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Professor CATRIN EVANS's Outputs (2)

Opt-in HIV testing in construction workplaces: an exploration of its suitability, using the socioecological framework (2022)
Journal Article
Somerset, S., Jones, W., Evans, C., Cirelli, C., Mbang, D., & Blake, H. (2022). Opt-in HIV testing in construction workplaces: an exploration of its suitability, using the socioecological framework. BMC Public Health, 22(1), Article 1409.

Background: Late diagnosis of HIV remains a challenge, despite improved testing and treatment. Testing is often targeted at high-risk groups; workplace events might normalise testing and allow access to a wider population. The construction workforce... Read More about Opt-in HIV testing in construction workplaces: an exploration of its suitability, using the socioecological framework.

Mobile phone messaging to promote uptake of HIV testing among migrant African communities in the UK (2018)
Journal Article
Evans, C., Suggs, L. S., Turner, K., Occa, A., Juma, A., & Blake, H. (2018). Mobile phone messaging to promote uptake of HIV testing among migrant African communities in the UK. Health Education Journal,

Background: In the UK, African communities are a focus of public health efforts to increase uptake of HIV testing. Mobile phone interventions may be an innovative way of reaching migrant groups who are known to face multiple obstacles in accessing ma... Read More about Mobile phone messaging to promote uptake of HIV testing among migrant African communities in the UK.