Reduced fetal movement intervention Trial-2 (ReMIT-2): protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial of standard care informed by the result of a placental growth factor (PlGF) blood test versus standard care alone in women presenting with reduced fetal movement at or after 36+ 0 weeks gestation
Journal Article
Armstrong-Buisseret, L., Mitchell, E., Hepburn, T., Duley, L., Thornton, J. G., Roberts, T. E., Storey, C., Smyth, R., & Heazell, A. E. P. (2018). Reduced fetal movement intervention Trial-2 (ReMIT-2): protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial of standard care informed by the result of a placental growth factor (PlGF) blood test versus standard care alone in women presenting with reduced fetal movement at or after 36+ 0 weeks gestation. Trials, 19, 1-13.
Forty percent of babies who are stillborn born die after 36 weeks gestation and have no lethal structural abnormality. Maternal perception of reduced fetal movement (RFM) is associated with stillbirth and is related to abnormal placental...
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