLEY's Outputs (3)

High molecular weight kininogen interactions with the homologs prekallikrein and factor XI: importance to surface-induced coagulation (2023)
Journal Article
Mohammed, B. M., Sun, M.-F., Cheng, Q., Litvak, M., McCrae, K. R., Emsley, J., McCarty, O. J. T., & Gailani, D. (2024). High molecular weight kininogen interactions with the homologs prekallikrein and factor XI: importance to surface-induced coagulation. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 22(1), 225-237.

Background: In plasma, high molecular weight kininogen (HK) is either free or bound to prekallikrein (PK) or factor (F) XI (FXI). During contact activation, HK is thought to anchor PK and FXI to surfaces, facilitating their conversion to the protease... Read More about High molecular weight kininogen interactions with the homologs prekallikrein and factor XI: importance to surface-induced coagulation.

Conformational analysis and interaction of the Staphylococcus aureus transmembrane peptidase AgrB with its AgrD propeptide substrate (2023)
Journal Article
Bardelang, P., Murray, E. J., Blower, I., Zandomeneghi, S., Goode, A., Hussain, R., Kumari, D., Siligardi, G., Inoue, K., Luckett, J., Doutch, J., Emsley, J., Chan, W. C., Hill, P., Williams, P., & Bonev, B. B. (2023). Conformational analysis and interaction of the Staphylococcus aureus transmembrane peptidase AgrB with its AgrD propeptide substrate. Frontiers in Chemistry, 11, Article 1113885.

Virulence gene expression in the human pathogen, S. aureus is regulated by the agr (accessory gene regulator) quorum sensing (QS) system which is conserved in diverse Gram-positive bacteria. The agr QS signal molecule is an autoinducing peptide (AIP)... Read More about Conformational analysis and interaction of the Staphylococcus aureus transmembrane peptidase AgrB with its AgrD propeptide substrate.

Structures of factor XI and prekallikrein bound to domain 6 of high–molecular weight kininogen reveal alternate domain 6 conformations and exosites (2023)
Journal Article
Li, C., Barroeta, A. B., Wong, S. S., Kim, H. J., Pathak, M., Dreveny, I., Meijers, J. C., & Emsley, J. (2023). Structures of factor XI and prekallikrein bound to domain 6 of high–molecular weight kininogen reveal alternate domain 6 conformations and exosites. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis,

Background: High–molecular weight kininogen (HK) circulates in plasma as a complex with zymogen prekallikrein (PK). HK is both a substrate and a cofactor for activated plasma kallikrein, and the principal exosite interactions occur between PK N-termi... Read More about Structures of factor XI and prekallikrein bound to domain 6 of high–molecular weight kininogen reveal alternate domain 6 conformations and exosites.