The AIR model (Activities, Internal world, Relationships): a pragmatic framework for evaluating co-design
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gosling, J., Craven, M. P., Dening, T., Coleston-Shields, D., Aberturas, A. G., Martín, S. G., Muñoz, M., Ruiz, G. B., Bueno, Y., Almeida, R., Català, A., Karahanoglu, A., Ludden, G. D. S., Lim, J., Smith, T., Niedderer, K., Lüneburg, L.-M., Tournier, I., & Abrilahij, A. (2019, September). The AIR model (Activities, Internal world, Relationships): a pragmatic framework for evaluating co-design. Presented at International MinD Conference 2019 Designing with and for People with Dementia: Wellbeing, Empowerment and Happiness, Dresden, Germany
A pragmatic model, AIR (Activities; Internal world; Relationships), is presented for co-design of technologies and products to support well-being of people living with dementia. This model, co-developed with people with lived experience, is aimed at... Read More about The AIR model (Activities, Internal world, Relationships): a pragmatic framework for evaluating co-design.