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Dr Alexander Tarr's Outputs (5)

Novel functional hepatitis C virus glycoprotein isolates identified using an optimized viral pseudotype entry assay (2016)
Journal Article
Urbanowicz, R. A., McClure, C. P., King, B., Mason, C. P., Ball, J. K., & Tarr, A. W. (2016). Novel functional hepatitis C virus glycoprotein isolates identified using an optimized viral pseudotype entry assay. Journal of General Virology, 97(9), 2265-2279.

Retrovirus pseudotypes are a highly tractable model used to study the entry pathways of enveloped viruses. This model has been extensively applied to the study of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) entry pathway, pre-clinical screening of antiviral antibodi... Read More about Novel functional hepatitis C virus glycoprotein isolates identified using an optimized viral pseudotype entry assay.

High resolution sequencing of hepatitis C virus reveals limited intra-hepatic compartmentalization in end-stage liver disease (2016)
Journal Article
Hedegaard, D. L., Tully, D. C., Rowe, I. A., Reynolds, G. M., Bean, D. J., Hu, K., Davis, C., Wilhelm, A., Ogilvie, C. B., Power, K. A., Tarr, A. W., Kelly, D., Allen, T. M., Balfe, P., & McKeating, J. A. (2017). High resolution sequencing of hepatitis C virus reveals limited intra-hepatic compartmentalization in end-stage liver disease. Journal of Hepatology, 66(1), 28-38.

Background & Aims

The high replication and mutation rate of hepatitis C virus (HCV) results in a heterogeneous population of viral sequences in vivo. HCV replicates in the liver and infected hepatocytes occur as foci surrounded by uninfected cells... Read More about High resolution sequencing of hepatitis C virus reveals limited intra-hepatic compartmentalization in end-stage liver disease.

Flexible and rapid construction of viral chimeras applied to hepatitis C virus (2016)
Journal Article
McClure, P. C., Urbanowicz, R. A., King, B. J., Cano-Crespo, S., Tarr, A. W., & Ball, J. K. (2016). Flexible and rapid construction of viral chimeras applied to hepatitis C virus. Journal of General Virology, 97(9), 2187-2193.

A novel and broadly applicable strategy combining site directed mutagenesis and DNA assembly for constructing seamless viral chimeras is described using Hepatitis C Virus as an exemplar. Full-length HCV genomic cloning cassettes, which contained flex... Read More about Flexible and rapid construction of viral chimeras applied to hepatitis C virus.

Hepatitis C virus quasispecies and pseudotype analysis from acute infection to chronicity in HIV-1 co-infected individuals (2016)
Journal Article
Ferns, R. B., Tarr, A. W., Hue, S., Urbanowicz, R. A., McClure, C. P., Gilson, R., Ball, J. K., Nastouli, E., Garson, J. A., & Pillay, D. (2016). Hepatitis C virus quasispecies and pseudotype analysis from acute infection to chronicity in HIV-1 co-infected individuals. Virology, 492, 213-224.

HIV-1 infected patients who acquire HCV infection have higher rates of chronicity and liver disease progression than patients with HCV mono-infection. Understanding early events in this pathogenic process is important. We applied single genome sequen... Read More about Hepatitis C virus quasispecies and pseudotype analysis from acute infection to chronicity in HIV-1 co-infected individuals.

Technical considerations for the generation of novel pseudotyped viruses (2016)
Journal Article
King, B., Temperton, N., Grehan, K., Scott, S. D., Wright, E., Tarr, A. W., & Daly, J. M. (2016). Technical considerations for the generation of novel pseudotyped viruses. Future Virology, 11(1),

A pseudotyped virus (PV) is a virus particle with an envelope protein originating from a different virus. The ability to dictate which envelope proteins are expressed on the surface has made pseudotyping an important tool for basic virological studie... Read More about Technical considerations for the generation of novel pseudotyped viruses.