Human airway smooth muscle maintain in situ cell orientation and phenotype when cultured on aligned electrospun scaffolds
Journal Article
Morris, G., Bridge, J., Eltboli, O., Lewis, M., Knox, A., Aylott, J. W., Brightling, C., Ghaemmaghami, A., & Rose, F. R. (2014). Human airway smooth muscle maintain in situ cell orientation and phenotype when cultured on aligned electrospun scaffolds. AJP - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 307(1), Article L38-L47.
Human airway smooth muscle (HASM) contraction plays a central role in regulating airway resistance in both healthy and asthmatic bronchioles. In vitro studies that investigate the intricate mechanisms that regulate this contractile process are predom... Read More about Human airway smooth muscle maintain in situ cell orientation and phenotype when cultured on aligned electrospun scaffolds.