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Professor Stephen Coombes' Outputs (92)

Understanding cardiac alternans: a piecewise linear modeling framework (2010)
Journal Article
Thul, R., & Coombes, S. (2010). Understanding cardiac alternans: a piecewise linear modeling framework. Chaos, 20,

Cardiac alternans is a beat-to-beat alternation in action potential duration (APD) and intracellular calcium (Ca²⁺) cycling seen in cardiac myocytes under rapid pacing that is believed to be a precursor to fibrillation. The cellular mechanisms of the... Read More about Understanding cardiac alternans: a piecewise linear modeling framework.

Delays in activity-based neural networks (2009)
Journal Article
Coombes, S., & Laing, C. (2009). Delays in activity-based neural networks. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 367(1891), 1117-1129.

In this paper, we study the effect of two distinct discrete delays on the dynamics of a Wilson-Cowan neural network. This activity-based model describes the dynamics of synaptically interacting excitatory and inhibitory neuronal populations. We discu... Read More about Delays in activity-based neural networks.

Mode locking in a spatially extended neuron model: Active soma and compartmental tree (2009)
Journal Article
Svensson, C. M., Svensson, C.-M., & Coombes, S. (2009). Mode locking in a spatially extended neuron model: Active soma and compartmental tree. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 19(8), 2597-2607.

Understanding the mode-locked response of excitable systems to periodic forcing has important applications in neuroscience. For example, it is known that spatially extended place cells in the hippocampus are driven by the theta rhythm to generate a c... Read More about Mode locking in a spatially extended neuron model: Active soma and compartmental tree.

Gap Junctions and Emergent Rhythms (2009)
Book Chapter
Coombes, S., & Zachariou, M. (2009). Gap Junctions and Emergent Rhythms. In J. Rubin, K. Josic, M. Matias, & R. Romo (Eds.), Coherent Behavior in Neuronal Networks. Springer

Gap junction coupling is ubiquitous in the brain, particularly between the dendritic trees of inhibitory interneurons. Such direct non-synaptic interaction allows for direct electrical communication between cells. Unlike spike-time driven synaptic ne... Read More about Gap Junctions and Emergent Rhythms.

Sensitisation waves in a bidomain fire-diffuse-fire model of intracellular Ca²⁺ dynamics (2009)
Journal Article
Thul, R., Coombes, S., & Smith, G. (2009). Sensitisation waves in a bidomain fire-diffuse-fire model of intracellular Ca²⁺ dynamics. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 238,

We present a bidomain threshold model of intracellular calcium (Ca²⁺) dynamics in which, as suggested by recent experiments, the cytosolic threshold for Ca²⁺ liberation is modulated by the Ca²⁺ concentration in the releasing compartment. We explicitl... Read More about Sensitisation waves in a bidomain fire-diffuse-fire model of intracellular Ca²⁺ dynamics.

Instabilities in threshold-diffusion equations with delay (2008)
Journal Article
Laing, C. R., & Coombes, S. (2009). Instabilities in threshold-diffusion equations with delay. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 238(3), 264-272.

The introduction of delays into ordinary or partial differential equation models is well known to facilitate the production of rich dynamics, ranging from periodic solutions through to spatio-temporal chaos. In this paper, we consider a class of scal... Read More about Instabilities in threshold-diffusion equations with delay.

Neuronal networks with gap junctions: A study of piece-wise linear planar neuron models (2008)
Journal Article
Coombes, S. (2008). Neuronal networks with gap junctions: A study of piece-wise linear planar neuron models. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 7(3), 1101–1129.

The presence of gap junction coupling among neurons of the central nervous systems has been appreciated for some time now. In recent years there has been an upsurge of interest from the mathematical community in understanding the contribution of the... Read More about Neuronal networks with gap junctions: A study of piece-wise linear planar neuron models.

Sensory gating and its modulation by cannabinoids: electrophysiological, computational and mathematical analysis (2008)
Journal Article
Zachariou, M., Dissanayake, D. W. N., Coombes, S., Owen, M. R., & Mason, R. (in press). Sensory gating and its modulation by cannabinoids: electrophysiological, computational and mathematical analysis. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2,

Gating of sensory information can be assessed using an auditory conditioning-test paradigm which measures the reduction in the auditory evoked response to a test stimulus following an initial conditioning stimulus. Recording brainwaves from specific... Read More about Sensory gating and its modulation by cannabinoids: electrophysiological, computational and mathematical analysis.

Democratization in a passive dendritic tree: An analytical investigation (2008)
Journal Article
Timofeeva, Y., Cox, S. J., Coombes, S., & Josic, K. (2008). Democratization in a passive dendritic tree: An analytical investigation. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 25(2), 228-244.

One way to achieve amplification of distal synaptic inputs on a dendritic tree is to scale the amplitude and/or duration of the synaptic conductance with its distance from the soma. This is an example of what is often referred to as "dendritic democr... Read More about Democratization in a passive dendritic tree: An analytical investigation.

Modeling electrocortical activity through improved local approximations of integral neural field equations (2007)
Journal Article
Coombes, S., Venkov, N., Shiau, L., Bojak, I., Liley, D., & Laing, C. (2007). Modeling electrocortical activity through improved local approximations of integral neural field equations. Physical Review E, 76(5),

Neural field models of firing rate activity typically take the form of integral equations with space-dependent axonal delays. Under natural assumptions on the synaptic connectivity we show how one can derive an equivalent partial differential equatio... Read More about Modeling electrocortical activity through improved local approximations of integral neural field equations.

Bumps and rings in a two-dimensional neural field: splitting and rotational instabilities (2007)
Journal Article
Owen, M. R., Laing, C., & Coombes, S. (2007). Bumps and rings in a two-dimensional neural field: splitting and rotational instabilities. New Journal of Physics, 9(378),

In this paper we consider instabilities of localised solutions in planar neural field firing rate models of Wilson-Cowan or Amari type. Importantly we show that angular perturbations can destabilise spatially localised solutions. For a scalar model... Read More about Bumps and rings in a two-dimensional neural field: splitting and rotational instabilities.

A bidomain threshold model of propagating calcium waves (2007)
Journal Article
Thul, R., Smith, G., & Coombes, S. (2008). A bidomain threshold model of propagating calcium waves. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 56(4),

We present a bidomain fire-diffuse-fire model that facilitates mathematical analysis of propagating waves of elevated intracellular calcium (Ca) in living cells. Modelling Ca release as a threshold process allows the explicit construction of travell... Read More about A bidomain threshold model of propagating calcium waves.

Dynamic instabilities in scalar neural field equations with space-dependent delays (2007)
Journal Article
Venkov, N., Coombes, S., & Matthews, P. (2007). Dynamic instabilities in scalar neural field equations with space-dependent delays. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 232(1), 1-15.

In this paper we consider a class of scalar integral equations with a form of space-dependent delay. These nonlocal models arise naturally when modelling neural tissue with active axons and passive dendrites. Such systems are known to support a dynam... Read More about Dynamic instabilities in scalar neural field equations with space-dependent delays.

Branching dendrites with resonant membrane: a "sum-over-trips" approach (2007)
Journal Article
Coombes, S., Timofeeva, Y., Svennson, C.-M., Lord, G., Josic, K., Cox, S. J., & Colbert, C. (2007). Branching dendrites with resonant membrane: a "sum-over-trips" approach. Biological Cybernetics, 97(2),

Dendrites form the major components of neurons. They are complex branching structures that receive and process thousands of synaptic inputs from other neurons. It is well known that dendritic morphology plays an important role in the function of dend... Read More about Branching dendrites with resonant membrane: a "sum-over-trips" approach.

Exotic dynamics in a firing rate model of neural tissue with threshold accommodation (2007)
Journal Article
Coombes, S., & Owen, M. R. (2007). Exotic dynamics in a firing rate model of neural tissue with threshold accommodation.

Many of the equations describing the dynamics of neural systems are written in terms of firing rate functions, which themselves are often taken to be threshold functions of synaptic activity. Dating back to work by Hill in 1936 it has been recognize... Read More about Exotic dynamics in a firing rate model of neural tissue with threshold accommodation.

Calcium oscillations (2007)
Book Chapter
Thul, R., Bellamy, T., Roderick, L., Bootman, M., & Coombes, S. (2007). Calcium oscillations. In M. Maroto, & N. Monk (Eds.), Cellular Oscillatory Mechanisms. Springer

Changes in cellular calcium concentration control a wide range of physiological processes, from the subsecond release of synaptic neurotransmitters, to the regulation of gene expression over months or years. Calcium can also trigger cell death throu... Read More about Calcium oscillations.

The role of cannabinoids in the neurobiology of sensory gating: a firing rate model study (2006)
Journal Article
Zachariou, M., Dissanayake, D., Owen, M. R., Mason, R., & Coombes, S. The role of cannabinoids in the neurobiology of sensory gating: a firing rate model study. Neurocomputing, 70(10/12),

Gating of sensory (e.g. auditory) information has been demonstrated as a reduction in the auditory-evoked potential responses recorded in the brain of both normal animals and human subjects. Auditory gating is perturbed in schizophrenic patients and... Read More about The role of cannabinoids in the neurobiology of sensory gating: a firing rate model study.

Spatio-temporal filtering properties of a dendritic cable with active spines: A modeling study in the spike-diffuse-spike framework (2006)
Journal Article
Timofeeva, Y., Lord, G., & Coombes, S. (2006). Spatio-temporal filtering properties of a dendritic cable with active spines: A modeling study in the spike-diffuse-spike framework. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 21(3), 293-306.

The spike-diffuse-spike (SDS) model describes a passive dendritic tree with active dendritic spines. Spine-head dynamics is modeled with a simple integrate-and-fire process, whilst communication between spines is mediated by the cable equation. In th... Read More about Spatio-temporal filtering properties of a dendritic cable with active spines: A modeling study in the spike-diffuse-spike framework.

Mode locking in a periodically forced "ghostbursting" neuron model (2005)
Journal Article
Laing, C. R., & Coombes, S. (2005). Mode locking in a periodically forced "ghostbursting" neuron model. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 15(4), 1433-1444.

We study a minimal integrate-and-fire based model of a " ghostbursting" neuron under periodic stimulation. These neurons are involved in sensory processing in weakly electric fish. There exist regions in parameter space in which the model neuron is m... Read More about Mode locking in a periodically forced "ghostbursting" neuron model.